Ross & ... Laura

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^Laura is lying on her bed and Ross comes into their room. He lies down next to Laura^
Ross: Everything okay, babe?
Laura: Yea, sure.
Ross: You haven't talk to me aaall day.
Laura: Yea?
Ross: Are you mad to me?
Laura: Kinda. You are so busy with your working so you can't be... Busy with me...
Ross: Awww, I'm sorry sweetie. I know I've lots of work but hey, we're alone right now. ^smiles^
Laura: No Ross... I don't feel like I wanna make out with you now.
Ross: Laura, wait what? What's wrong? And now tell me.
Laura: Cavin called me and he said he wants to meet me some today. He has broke up with her girlfriend and that same stalking might start again and you aren't with me all the time.
Ross: Soooo you wanna be safe in my arms?
Laura: Yes, kinda.
Ross: Works for me.
^Laura and Ross laughs^
Ross: Remember when we were younger and you told me the best advice ever?
Laura: No...
Ross: "The reason why I'm with you is that cuz I love you. We might be together all the time but it doesn't mean I don't love you. Your have to just face it and be little bit alone" I'll always remember that cuz it helped me over you and Cavin. It really hurt me when I saw you two kissing and hugging. I always thought how awesome it would be if I'd be him. Then someday it just happend, we're together and we have made out. Laura, you were the first person who I made out with.
Laura: And I said that advice as a friend. Ross, I didn't have no idea. That's so sweet.
Ross: ^smiles^ I love you.
Laura: ^smiles^ love you too.
Ross: Soooo, you don't wanna make out with me?
Laura: Bea is in Riker's room. That's why.
Ross: Oh, okay.
Laura: It's just so great that they found love in each other. They kissed after talking for 40 minutes.
Ross: Yeah. I'm just wondering, have they ever, like, been like us sometimes?
Laura: Bea told me that they were in Riker's room and they kissed,
and slept together.
Ross: Really? When?
Laura: After talking for 50 minutes...
Ross: Gosh!
Laura: I know right. I afraid they broke up soon cuz their relationship has take long steps too fast.
Ross: Yeah, I wish that will never happen. Riker was sooo sad when a girl dumbed him on 8th grade.
Laura: I just want them to be happy like us.
Ross: Yeah. You're so cute when you act you are mad to me. ^smiles^
Laura: I'm little bit mad to you. ^smiles^ but I think how you can make it up.
Ross: Wellllll?
Laura: We could spend time tonight. Just two of us. We should watch a movie.
Ross: Yeah... We have tomorrow a concert so I could sing a song to you...
Laura: What song? ^smiles and turns her head. She's looking at Ross^
Ross: If I Can't Be With You. ^smiles^
Laura: That'd be really nice... ^smiles and kisses Ross to cheek^ I wanna go to karaoke night with you and Rydel, Riker, Rocky and Ell.
Ross: Oh yeah me too. ^smiles^ I can start already. I'll spoil you up!
^Ross goes into the kitchen^
Ross: Hey mom. Laura's kinda mad to me so I'll spoil her today. Can you help me?
Stormie: Hey, hey, hey, wait. Why she's mad to you?
Ross: I haven't give her much attention lately and I've been too busy with works and I haven't been busy with her.
Stormie: Wait, what? Busy with her? ^laughs^
Ross: I meant I need to be with her more. Like, she's my girlfriend and whatever.

In the evening.
^Raura and Rydellington, Riker and Rocky are at the karaoke bar. They are choosing songs^
Rydel: We'll sing "The Song For Ya", Ell.
Ell: Sure.
Ross: Laura?
Laura: Uhhh... How 'bout "If I can't Be With You".
Ross: Works for me. We're next. ^smiles^
Rydel: Then are me and Ell.
^The song what some dudes are singing ends.^
Ross: Laura, let's go.
^Ross and Laura goes on the stage and they start singing^
Rydel: Aww, their chemistry is sooo obvious.
Riker: Yeah, but at the moment it's not 100 prosently perfect.
Rocky: Yea, I talked with Laura and she said that she's kinda done with having a boyfriend who only works and don't give any attention to her.
Rydel: Oh Laura. Ross really works way too much.
Ell: Our tour starts in 6months. We have only time. I know Ross has this Austin and Ally thing too but like, we should go to Florida and spend some time together.
Rydel: Yeah! Florida and all those dudes.
Ell: ^coughs^ Rydellington.
Rydel: Oh yeah, but Florida... ^smiles^
Riker: That really is a good idea. What do you thing Rocky?
Rocky: ^high fives with Rydel^ Florida, it is!
Rydel: Whohoo! Good Ell. Once again you make me sure about my choise to choose you.
Ell: Tehehe.
^Ross and Laura stops singing and they come to the table. Rydellington goes on the stage and they start singing^
Riker: Guess what! We're going to Florida!
Laura: ^gets excited^ Oh my goodness!!! That's sooo awesome!
Ross: Really! Cool! Florida and all those chicks...
Laura: ^coughs^ Raura.
Ross: Oh yeah.
Rocky: Rydel and Ross freaks me out. It's like Rydel is talking through Ross...
Riker: Yeah. Ell and Laura freaks me even more...
^they laugh^

At home, in the morning.
^Riker, Rocky, Rydellington, Raura and Stormie are sitting at the dinning table and planning the Florida trip^
Stormie: I've to ask does RyRy even wanna come. We don't have room to Sav, so it's also Ry comes or stays.
Riker: How 'bout Bea?
Stormie: Sorry Riker, we don't have any room to her. Laura's have to sleep in Ross's bunk.
Laura: Okay.
Rydel: Mom, I know our tour doesn't start any faster after askin' this but... When does our tour start so the bigger tourbus comes?
Stormie: It comes earlier than your tour starts. In that tourbus, Laura has a own bunk, there's hot tub to all of us, Bea can come over anytime she wants.
^smiles^ but guys, so we have hotel, we have rooms in it too, already, now we just have to pack so we're ready by tomorrow.

Next day!
^in a tourbus. They are driving to Florida. Laura is draving onto Ross's hand, in the "living room"^
Ross: Hey, hey! Write "RLL".
Laura: Sure. ^writes it^ and that means?
Ross: Ross Loves Laura. ^smiles^ Then write "Laura's bae af"
Laura: ^laughs^ No I'll not!
Ross: pretty please?
Laura: K, k... ^writes and she also writes "LLRMTRLL -- Laura Loves Ross More Than Ross Loves Laura"^
Ross: Laura Loves Ross... Blaablaablaa, don't know what me- MORE THAN! Ross Loves Laura. That's not true.
Laura: Yes it is.
Rocky: ^lies on a couch^ ugh, I need a girlfriend! ^raises^ Laura give me the marker, please.
^Laura gives the marker to Rocky^
Rocky: ^Writes onto Ross's arm "Love is what it is, you can't choose it - Rocky" laughs^
Laura: That's cool!
^Stormie comes^
Stormie:Whoa, Ross's arm is full off, uh, words. ^laughs^ and letters.
^Laura takes another marker and draws a heart onto Ross's arm^
Stormie: ^takes a pic of Laura drawing onto Ross's arm. ---- and writes caption: "@/LAURAMARANO IS A REAL ARTIST💗 FEATURING ROCKY💗😂 NOTICE ROSS' SCARED FACE💗 RAURA💗 LAUCKY💗 ROSCKY💗 CUTIES💗 XOXOXO💗

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