LA #4

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Wren: My daughter looooves 'Austin And Ally'.
Ross: ^smiles^ That's cool.
Ell: Do you have any bad habbits? Rydel has farting.
Rydel: No! No, I don't...
Wren: Alright...
Riker: Bea has picking her nose.
Bea: Riker! That's a lie Wren!
Ross: Laura never ever washes her hands after she has shitted.
Laura: That's not true!!!
Wren: Um, okay...
Ross: Laura hasn't washed her teeth after we came home.
Laura: ROSS!
Ell: Rydel changes her undies every 5th month.
Riker: Bea's hair looks clean, but actually, she hasn't washed her hair since 2 weeks ago.
Wren: Girls, thank you for the tea, but I really gotta run..
^Wren runs out and Laura follows him. Guys laugh^
Rydel: You're so childish!
Bea: God sakes Riker!?
Ry: I was too afraid to get into this.
Sav: You WERE in this...

Wren: I didn't believe in any of those things, they just made me so uncomfortable I had to take off.
Laura: ^smirks^ They're pretty stupid.
Wren: So... Laura, hey, I just thought would you like to go out with me...?
Laura: Uh, sure, but... I'm 19.
Wren: No, no, no, I'm 25.
Laura: Oh! Well, sure, but...
Wren: But?
Laura: The guys who made you uncomfortable, Riker, Ellington and Ross... Well, Ross and I have been dating for last 4 years...
Wren: As friends, I meant.
Laura: ^smiles^ As friends, of course!--- No, wait... We have party tonight... We're gonna get some food there. Hey, would you like to come there?
Wren: Yeah, sure! ^smiles^ See you then.
Laura: Search me in your arms!
^they hug and Wren takes off. Ross watched them through window. Laura comes in^
Ross: A hug?
Laura: Oh yeah? What's up, Mister Pants On Fire?
^Ross puts his arm around Laura^
Ross: You biach! ^smiles^
Laura: You azzhole! ^laughs^

^at their party. It's poolparty so they're all in the pool. Laura's sitting on Ross lap and has her arms around his neck. It's night and there's not a lot of people^
Ross: Babe... One question... Why is Wren here?
Laura: I invited him... ^kisses Ross but he doesn't kiss her back^ Babyyy...
^they kiss, but it ends up making out... Ross even has his tongue in Laura's mouth....^

Wren: ^Talks with Colin (their neighbor)^ It hurts me to watch them...
Colin: I had a crush on Laura but it flew by.
Wren: I wanna be Ross. He's the guy who gets to stick his tongue in her... I'm jealous.
Colin: Wren, I've known you since collage and you've never had crush on like that.
Wren: Ross has got everything to lose by one shot...

Ross: Oh yeah, you think you can hold your breath longer than me? We'll see.
Hold it.
^they both hold their breaths and Ross jumps into the pool from his seat^
Rydel: What are they doing?
Ell: Probably, um-... hmm...
^Laura breaths accidently and Ross lifts them both up. They go back to their seat^
Ross: You, babe, lost!
Laura: You, freak, tickled me!
^Laura goes back to Ross's lap and hugs him. She rests her head onto his shoulder and Ross starts kissing Laura's neck^
Laura: ^smiles^ Oh my baby...

Wren: I can't look at them... It's too painfull. He's freaking eating her.
Colin: Wren, calm your shit.

Ross: I love your new bikinis....
Laura: I love your bathing suit too. -- I go get some, uh, drink.
Ross: ^kisses Laura^ Okay.
^Laura gets up from the pool and walks inside of their house. Riker comes sits next to Ross^
Riker: Dude! ^smiles^ You're gonna get some... That's like- hot.
Ross: ^grinds^ I know! She's freaking all over me.
Riker: You're too!
Ross: It's like kiss, kiss, kiss.
Riker: Making out and eating out.
Ross: Oh man! Y'know, she's so great that you wanna make out with her like on non-stop.
Riker: People came here as couples, they're kissing and cuddling, but they have these awkward kisses that you and Laura ain't got. Freak, go get some!
Ross: Are you trying to make us having sex? ^smirks^
Riker: I got just, now's your turn.
Ross: It ain't gonna hurt meh.
^Ross gets off the pool and goes up to Laura^
Laura: ^moans^ God, this brownie is fantastic!
Elle: I know right!
Ross: ^stands behind Laura and places his hands to Laura's shoulders. He leans close to Laura's ear and whispers:^ I'm the one who should get you moaning, not that lucky brownie. ^grinds^
Laura: ^turns over^ Ooh, youu! ^has a flirty smile on her face^ What could we possibly do? It's last night before we go back to tour...
^they kiss gently^
Ross: We should have a bit fun...
Laura: I wait you in our room.
^Ross walks out and Laura is about to go upstairs but Wren suddently graps her arm^
Wren: Hey! ^smiles friendly^
Laura: Oh hi! ^smiles^
Wren: You told me to search you into my hand, so...
Laura: Hahaaa, you remembered! Ross never remembers. ^smirks^ Soo... What do you think about this music? Is from Sometime Last Night?
Wren: It's cool. I really liked 'Do It Again'.
Laura: I love 'Did You Have Your Fun' cause Ross's voice is per-fect in it, haha!
Wren: Why won't you come to pool?
Laura: Um... Sure...
^Wren and Laura go back to pool and Ross walks towards them^
Ross: Huh? I mean, hi!
Wren: Hi!
Laura: We're heading off to pool... You're coming?
Ross: Yeaaaaah... but I go get a drink first.
Laura: ^whispers to Ross^ Do not get drunk. You scare me.
Ross: Don't worry.

^next morning. Laura's sleeping on the couch. She's still sleeping. Ross comes down^
Rydel: Hey Sleepy Sleeperson! ^smiles^
Ross: I think I fell asleep. What happened last night? And why she sleeps on the couch?
Riker: You two had a freaking big fight and you tried to make up but it screwed.
Ross: What!? We're on a fight? For what!?
Riker: After you got a few drinks-
Rocky: You were drunk, bro. AGAIN.
Ross: She's gonna kill me...
Riker: Well yeah, Wren was about to take off and he hugged Laura, like hugged-hugged. It was more like a romantical hug, y'know. You got mad, but Laura had no idea it was that kind of hug, before you tried to make it up tho, she got mad at you.
Ross: What?? But what, didn't we make it up?
Riker: You were so close but then you told how much it bothers you when she talks or hang out with him. She said stuff, so did you and boom, there's a fight.
Ross: I've like 4 hours to make things up with her...
Rydel: We're sorry... I go wake Ell up.
^Rydel takes off. Riker and Rocky go outside. Ross goes on his knees in front of Laura and kisses her^
Ross: I'm sorry... I know I don't remember shit from last night but yeah, Rik told me what happened and I'm sorry.
Laura: ^murmurs^ Not working...
^Ross kisses Laura again^
Laura: I love you too much to fight again... I hate arguing with you. Be friends with Wren, date him, love him as long as we're together...
^Laura pulls Ross onto her^
Laura: How the fuck you do thaaat? ^smiles^ You make me so happy!
Ross: You make me so happy...
^Laura smiles^

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