Chapter 16

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the song>> btw Anais' name is pronounced (ANNE-I-EES) for anyone who didn't know 🥰
Anais Jones
My alarm was going off loud as hell. I could barely move and I was sweating sum serious. Wiping my face, I covered my eyes from the bright ass sun beaming through my windows.

When my eyes adjusted to the light in the room and I was fully awake, I had realized Milos big ass was passed out at the foot of my bed. Just sleep. Thumb in his mouth and everything.

"Man what the fuck." I mumbled.

Turning off my alarm, I finally got a glimpse of the time.

It was 10:03.

"FUCK!" I shouted. Then I realized my music was still on and everything.

I immediately got up from my bed, turning my beats pill off.

"Okay. Okay. Okay." I huffed, trying to calm down.

I looked down at my self. I was fully dressed. So I ain't fuck nobody thank God. I remembered a little bit from last night. Me and Milo were smoking, we was fuckin dancing like we were at prom or some shit then I think I kissed him.

I took a deep breath rubbing the sleep out of my eyes then took a seat on one of my chairs. I stared at Milo across the room from me.

I ain't know what I was feeling or what I was on last night. I couldn't come to terms with my feelings. I was just confused all together. Jared kind of fucked me up but it didn't hurt me as bad or even at all.

Now I feel like it was maybe cause I had Milo behind me the whole time. But something bout the way Milo was acting towards me yesterday had me kind of attracted to him for the first time. It was weird. But I wasn't gone act on anything. Had to get to know him.

Walking up to him, I shook him awake.

"Milo wake up." I yawned. 

He didn't even budge. He was knocked. I sucked my teeth.

"Milooo." I huffed, shaking him awake.

The first thing he seen was my face and of course the bright ass light shining in his face.

"Aight I'm up. I'm up." He yawned, waving me off and falling right back asleep.

"Oh my fucking God." I groaned. "You big ass nigga wake up damn it."

He let out a small snore and that's when I had it.

"Wake up my nigga!" I shouted, slapping him on the back.

"Fuck! Chill out! I said I was up shawty." He shouted, sitting up from the bed.

Startled I stood back from him watching as he got up.

"My bad." I whispered.

"You good, you good." He said waving me off.

He rubbed his face and eyes, stretching his entire body out.

"I ain't slept like that in a long ass time." He yawned.

"Them weed comas will deadass do that to you." I laughed.

"You right." He nodded, getting up from the bed and leaving my room. I ain't know where he thought he was going but I still followed him.

"You know we late for school right. We might as well not even go." I shrugged, following him down my hallway.

"Damn what time is it?" He asked.

Before I could answer, he answered himself.

"10:07. Yikes." He chuckled.

HEXED|| URBAN (CB)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora