Chapter 93

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"Have you any news regarding the Tonks girl?" Tom asked.

"Yes, my Lord," Severus replied. "Dumbledore escorted her personally to her parents home two days ago, myself, along with the Order were informed today. She will be staying under their care throughout her recovery."

Severus spared Bellatrix a glance, a twisted smile played on her lips. She was no doubt thinking about who in the dungeons would feel her wrath next.

Severus knew Bellatrix had been furious that the Dark Lord let her neice go even though she knew his plan. She had wanted to kill the girl slowly, but the Dark Lord of course was more interested in breaking her slowly. 'Break her mind, and she will beg you for death.' Bellatrix calmed down after a promise that she could be the one to deliver the spell that killed young Nymphadora.

"Yes," Tom said. "Parents will do anything for their children." Tom looked at a photograph that sat on the corner of his desk. Severus knew it was of Harrison when he was a young boy. Tom tapped his long fingers against his desk. "On to other matters. Bellatrix, am I to assume everything is ready?"

"Yes," Bellatrix replied. Excitement shining in her eyes. "Everything is prepared, I gave the orders myself."

"Excellent," Tom murmured. "I must write to Harrison, he must be prepared."

"And the others?" Bellatrix inquired. Severus knew she was really asking about her children.

"Harrison will have orders on who to tell," Tom replied. "The less who know the better. I will not trust children with a secret such as this. My plan must go according to plan."

"Of course, my Lord," Bellatrix said quickly. For a fleeting moment Severus could've sworn he saw Bellatrix' eyes flash black. "I always did love Halloween."

"Have any of you noticed how odd Weasley and his minions have been acting lately?" Daphne asked.

"As opposed to how normal they usually act?" Draco drawled, not bothering to look up from his porridge.

"I'm serious," Daphne said. "I was talking to Anastasia earlier, and she said she saw them in the library. More than once, and they were reading."

Harrison looked up from the letter his father had sent him. He folded it and placed in his his pocket.

"That is odd," Harrison mused.

"I didn't think they even knew where it was," Draco added. "They're certainly stupid enough for me to believe they've never step foot in there."

"They haven't tried to antagonize us either," Blaise said.

"They're up to something," Daphne said. "They have to be."

Harrison would bet his trust vault that Daphne was right. It had been about two weeks since they received their punishment, and they'd been acting strangely almost that entire time. The three ignored them in class, even though it was obvious they wanted to say something. After all, Ronald was awful at hiding his emotions. A few days prior, Draco insulted Ron, and he moved like he was going to reach for his wand when Dean grabbed his arm. A look had passed between them, but Harrison hadn't given it much thought. He had just assumed Dean had wised up, and didn't want to lose anymore house points. Gryffindor house still hadn't forgiven them. But if they're up to something, he was going to find out.

"I'll have a little chat with the resident pranksters," Harrison said. "They'll figure it out."

"You don't want to do it yourself?" Blaise asked surprised.

"There must be something in the pumpkin juice, first the weasel, and now you," Leo said.

Harrison's hand settled on the letter in his pocket. "I have something more important to take care of." He had to stop himself from frowning as he looked at Blaise. What was his father up to?

***The darkness was broken up by flashes of light. Spells flew through the air like owls delivering the morning post. Screams of pain, so horrifying they made you want to claw your ears out echoed around the field. The scent of death hung in the air, and blood flowed like a river down a set of old rickety steps

A man, one who would've been handsome if not for the lines on his face and hollow eyes that jutted out, slashed his arm in a V shaped pattern. A sickly yellow spell flew through the air, and a woman, her face contorted in fury deflected it.

"I've waited twelve long years for this," the man yelled. Spell after spell flew from his wand, faster and more deadly than the ones before.

The woman sent spells just as fast, as her hair flew all around her like a halo.

"No!" A blood curling scream rang out and the man turned his head slightly to the side. The woman grinned and sent a curse of death his way. The man dodged just in time, the spell blasted a tree to bits. The man threw spells faster and faster, and finally he hit his mark. The woman stumbled back as a jet of purple crashed into her stomach.

The man smiled, as the woman grabbed her stomach with one hand and looked up in pure hatred and disbelief. The man's smile quickly vanished when spells came flying at him from two dierections.

Suddenly, the scene changed. It was the same place, but now no one was there. Silence echoed louder than any scream. A petite blonde girl walked slowly, her eyes scanning her surroundings. It was peaceful and quiet. Too quite. Suddenly the ground at her feet exploded, she tried to move, but her limbs wouldn't listen to her brain. A pale arm, covered in dried blood burst through the ground, and latched onto her arm. The girl hissed in pain. The smell of burnt flesh filled her nose and wisps of white smoke rose from her skin.***

Luna woke with a start. Sweat soaked her entire body, gluing her hair to her neck and face. She fumbled for her wand, and cast a ball of light. She looked down at her arm and froze. A giant handprint was burned into her flesh.

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