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Read From Milan To Rome to keep up!


Mark: Riker, we can't continue until Ross comes back here.
Rydel: Someone go pick him!
^everyone looks at Laura^
Laura: No way I'm talking to him.
Ell: Momma, you go. He looks up to you.
Stormie: ^raises up^ Laura, it's gonna be okay... ^takes off to Ross^
Rocky: "I took off to lobby,
had a fight with my hobby.
I won't go apologize,
our fight has that big of a size"
Riker: Dude, how? ^smiles^
Laura: Preach Rocky! ^smiles^
Stormie: ^opens the door^ Laura?
^Laura takes off^
Stormie: I want you two talk this thing clear.
^she goes back to Riker and Bea's room^
Laura: Why the fuck you tried to hide it from me?
Ross: As I said (!), because I was afraid you're gonna get mad.
Laura: Well, I am mad!
Ross: Seriously, it's my body and I do what I want with it!
Laura: You've changed Ross...
Ross: My fans say that too! It's not true!
Laura: You used to be caring, loving and extremely funny. If you did wrong and I didn't even know, you came up to me and confessed everything. Now you hide stuff from me.
Ross: Laura, that's not true. I'm just an  adult.
Laura: Rydel and Riker are over 2 years older than you but they know how to have fun! It actually feels like you're using me for sex!
Ross: Using you for sex!!??
Laura: "Let's do it babe", "I wanna get all juicy", "Go get the condoms"!
Ross: Well, maybe someone has been in love with someone for 4 years and been waiting when that someone hits puberty!!!
Laura: I can't believe you pulled that up... ^cries^ I've been bullied cause of my height and weight. Other girls had big breasts in the 9th grade while I looked like mine was just started to grow! That was rude and disrespectful!
Ross: Sorry, not sorry!
Laura: Why then you had sex with me if I haven't even hit the puberty yet!?
Ross: Cause.... I love you!
Laura: Ross... I'm sorry... I can't talk with you right now. You make fun of my weight and height... I'm not your sex slave, get a hook girl and get out of my life. We're over!
^Laura goes back to Riker's room^
Rydel: ^raises up and hugs Laura^ Sweetie, what happened? Have you cried?
Laura: ^hugs Rydel^ Can I sleep in your room tonight? I need to have great girl-to-girl convo...
Rydel: Sure...
^Riker goes to Ross. Ross is crying^
Riker: Dude? You cry?
Ross: Hey, I just lost the love of my life because Dave... ^sniffs^ I can't believe I did that to her...
Riker: You broke up?
Ross: I was so mad that I pulled up her puberty thing and you know that's her sad spot...
Riker: What did she say?
Ross: Told me to get a hook girl cause she's not my sex slave... Y'know, I feel like this break up is forever...
Riker: Well, I don't cause you are Ross and Laura. Fell in love right away, live together, has a relationship goals edit on every account. You guys are gonna work it out. I know it.
Ross: Riker, you don't understand. Your relationship is great.
Riker: Pregnancy and I left her as she was suprising me. Goals!
Ross: I just wish that if this is really our end, I would get my last kiss with her....
Riker: Talk, again. To her, of course.
Ross: I don't wanna fight...
Riker: Last time you and her fighted and we had a concert, you couldn't even sing "Repeating Days" with out tears.

^at their concert. Riker talks with Rydel^
Riker: You ask Laura on the stage and I give Ross the letter he wrote 4 years ago to Laura but he was too afraid to give it then, it's perfect. It's before they started going out.
Rydel: I hope this works.
^Riker goes back to his place^
^fans scream^
Ross: What?
^Riker gives Ross the letter. He doesn't regonize it's his written^
Riker: Read it.
^Rydel goes get Laura on stage^
Laura: What's happening?
Ross: "Hi,
I'm really bad at this but
I really like you.
You have beautiful hair,
face- everything,
but what makes you so
special to me is your personality.
I can't get enough of you...
I'm too afraid to say you this
face-to-face, plus I think
you got a boyfriend,
but I really had to tell you
I'm afraid how are you gonna
react to this cause I think
you don't feel the same way...
I have a crush on you-" ^coughs and smiles^ "- Laura.
I hope we can stay as friends even
tho I just confessed my deepest
Love, Ross!

P.s. I'm gonna ask you to read the script with me at my house so don't think it means anything... Nothing will happen, haha!"
What is this?
Riker: Look at your back?
^Ross turns over^
Laura: Nothing will happen, huh? Something happened, something huge...
^Raura kisses a long kiss and fans scream very very very loud^
Ross: I'm gonna quit smoking...
Laura: Thank you... ^smiles^ I'm sorry for blaming you for using me for sex.
^they smirks^
Ross: I'm sorry too... I should've told you about it. Also, I shouldn't have said those mean things about your gorgeous, beautiful body. ^smiles^ I was just mad.
Laura: Yeah, me too.
^they stare each other^
Rocky: Are you gonna kiss her or what!?
^fans laugh and Ross kisses Laura^
Laura: Why did you give me that letter?
Ross: I was too afraid, like I said.
Laura: You're weird baby! ^smiles^
Riker: You done?
Laura: Yesss!
Riker: SONG REQUESTS?? Laura honey?
Laura: F.E.E.L.G.O.O.D.!!!
^fans scream^
Ross: Alright! Give it all up! Laura stay on the stage!
^They start playing the music^
Ross: This is for you Laura... Love you so much! ^winks to Laura and fans scream^

^R5 sings the song. Ross tries to get a kiss from Laura, but Laura runs away. They play catch^
Riker: They're seriously just like that all the time! Do you guys ship them!?
^fans scream. Ross catches Laura from back and kisses her neck and then annoys Laura by licking it^
Laura: ^giggles^ Rooooss! Ew my neck is all wet and slimey!
Ross: I know you like it! ^licks again^
Laura: GOD SHOR STOOOP! ^smiles^ Stormie! Rydel!
^Ross lets Laura go but dances her a bit through Riker's jamming with the bass^
Ross: I love this girl!
Laura: I hate you Shor! Ew my neck's all wet! ^laughs^
Ross: ^smiles^ You're veeery welcome!

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