From Milan to Rome

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^on the plane. They've just boarded their flight to Rome^
Ross: What do you say, let's fuck all day? ^smirks^ I have to try that!
Laura: ^smirks^ You're so adorable...
Ross: I'm gonna get us condoms if you get us chocolate.
Laura: Okay.
Ry: I don't wanna hear about your freaking sex plans.
Ross: Sorry, you will.
Ry: Sav and I will also do it tonight.
Ross: Is it illegal?
Laura: She's 16, which is the official age to have sex, and he's 18.
Ross: Great, bro. First time?
Ry: 5th. You?
Ross: 8th.
Laura: Ew, dude. You count? You're an idiot. ^smiles^
Ross: An idiot who you have done it 8th times. Is Sav good looking as naked?
Ry: Very! Laura?
Ross: E-...
Laura: She's nice, but if Mr. Lynch continues talking about sex to his little brother, Ms. Marano will take off to Riker.
Ross: ^smiles^ Okay.
Ry: When was your first time?
Ross: In Spain. Yours?
Ry: At home when mom and dad weren't there.
Ross: Where's Sav tho?
Ry: Went to get water.
Ross: Oh okay. I'm so jealous to you. Your room is sound proved.
Ry: Haha, how you'll do it then?
Ross: I put music on, TV on from living room and relaxing lounge and game corner. It's hella much noice.
Laura: I'm uncomfortable right now Ross...
Ry: By the way, is it true you made out on a biljard table in the basement.
Ross: Well kinda, but the balls were on my way-...
^Laura and Ryland laugh^
Ross: I mean the game balls. ^smirks^
Laura: Hey Ross, I'm gonna go over there. I really don't like this convo.
^Before Ross gets to say anything, Laura's gone^
Ross: Babe!

^in the hotel. They're at the check-in. The check-in lady's name is Andrea^
Andrea: A reservation with name Lynch.... Oh here! ^smiles^ Celebritieees, awesome! We keep sure no fan will find out your hotel rooms.
Mark: Thank you.
Andrea: Your rooms are 980, 981, 982, 983, 984 and 985. Here's your keys.
^everyone takes their keys^
Andrea: Any questions? ^smiles friendly^
Mark: Are the rooms sound proved?--- I mean, not asking for myself, for the youth.
Andrea: Extra. Every 9th floor rooms are sound proved. There shouldn't hear any noice.
Ross: Yass...
Mark: Okay, thank you. ^smiles^
^they go to lifts^
Laura: You got the chocolate?
Ross: Absolutelly. You got condoms?
Laura: Aha.
Ross: Great! ^smiles^
Mark: ^teases them^ What are you guys gonna do tonight?
Youth: Dhkkth... Kiihljvfsth.... Yrhhkk...
Mark: Just messing with you, don't tell.

^at Raura's room. They're making out in their bed, they're already naked^
Ross: Where are them?
Laura: You mean...?
Ross: Yeah...
Laura: Right here... ^gives the box to Ross^
Ross: ^opens the box^ You're ready?
Laura: ^smiles^ Yes.
^Suddently they get caught because moaning coming from Riker and Bea's room^
Ross: Oh c'mon...!?
Laura: Oh my god, that's Bea...
Ross: I don't wanna hear my brother having sex...
^Ross gets up and Rydel walks into their room^
Rydel: OH HELL NO! ^covers her eyes with her hands^
^Laura takes Ross's sweater to cover herself up and Ross takes a towel and puts it on his waist^
Laura: You can open up, Dells.
^Rydel opens her eyes^
Rydel: I was just going to tell you that can you moan a bit more quiet?
Ross: It's not us, it's Riker!
Riker: ^yells from the other side of the wall^ I think it's Ryland!
Laura: Okay!
Rydel: E-e-eeeeeww!
Laura: These should have been sound proved....
Rydel: I go get dad.
^Rydel goes out. Laura puts on her shorts and Ross's sweater. Ross puts on his shorts. They go to the check-in with Rydel and Mark^
Mark: Hi, um, 9th floor's rooms aren't sound proves as you said.
Andrea: Yeah, sorry. I meant, 10th floor's rooms are sound proves. You wanna trade?
Mark: Uh yes.

