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^Laura and Ross just leaved from the set of A&A. It was the last filming ever. Laura has tears in her eyes and Ross is feeling sad. However, they are both also happy cuz they just got into tour bus and they're driving to NYC. Of course, they have 8 hours driving trip to there. Laura and Ross are in the "living room" what is a small area where is a tiny couch and a TV. R5 got a new tour bus so it is much bigger and it is much more roomy.^
Laura: ^texting with Raini^ "Aah my gaaad, see you in 1 month? R5 is coming to a concert in LA then.😭💗 I miss you💪"
Raini: "I miss you too😭 can't believe A&A ended... Everyone was crying, expect guys, and hugging...💗😭 and yeah, of course we'll meet then💗 Gotta go, T just throw up.."
Laura: "Ikr... k, bye!" Ross, my dad is so mad to me at the moment.... I told him about my plans.
Ross: Your plans?
Laura: Yeah, about my career plans.
Ross: That you took of for 2 year?
Laura: Yep, well he said I'm an idiot cuz I did that for love.
Ross: Sooo?
Laura: I don't know, maybe he's right. It feels so stupid to not being a Disney star anymore.
Ross: You'll be a bigger star in 2 years. You made your choise.
Laura: I know, I know. Alright, now I've 2 years to think about everything possible and be with you. ^smiles^
Ross: 3 months in a tour bus with me... ^smiles^
^Laura kisses Ross to cheek^
Laura: I know... ^smiles^ Tehe, we have own bunks, y'know. Yasss! Now we can come to sleepover!
Ross: Yay!

^it's 9pm. Rydellington and Raura went already sleep. Laura and Ross are texting^
Laura: "I'm listening to Riker and Rocky😂😂😂"
Ross: "Wha 'ey talkin bout??"
Laura: "Somethin bout girls.... Wait, somethin bout Riker dumbing Bea😱 no wait.... Riker humpin Bea??? Waaaait! Riker THINKING Bea. What he thinks of her atm!😂"
Ross: "Humpin... 😂😂😂"
Laura: "Is your mom and dad 'till awake?"
Ross: "Maybe... Yes, they're. Come here."
Laura: "Ookay😏😊"
^Laura comes down from her bunk and takes her pillow with her.Stornie sees her^
Stormy: Hi.
Laura: Hi.
Stormy: Watcha doing?
Laura: I'm going to sleep in Ross' bunk. ^smiles^
Stormy: Okay, I was just asking tho. ^smiles^
Laura: Okay. Good night, "mommy".
Stormy: I am your mommyyy! ^smiles^
^Laura and Stormie hug and Laura climbs to Ross's bunk. They're face to face^
Ross: ^smiles^ Hi.
Laura: ^smiles^ Hi.

Stormie: Riker, Rocky, me and dad are going to sleep. Don't stay up too late.
^Stormie and Mark go to their bunks. Riker and Rocky go to spy Raura. They go into Riker's bunk what is under Raura's^
Rocky: This feels so wrong in diffefent levels...
Riker: You say!

^Raura's bunk^
Ross: Do you remember when we were a 1 year ago sleeping next to each other and things were so uncomfortable. ^smirks^ We had so many arguments back then.
Laura: Yeah, my granny died then. ^smiles^ How could I forget?
Ross: We also had very fun a one year ago. ^laughs^
Laura: ^laughs^ Yeah. Do you feel little empty?
Ross: Kinda... "Austin and Ally" is the reason why we're together.
Laura: Yeah... Ugh, I just can't figure out why The Bitch was there.
Ross: Someone's jelouse!
Laura: Whaaaat!? No I'm not.
^they laugh^
Ross: Oh yes you are.
^Ross kisses Laura softly^
Laura: I need to go to bathroom...
Ross: I go take something to eat.
^They come out of the bunk and Laura goes to bathroom^
Ross: Where's Riker? ^he goes on his knees and open Riker's bunk. He sees Rocky and Riker^
Ross: What the-...?
Riker: This isn't what it looks like at all!
Rydel: Riker, shut up!!!
Stormie: Sweetie, don't yell!
Ry: Shut up y'all!!!
Ross: ^laughs^ Oh brother...
^Ross goes into the kitchen and Laura comes out from the bathroom. She walk in front of Ross's bunk and sees Riker and Rocky^
Laura: ^smirks^ Whoa, I'm not judging...
^Ross laughs and so does Ellington. Rocky comes out of Rik's bunk^
Rocky: ^hits Laura FRIENDLY^ I gotta use that, Laura.
Ross: Write a rap about it.
Rocky: Uhh...
Rock were in Rik's bunk,
while playin funk,
Laur saw 'em there,
so did Ross, where?
In Rik's bunk,
just haggin,
as brothas,
gotha diz??
Ross: That not even your best one.
^comes for them^
Rock can't rap,
he only wears a cap,
takes a nap,
gets a zap,
sits on Ross's lap,
and is very fab!
Rocky: Preaaaachhh! ^smiles^
Facts of Laur:
She's a sweetie,
also a cutie,
but she's very loud,
and she can count,
she loves Ross,
and Rocky's the boss.
Ross: Well, that's Rocky! ^climbs to his bunk^ Come babe.
^Laura climbs there too. Rocky goes to his own bunk^
Ross: ^kisses Laura's cheek^ Good night.
Laura: ^kisses Ross's cheek^ Good night.

^next morning. Everyone is in the kitchen^
Rydel: Okay, okay. Riker, please, sit down.
Stormie: Okay, who has eat already?
Riker,Rocky, Mark and Ry: Me.
Stormie: Sweets, out of the kitchen.
^Riker, Rocky, Mark and Ry go away. Stormie goes away too^
Rydel: ^smiles^ I GOT AN IDEA! We should do a couple day today! Just us!
Laura: ^raises^ I love that idea! ^smiles^ Guys? We're in NYC!
Ross: I don't know... I know we had our first kiss here, but I'm not on a date feeling at the moment.
Laura: Wait, you have a soundcheck in 3 hours!
Rydel: Oh yeah! Let's go out tomorrow.
Ross: Sure...
Rydel: Meanwhile, I wanna hear what happened on the set yesterday.
Laura: Sure!

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