Chapter 17

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Harrison spent the month after the Christmas holidays studying twice as hard as he normally did. Every night when his friends went to bed he would pull out a book on an advanced subject or the Dark Arts and read early into the morning. Sometimes he would go into the common room once everyone was asleep and practice the spells both with his wand and without. He never had a problem with learning magic meant for kids years older but there was one spell he couldn't get to work for him no matter what he tried. Every time he tried to banish something the object would only move a couple feet. It didn't make any sense to him since he was an expert at the summoning charm and he'd been vanishing objects since he was ten.

The banishing charm was only a fourth year spell and he could perform seventh year spells without a problem. After two dozen failed attempts one night Harrison cast a powerful reducto at the book he'd been trying to banish and the book as well as the table it was sitting on exploded into hundreds of shards. He quickly threw up a protego as the wood came soaring towards him. He scowled as he cast a reparo and flung himself onto the couch. He was glad his father wasn't there to see him act like a sulky child.

He twirled his wand with his hand and glared at the book in front of him. After five minutes of brooding he pulled out a quill and parchment. He had received a letter from Luna that morning and decided he had nothing better to do so he might at well reply.

Dear Luna,

Aunt Bella told me that your training is going better than she expected, and believe me when I say that from her that's high praise. I'm glad to hear you've been spending all of your free time studying and delving into beginning Dark Arts. Don't worry if you can't get the spells on your first go, most people can't get the Dark Arts to work for them until their thirteen or fourteen.

I'm fine no thanks to that fool Ronald Weasley. Today in Potions he forgot to take his cauldron off the fire before adding the essence of treelap and his cauldron exploded. His potion covered everyone in a repulsive purple goo, everyone needed to be taken to the hospital wing. I could've cursed myself for not casting a shield in time but I couldn't get to my wand in time and I don't want the Gryffindors to know I can perform wandless magic.

I'm becoming closer to Neville, Hermione and Susan. Out of all the new friends I've made I'm the closest with those three. Neville is coming out of his shell more, thank Salazar. I don't know how much longer I would be in the mood to always be on my guard in Potions. He's still nervous but not as much as before, he's calm enough that I don't need to watch his every move to make sure our cauldron doesn't explode. Hermione is still as bookish as ever but she's beginning to lighten up much to Draco's relief. He still doesn't like her of course but when she's not acting like a know it all Draco can at least stand her presence. Susan hasn't changed since I've met her but she's gotten closer to the girls since the beginning of the year, especially Jenna.

Continue to do your best in lessons, father won't be happy if you aren't up to par.

Your friend,


Harrison re-read the letter he wrote before folding it. He didn't know why he was telling her things about his friends but his instincts told him too. He felt as though his magic was telling him to tell her certain things so that's what he did, his instincts hadn't led him wrong before.

Luna woke up and pulled her curtains from around her bed. She looked at her night stand and saw a letter with her name on it, she recognized Harrison's hand writing. She read the letter as she walked over to her fireplace. She smiled at the words 'your friend' before throwing the letter into the fire. Tom had told her to always burn letters after reading them no matter what the contents were.

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