Florida, part 2

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^after 2 days Laura's memory is back but she's still kinda sleepy and doesn't remember details. Ross and Laura are cuddling on Ross's bed^
Ross: I'm just so glad you came back.
Laura: I've been here all the time?
Ross: I meant, you you.
Laura: I ruined this vacation...
Ross: No you didn't. Blame Cavin like me. That wouldn't happend if he'd not come.
Laura: Yeah, maybe that's smart.
^they laughs^
Ross: Aaaaahhh, how much I missed youuuu!
Laura: But I can't still remember what is my dad's name.
Ross: Domiano, but we call him Dom.
Laura: I try remember.
^Ross kisses Laura's head^
Ross: I love you.
Laura: I know and love you too...
^Riker comes^
Riker: Hi g-... Sorryyy! But I've bad news.
^they stop cuddling and they both raise^
Laura: Whoa, I feel dizzy. ^sits down^
Ross: Riker, tell more.
Riker: We don't have no idea where Ry is aaaaand Rydel's sick.
Ross: Ry's missing!?
Laura: ^raises quickly^ Whoa, dizzy, again.
^Ross puts her hands to Laura's shoulders^
Laura: Ohkay thanks. Ry's missing!?
Riker: Yes! Rocky and Ell went to towndown look for him, I already checked the lobby, mom looked for the restaurant... Dad went to pools.
Ross: Where he can be!?
Riker: G, let me think... I don't fucking know. It's about our little brother, Ross! Come search him, please.
Ross: Sure.
^Riker goes away. Ross takes some steps towards the door and Laura takes one^
Laura:Whooop, dizzy, again.
^Ross walk in front of Laura and Laura hops to his piggy back ride. They go look for Ryland^

Ross: Let's check the level 7. ^he runs, Laura on his back^ I'm so blessed that you're so small.
Laura: I know right, but seriously.
^they go into some elevator where's a old lady^
Lady: ^looks at them with weird face^ Uhh?
Ross: She feels dizzy and my little brother is missing so...
Laura: Yeah. This is normal from us, that's for sure.
Lady: ^nods 5 times^ Si!
Laura: You don't understand anything what we just said, right?
Lady:Uhh... Soy una anciana española. Yo no entiendo nada de lo que está hablando la gente joven. ( I'm Spanish and I'm old. I don't understand at all what you young ones are talking about)
Laura: Si?
^Elevator's doors open^
Ross:Bye! ^runs out^
Lady: él era Ross Lynch y Laura Marano chica era ( He was Ross Lynch and that girl was Laura Marano) Ooooh!

Laura: RYRY!?
^one door opens. There's a huge man^
Man: Kids! I'm trying to sleep!
Laura: Shut up, we're trying to find Ryland!
^the man closes the door and goes inside too^
Ross: Rad Laura... I like her.
Laura: Ryland. RYLAND!?
Ross: RYLAAAND!!!???
Ross: let's go to another level.
^they go into an elevator where is really fat American guy^
Guy: Howdy!
Laura: Hiii.
Ross: ^smiles^ hi.
Guy: Where the heck are you kinds goin'?
Ross: We're searching my little brother.
Guy: How does dat buddy looks like?
Laura: He's taller than me, brown hair...
Guy: I haven't seen that guy ever! Got ya! Haha.
Ross: What?
^Elevator's doors open and Ross runs out^
Ross: Y'know... You aren't heavy but this running and carrying you on my back... It makes you tired.
^Laura goes down of Ross's piggy back. They start running^
Ross: RYLAND!?!?!?!?!??
Ross: RYLAAND!?!?
^they stop running^
Laura:We've checked 8 floors already. We have 2 left...
Ross: Then I hope Rocky and Ell will find him from the town.
Laura: We have to try. This is the worst weekend ever!
Ross: Yea, first you slipped and you lost your memory, then Rydel got sick and Ry's missing.
Laura: This is soooo freaking awfulllll. Imagine, if we would were closer, none of this'd happend.
Ross: Wait... At home you said that because my work we don't have so much time to each other, so is this kinda my fault? Are you complaining me?
Laura: No! And what the heck are you talking about? I know it's your job but I really wanna spend time with you also, not with you and your job.
Ross: You are musicial and actress, you know how it is. It's not easy!
Laura: I know it isn't easy! But see what Ross, who is always with you, who hasn't been workin' with her music for 3 years cuz she choise her relationship, who is the one who always stands up for you? Me and you know how much I love music!
Ross: Why then you choise me? You can go and work your music!
Laura: I can't believe you Ross!
Ross: Just saying! I don't wanna argue with you now cuz my brother is missing. I go search him!
Laura: Wanna know what? I go call my agent right now and tell him that I'm gonna start music career!
Ross: You're making choise between me and your career?
Laura:Yes! I go tell Stormie and others that they can forget this all "Laura Lynch" thing, cuz we're threw!
Ross: Really!? Okay!
Laura: Fine!
Ross: Fine!
Raura: FINE!
^Laura goes away^
Ross: Oh my...

