Crazy weekend

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Everyone else left for Vegas for 2 days, expect Raura. They were too tired and exhausted to go, so they're alone at home. They just woke up and they're watching TV in the living room^
Ross: Do you have to go meet Ness today?
Laura: Yeah, she said she already has a tummy.
Ross: Okay.
Laura: But, I just walk there and talk for while and come back.
Ross: It's so easy now that Chrinessa lives near us.
Laura: Yeah.
Ross:But quickly then, the house it ours for 2 days, we can make out for hours!
Laura: ^smiles^ We have almoust 5 hours...
Ross: ^smiles^ oh yeah...
^Laura lies down and Ross goes on her. They make out for while but then Laura's phone rings^
Laura: Oh shit...
^Takes her phone off the floor and answers^
Laura: Laura here.
Raini: Hii!
Laura: Hiii!
Raini: Okay, you said you're alone at home today and tomorrow, so I thought that Triella hasn't seen your house before so we could come there.
Laura: Oh sure! Sure. You can stay for a night if you want.
Raini: That'd be great. We come in the evening.
Laura: Yay, can't wait.
Raini: Me either! Byee!
Laura: Byeee!
^Laura hangups and puts her phone back to the floor^
Ross: Who was it?
Laura: Raini.
Ross: They're coming here?
Laura: Yeah.
Ross: Okay. ^smiles^
^they continue making out and Ross also eats Laura's neck^

After 3 hours
^Laura's making them a breakfast and Ross is hugging her from back and he's resting his head on top of Laura's head^
Laura: Your eggs are ready in a minute.
Ross: Oh nuts!
^they laugh^
Laura: Well, y'know Raura and Caini nights. Everyone of us drinks and then we all are little drunk. ^smiles^ That's why a healthy breakfast, even once.
Ross: Well yeah..

^In the evening. Caini just arrived and they're talking on the couches, in the living room. Triella is playing with ver dolls^
Raini: T already talks. Can you believe she's 5.
Laura: ^smiles^ No I can't. She was so small when I first hold her in the hospital.
Calum: I know right.
T: Mom-my, look wah ( what ) I have.
Raini: ^smiles^ Aaah, very cool! ^raises T to her lap from the floor^
Laura: ^smiles^ Hi cutieee...
T: She is Lau-la.
Laura:I am. ^smiles and points Ross^
You know who he is?
T: Loss!
Laura: He is!
^Raini raises T back to the floor^
Ross: She's so smart. Bauer-... how old Bauer's?
Laura: 4.
Ross: Oh never mind.
^they all laugh^
Laura: Anyone want some to drink?
Raini: Yeah, sure. ^smiles^
Ross: I do.
Laura: You come with me. Calum?
Calum: Sure.
Laura: What do you want? ^smiles^ I made us smoothies with some alcohol, then we have wine.
Raini: Those smoothies sound great. ^smiles^
Ross: Do we bring 4?
Calum: Sure. ^laughs^
^Raura goes into the kitchen^
Ross: ^takes 2 smoothies out of the refrigerator and places them to a table and then takes 2 smoothies more and places them to a table too^ these jeans are too big, these doesn't stay on.
Laura: Oh honey. ^laughs and kisses Ross to cheek^ Oh my!
Ross: What?
Laura: I should be at Chrinessa's place in 10 minutes! I'm glad I didn't drink.
^Ross takes to drinks and they go out of the kitchen. Ross gives those drinks to Caini^
Laura: ^calls to Vanessa^ Oh hi Ness! Sorry, I'll little late but I'm coming.
Ness: Okay, I thought something happend to you.
Laura: No, no! I'm coming. Bye.
^laura hangups^
Ross: I can drive you.
Laura: I drive by myself.
Ross: Okay.
^Raura kisses^
Laura: Bye, baby. Bye Caini!
Caini: Byee!
^Laura goes out and drives away^
Ross: ^sits onto couch^ She went to Ness's place to see her tummy and Tony. ^smiles^
Raini: Oh okay. ^drinks her drink little bit^ Hmmm, this is delicious. ^smiles^
T: Wah do you have thele?
Raini: Mommy and daddy have adult's drinks.
^Ross go get his drink and comes back^
T: What are adult's drinks?
Raini: Those drinks what are for adults.
^Ross smirks and so does Calum^
Ross: Your daughter really is a smart. ^laughs^
Raini: Comes from Calum. He actually explained what S.E.X means to our child!
T: It means, when gill (girls) and boy ale (are) in th-...
Raini: Triella Mariel Estel Worthy!
Calum: I think Ross knows, sweetheart.
T: Has he tlied (tried) it?
Raini: Caluuum! You destroyed our child!
Ross: No I've not. ^smiles^
T: How about making out? Have you tlied it?
Calum: Did you tell her what making out is?
Raini: She saw us on the couch, I had to.
T: Have you Loss?
Ross: ^whispers^ Raini?
Raini: Tell her, she will not quit before.
Ross: Okay.
T: Have you Lossy?
Ross: Yes, I have made out with my girlfriend. It's very nice.
T: Okay.
^continues playing^
Raini: We are horrible, horrible, horrible parents.
Ross: No you're not. ^smiles^ She'd find out it later.
Raini: Yeah... But I don't want to her to talk to people like that. It's very odd when her age girl goes talk to people about, y'know.
Ross: Yeah.
T: Mommy, I'm tiled...
Ross: You can sleep in the couch lounge. It's very comfortable ^smiles^
Raini: Okay. ^smiles and raises^
^Raini raises Triella to her hold and they go upstairs^
Calum: Wait for it...
Ross: okayyy?
Raini: Triellaaaaa!
^Triella runs down and cries^
T: Daddyyyy!
^Raini comes down and Calum and Triella go up^
Raini: Every single night. Or then it's this "I don't like to get shower" or "I hate sleeping".
Ross: I remember when me and Laura watched out my cousin Bauer and he's very wild but also very shy, so when Laura tried to get him fall asleep he just jumped off the bed and went behind me and grapped my legs. It's like a 1 year ago and now Laura's his bestie. ^laughs^ it's very cute.
Raini: I believe that.

