S2:C20; Envelope

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*** QUICK PSA ***

Any [RR's] comments that spoil anything will be deleted immediately. Stop ruining the story for others; it's a piece of shit move. That being said,

I hope you enjoyyyy!!!


I woke up to a machine beeping. Heart rate monitor. Bright lights poured into my squinted eyes like a bucket dipped under water, and a small whine escaped my lips when I'd felt an intense hot pain along my ribs. Carefully, I ran my fingers over them and the pain that I'd inflicted on myself was enough to make me puke. Literally.

"Oh! Are you alright?!" A nurse asked me softly, patting my back as I leaned over the right side of my hospital bed. "Where's Giorgi," I mumbled, sitting back up as I wiped my mouth. "The man you came in here with," the nurse questioned. I nodded and carried my blurry eyes to look at the woman, and I screamed when I saw Tammy's blurry silhouette to my left. "NO! YOU LOST! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO LEAVE US ALONE! HOW DID YOU EVEN GET HERE?! YOU—"

"Cameron," Giorgi's groggy voice suddenly called from a bit of a distance away. I quickly moved to get up and follow his deep speech, but Tammy grabbed me and held me down before I could get onto my feet. I sobbed when a couple of other doctors assisted her in restraining me, and wished for Giorgi to save me. "No~," I whined, tears sliding down my face as I'd felt too weak to move. "I won fair and square..."

"Baby," my boyfriend suddenly sounded right next to me. I turned my head to my right and bawled when I saw him reaching out for my hand, and I immediately intertwined our fingers. "That's not Tammy. She's gone, Cam."

"What? But..." I glanced at the brunette woman's face again, but my eyes were still no good. They remained fuzzy and continued to fool me into believing that the woman beside me was Tammy in scrubs. So, I looked back over at Giorgi and asked: "Where is she?"

"Police found her car smashed into a highway divider," the Greek man sighed. "They said she died upon impact."

"Died in a car crash...?" I mumbled. My boyfriend nodded and squeezed my hand. Lola crashed her car when Giorgi ended things with her. It was almost suicide by car crash, but her doctors were able to save her life.
She did it to make him feel bad... Is this Tammy's distorted parody? Actual suicide by car crash to make me feel sorry? ...Huh. Well, I don't feel remorseful at all. I only feel more annoyed.

"I'm sorry," I apologized to my boyfriend. Because she took her own life... "You don't get the justice you deserve."

He sighed heavily and shrugged. "Oh, well. It's fine. I'm just glad that you're safe," he said softly.

"I'm so glad you're safe," I mewled, letting go of his hand to stroke his cheek. "I was so scared that I'd lose you... You were bleeding so much."

"Yeah, it's a good thing you guys came when you did," the nurse chimed in. "Doctors said that if you had arrived two minutes later, things might not have ended so good. Luckily, they were able to help you both just in time. I mean, the blood loss was great so you both fell into a deep unconscious state, but you're both A-okay."

"Deep unconscious states... We were in comas?" I clarified.

"Yup. Giorgi fell into a three day slumber, and you, Cameron, have been out for five days. Welcome back!" The nurse beamed. "I'm your nurse, Polly, by the way."

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