^in Raura's new room. They've got their clothes off again. They're making on their bed^
Ross: I lost the condom, give another one.
Laura: ^gives Ross a box of condoms^ Here.
^Ross opens the box and puts one on.... The rest of it is history...^

^next morning. Laura is in Ross's both arms. Laura has her underwears on but Ross is still naked^
Laura: Ross...
Ross: Yeah?
Laura: ^smirks^ I love your ass.
Ross: ^smiles^ I love yours... ^kisses Laura's head^ By the way, that last night... It was incredible. Thank you for making me the happiest man...
Laura: ^grinds^ You make me the happiest girl...
^Suddently Riker runs into their room^
Riker: Oh my freaking god!!!
Ross: What happened?
Riker: We all are gonna get a TV show!!!
Laura: OMG!
Riker: We others already thought the name, so what do you think of
Laura: R5!
Ross: Oh my god! It's great! Who'll produce it?
Riker: Hollywood Records just called us that we're gonna get a TV show. We don't have to cost aaaanything!
Laura: Oh my goodness! ^smiles^ When will the first episode be filmed?
Riker: Next time we're in LA, which is the day after tomorrow!! We're gonna tell about us on the first episode.
Laura: That's cool!
Riker: Anyway, we have a meeting in 30 minutes so be there.
^Riker takes off^
Ross: ^plays with Laura's fingers^ I'm gonna tell how much I looove you and how we're dating. ^grinds^
Laura: I'm gonna tell how much I love your ass!
^they laugh^

^at the meeting. It's in Rea's room^
Mark: What will the first eposose be about?
Riker: I think it should be like about our family and introdusing ourselves and others too, getting know how we live like, love.
Rydel: I like that.
Ross: How many episodes there will be?
Mark: They said 2 seasons, maybe more.
Ross: Okay....
Ell: But, the one episode will only last 30-40 minutes so we kinda have to cut out some material of the family episode. Y'know, like, the second episode would be about couples.
Rocky: That's true.
Mark: Hey! Laura, Alexa, Bea and Sav! They're equaly stars of this show! ^smiles^ What do you think.
Lex: Uh, I love the idea just filming us but there should be headshots. Like if we have a party or something, and Laura would find out Ross is still smoking -- ^her eyes get wide open^
Ross: Oh god...
Laura: Ross?
Ross: Alright.... Hey babe, I love so freaking much-
Laura: ^sarcasm^ You love me to lie to me, aww cute.
Ross: It's not that I smoke everyday...
Rocky: Dude, stop lying.
Laura: You smoke and you didn't tell me? You know I can't stand the smell or the people who smoke.
Ross: I'm sorry... Dave just gave me cigarettes and said I should smoke them away and well....
Laura: You idiot took them? I can't sit with you. Ugh, you discust me.
^Laura raises up and takes a seat next to Rydel^
Ross: I can stop it...
Laura: I'm not talking to you.
Ross: ^whispers^ when the box is empty...
Laura: You are one big asshole.
Ross: Hey! Atleast my ex leaves me alone!
Laura: Leave Calvin out of this! He didn't smoke behind my back! The worst thing is that you didn't even have need to tell me!
Ross: I was afraid of this! Everytime we just fight or argue! Last 3 weeks have been weird cause we haven't fighted! I know I have accidently cheated on you, kissed another girls cause they made me, slept with a girl cause I was drunk-...
Laura: Ross, you should've just say "I've cheated on you, kissed another girls, slept with Marie"! You have excuses to everything! It's embarrasing!
Ross: Oh yeah!? That's embarrasing? I'm gonna get you embarrased.
Laura: How?
Ross: Last Night. You pulled my hair as I was doing you really great-...
Laura: Ross, stop!
Ross: The sex was amazing! I think I still have the hickey you made on my V-line!
Laura: Ross, seriously...
Ross: God, you should really have rough sex like we did! Laura, would you show the hickey I made on your left bo-...
Laura: Ross, you're seriously going out of the line!
Mark: You two stop!! Ross, stop talking about your sex! And Laura... Well, ignore Ross, honey.
Ross: Honey? You taste like honey...
Stormie: Oh dear god...
Laura: I do? Great. You taste like cigarette!
Ross: Bitch please...
Laura: What did you call me!?!
Riker: This is going out of hands! STOP!
Laura: I will.
Ross: You couldn't stop moaning last night...
Laura: Stop trying to embarras me talking about our sex!! I'm like so close to come there and show you how much you pull my hair, do me hickeys and moan!
Ross: Well, come!
Laura: I would but you're such a dickhead!
Ry: Stop...
Rydel: Laura... You're bigger person that Ross is... Stop.
Ross: Rydel!? I'm- I'm out of here!
^Ross takes off^
Riker: Shall we continueee??


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