Together again

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^Rydel forced Laura to stay on tour with them and live in same home as them 'til the very end ((dead)) and she agreed. But Laura is still not sure how things will go with Ross. They all are eating breakfast^
Ross: Laura, do you want juice?
Laura: No.
Ross: Okay.
Laura: Hey Rocky, could you pass me the juice box?
Ross: Are you serious?
^Rocky passes the juice box to Laura^
Laura: I'm sorry I'm not talking to you.
Ross: You're talking to me right now.
Laura: Let me be mad to you!
Ross: No! You are still my girlfriend!
Laura: I'm not! I broke up with you! And you have a girlfriend!
Ross: No I don't have! I called Marie and told what's up!
Laura: Oh whatever, nothing will make it up that you slept with another girl!
Rydel: Guysss, can you just try to get along?
Laura: Yes, of course. ^smiles to Rydel^ anything to you.
Ross: I can, but she can't.
Laura: Alright dumbass, I just can't forgive it! G, Ross!
Ross: What can I do if you're such a bitch!
Laura: ^raises and goes to her bunk^ I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!
Rydel: Ross!? Are you happy!?
Ross: No...
^Stormie goes to Laura^
Riker: You've fucked up everything.
Ross: Fine, I get it. You all are on Laura's side!
Rydel: We are! You are so mean to her. Don't you see how sad she is? She broke up with you and saw an another girl in your bunk...

^In the "living room". Stormie is hugging Laura^
Laura: ^cries^ ...and when I got there my mom told me that my brother has broken arm...
Stormie: Oh you poorthing! I'm so so so so so sorryyy...
Laura: Thank you... But, so, I came here and I waited to hug Ross and cry agains his shoulder but here I'm as a single girl hugging with my ex-boyfriend's mom...
Stormie: First of all, I'm glad you decided to live with them even tho the situation is what it is, but don't you wanna be with Ross? He truely loves you...
Laura: I just can't forgive it that he slept with Marie...
Stormie: The first step of relationship is forgiving. If I was you, I would go there and apologize from Ross, even tho you haven't done anything.
Laura: Stormie, I love you, I really do, but what if Mark slept with somebody?
Stormie: I'd n-... Good point.
Laura: I trust my heart and it says not to fall in love with Ross 'til he does something major...My heart loves Ross but I don't.
^Stormie sees Ross behind Laura^
Stormie: Just one question, do YOU love Ross?
Laura: ........... I do...
Stormie: ^stops hugging Laura^ there was your answer...
^she goes away. Laura lead her face onto her arm on her knees. Ross comes to her^
Ross: I'm sorry...
Laura: Why?
Ross: Cuz Marie, what happend at the table and for your brother...
Laura: Everything is just falling a part...
Ross: Don't you know who freaking much I love you... I love you more than I love singing.
Laura: ^looks at Ross^ I'm sorry too...
^they hug quickly^
Laura: Friends?
Ross: .... What?
Laura: I can't forgive you what you did... I love you and everything, but I don't know can I trust you...
Ross: Laura...
Laura: ^sniffs^ I'm so sorry...
^Laura kisses Ross to cheek and goes away^

^After R5's concert in NY. They come to backstage^
Riker: Wellll?
Laura: It was amazing! ^smiles^
Rydel: ^smiles^ Awww! Thanks.
Ross: How did I do?
Laura: Great. Anyways, when does the tour bus take off to Miami?
Rocky: In 4 hours.
Laura: Okay.
^Ross and Laura go away but not together^
Rydel: I already miss their run hugs, hard kisses and smiles adter our show... It's like they are not the same anymore... They'll never be.
Ell: Don't you think that very soon they'll be a couple again?
Rydel: No, I don't. Laura's very mad and Ross can admit what he did! This is like nightmare, this all.
Riker: Wait! They're talking there!
^they watch them for while and then Ross comes to them^
Ross: I know what I have to do.
^Ross goes on stage and the fans start screaming^
Ross: Hi R5family one more time! I gotta do one thing what should be done a while ago. I dedicated 'I know you're there' by Sewen to one girl who is super important to me and I don't know do you know but I'm actually, as much as I can, in love with her.
^fans scream Laura's name^
Ross: The girl and I got a fight just few days ago. I think our good friend's pregnancy makes us all little too sensitive. That girl is my whole life... and this is kinda ironic cuz she can't make music at the moment and she threw her acting career away, so I'm ready to do that too...
^everyone's face get's serious at the backstage^
Ross: So thank you R5family for past 7 years... I love you all!
^fans cry and scream. Laura runs onto the stage^
Laura: Don't. Don't do it. Ross, don't do it.
Ross: That is the only way I can get you back. Laura, I can't live without you...
Laura: .... that's why I forgive you...
Ross: ^smiles^ what?
Laura: ^tear ups^ I realised how freaking much I love you...
^Ross and Laura kiss. Ross puts his left arm on Laura's cheek and Laura's hands are on Ross's waist. The fans start screaming^
Laura: Ross, just one thing... You'll never do it again...
Ross: I'll not. I was just so freaking drunk...
Laura: can you do this to me? You were almost quiting music...
Ross: I know... I love you...
^fans scream^
Laura: Ross will not stop making music!! Good night R5family!! ^smiles^
^Ross and Laura walk away from the stage^
Stormie: What was that? ^smiles^
Ross: My girlfriend is the number one to me. I don't care what do I have to do to get her back. I love her...
Laura: And I love him.
^They side hug^
Riker: I almoust got a heart attack. ^laughs^ I'm glad it's all fine now...
Ross: How about Bea?
Riker: She just went to LA... I really hope the abortion goes fine!!

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