^after few hours Laura got back to their house and Triella's sleeping^
Raini: We'll invite you two, other Lynches and Ratliff, my family, Bea, his family and, Cavin...
Laura: I'm sorry but I can't come... When those are?
Raini: Lauraaa! I know that he got you go wild 6 years ago and everything, but he has a relationship now.
Laura: Really? Cuz when we last saw him in Florida, he was single.
Ross: Does that bother you?
Laura: Noooo, noo! ..... What's her name?
Raini: Yeaaah... Y'know when we talked talked about him... Well, you know the guy who broke up with the guy who started dating another guy who was the reason why the first guys broke up?
Laura: Yeah.
Ross: Wait a minute.... So he's gay.
Raini:Well yeah. Anyway, they have broke and the guy with a blonde hair is going out with another guy who's dating the guy who was with the guy who broke up with the guy who started dating the blondie.
Laura: Oh my gosh! ^smiles^ they're going out.
Ross: So there's 4 gays???
Calum: I got 3...
Laura: Schh, they're dating?
Raini:Uhh... Well, they are together, yes, but Cavin's dating with the blondie guy.
Raura, Calum: WHAAT THE HECK!?!?!
Raini: He's gay now.
Ross: ^laughs^ Oh brother...
Laura: ^laughs^ Well, now he's over me. Yassss!
Calum: ^laughs^ Okay okay, me and Ross don't understand.
Laura: Cavin's fating a guy!? ^laughs^ He's so-... Evil smart!
Raini: Huh?
Ross: Excuse me?
Calum: Say what now?
Laura: He's not really dating a guy, he's just trying to get close to me. See, he's a "gay" and I could be his friend. Ross couldn't be jelouse for a gay. ^smiles^ He's totally wackadoodle!
Ross: You...
Raini: Oh my goshhh!!! That's true! He called me and asked are you coming.
Ross: What the fuck?
Laura: Oh my goodness... I'll come. ^smiles^
Raini: Yaaayyy!
Raini: WHAT!?!???
T: I need to pee!!!!
Raini: Fuck that child.
^Raini goes up^
Calum: Well, how's going with you two?
Laura: Very, very, very well. ^smiles^ We haven't fight lately or anything negative. ^hugs Ross^ he's my baby boo boo...
Ross: Aww... ^rests his head on Laura's head and smiles^ You're so cute.
Laura: How much the clock is?
Calum: ^looks at the clock^ 12:30...
Ross: Woah, time runs.

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