^Laura goes into an elevator where's that same old lady^
Lady: Puedo oler la energía negativa. Problemas de pareja? ( I smell the negative energy. Relationship problems?)
Laura: Oh shut up.
^Elevators door open and Laura goes out. She goes past Riker into Raura's room. Riker's talking with his mom^
Stormie: Me or you?
Riker: You understand girls better.
Stormie: Yeah.
^Stormie goes into Raura's room. Laura's crying under her cover, on her bed^
Laura: If it is Ross, I don't wanna see you.
Stormie: Sweetheart, it's me. What's up? ^sits to her bed and pets her leg through the cover^
Laura: ^Laura pushes the cover away from her face and she looks Stormie.^
Laura: This is the worst weekend ever... First I lost my memory, them Rydel gets sick, then Ryland's missing and now me and Ross really broke up...
Stormie: Oh honey, I'm sure you didn't... What happend?
Laura: ^raises to sit and Stormie hugs her^ We argued, but there was so many things we argued about that I don't even remember those... But one if those was the choise what I made between my musician career and Ross ^start crying harder^ And the worst part is that I dumbed Rooooss!
Stormie: Lauraaaaa, you two will forgive soon, like always. Let me tell you story. Remember when Rydel and Ellington didn't date? And then there was Rydel's boyfriend Joshua who make Ell feel uncomfortable.
Laura: Yes.
Stormie:Well, Rydel had to make choise between her love and her like. She chose her love and it was Ellington... Just think this thing like her, "The Love" or "The Like"?
Laura: The Love...
Stormie: And it is...
Stormie: Yeah. He feels the same way, I know my son so well.
Laura: You're the best Stormie...
^they stop hugging and Stormie whipes Laura's tears^
Stormie: Wait here... I can talk with Ross. ^smiles^
Laura: Thanks...
^Laura lies down and Stormie cover Laura up. She goes outside of the room^
Stormie: Ri-...
^Ross and Riker are talking in the hall^
Riker: Mom?
^Stormie goes into Rydel's room^
Riker: If you really love Laura, you should go there and hug her.
Ross: She's super mad to me. I can't go in there.
Riker: Then you afraid her and you afraid the truth, in this case it means love.
Ross: Thanks bro.
Riker: No prob.
^Riker goes into his room. Ross doesn't go inside of Raura's room^
Ross: I better call Rocky.
^Ross calls Rocky and he answers^
Ross: It's Ross, have you find him?
Rocky: Uhhh yes.
Ross: REALLY!?!?
Rocky: Yeah! I was just calling mom.
Ross: Oh my gosh, thank you. Where he was?
Rocky: He said he left a message to mom that he went to shopping so he was in a store. We think that mom's phone has no energy or then the message hasn't come, but anyway the main thing is that we found him.
Ross: Yasss... Mean while here is some drama again.
Rocky: You and Laura?
Rocky: Dude go talk to him.
Ross: Wait! How did you know that I'm not talking to her?
Rocky: Because I'm in my roon, doof. We came here like an hour ago.
Ross: Seriously?! So mom and others know already?
Rocky: Uuuh duhh.
Ross: Okay bye.
^Ross ends the call and Laura comes out of their room^
Laura: ^says with mad voice^ I'm going to buy peanuts.
Ross: Laura, wait.
Laura: Sorry, said what? I couln't hear you cuz the sound of my awesomeness screamed my name.
^Laura walk and Ross follows her^
Ross: This is so silly! Laura, I love you and the whole argument was stupid.
Laura: ^still walks^ Yeah, it was stupid. I forgive you.
Laura: No.
Ross: ^sticks to Laura's hand and turns her around^ Really?
Laura: ........ I love you too...
^they hug^
Laura: I'm sorry for all the mean things I said. I didn't call my agent, I choose you.
Ross: ^kisses Laura's shoulder once^ I'm so happy for hearing that...
Laura: Let's go look for Ry.
Ross: Ooop! Rocky and Ell found him like 2 hours or, less, ago.
Laura: Aaaah so cool!
Ross: I know right. This vacation ends tomorrow, we go home. We have empty room over there...
Laura: Cuddling and kissing?
Ross:You bet!!!
^they stop hugging and they go into their room^

Next morning.
^They are having breakfast in the hotel's restaurant^
Rydel: ^sniffs^ This vacation was horrible buuut I'm glad everything is okay now. ^smiles^
Ross: Me too. ^smiles and looks at Laura^
Mark: Okay guys. I go pack the tourbus.

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