Jelousy and tea party

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^Ross and Laura are singing Laura's another new song. They are also playing piano^
Laura: Ahhh! Let's take a break. I'll never learn this one!
^they go sit to the couch^
Laura: That song is just so hard to sing and play.
Ross: It sounded awesome.
Laura: No it didn't...
Ross: ^smiles^ bae, you're perfect and awesome song writer.
Laura: Do you really really really think that?
Ross:^smiles^ In scale of 1 to 10 you're 9.
Laura: Aww...
Ross: ... Because I'm the 1 who you need.
Laura: Baby, I love youuu.
^Laura and Ross are about to kiss but Rocky comes^
Rocky: Sup?
Ross: Yeah?
Rocky: I was going to ask Laura out tonight. ^smiles^ I've movie tickets and I have Del's car for while.
Laura: Yeah, works for me. I just have to help Rydel this evening cuz her tomorrow's tea party. ^smiles^
Rocky: Yeah, sure.
laura: When we go?
Rocky: How 'bout in 30 minutes?
Laura: I'm already ready tho.
Rocky: Well then now.
Laura: Okay.
^Laura raises and goes into Raura's room^
Ross: Dude, I was just kissing her!
Rocky: I'll bring her here in 5 hours. O'clock is only 11.
Ross: K...
Rocky: ^raises^ We go watch "Fifty Shades Of Grey" ...
Ross: ^Ross "jumps" over the couch^ No you'll not! That's a... Adult movie.
Rocky: 19 and 20. Uuuh, I'm so scared to see it.
Ross: Rockyyy!
^Laura comes^
Laura: I thought that we'd go watch "Fifty Shades Of Grey". I know it's sexist but my Lori went to watch it and she said it's awesome.
Rocky: Works for me.
Ross: ^smiles nervously^ Don't you wanna watch the new movie? The Duff?
Laura: I've already watched it.
Ross: Winnie The Poof!?
Laura: I'm 19 not 9 minus 5.
^Ross tries count that^
Laura: 4!
^Rocky walks towards the door.^
Laura: See you in the evening baby.
Ross: Sure....
^Rocklaura goes out^
Stormie: I AM!!!
Stormie: WHAT WE'D DO!?
Stormie: OKAY!
^Stormie comes into the living room^
Ross: Rydel talked about something about getting food.
Stormie: Okay, but you'll drive.
Ross: Mooom! I miss Lauraaa.
Stormie: What? She's here.
Ross: She just went out with Rocky.
Ross: Noooo, noo! ^laughs awkwardly^ actually, they went out for just spending time together.
Stormie: Like on to date?
Ross: I-... Let's gooo!

In a car.
^Ross is driving and Stormie is on a phone with Rydel^
Rydel: Uuuh... Grapes, cookies, ^says more than 10 things^
Stormie: Okay.What are you doing?
Rydel: We're in a pool.
Stormie: Remembered wet your hair?
Rydel: Yes.
Stormie: Okay, okay. We can pick you two up when we are going home.
Rydel:We? You and dad?
Stormie: Me and Ross.
Rydel:Okay. Sure, just call me.
Stormie: Sure, bye sweetheart!
^hang ups^
Ross: Mom, take my drivers licences already.
Stormie: Why?
Ross: On that small street polices watches "criminals" cuz here's so much of those, so they usually check outs drivers too.
Stormie: Aah okay.
^raises Ross' backpack from her legs and looks for Ross's drivers licences^
Stormie: Sweetheart, those aren't here.
Ross: They have to... I-.... Oh shit! Those are in Laura's purse. Fuck!
Stormie: Ross. Just drive to that another store, that Trippinses.
Ross: That's like 6 miles away.
Stormie: I know.

After 3 hours, On the beach.
^Rocky and Laura are eating ice cream^
Laura: I'd love to do this again, like tomorrow, but I really have to help Rydel.
Rocky: ^smiles^ no problem. Call Ross and ask Ross a ride home.
^Takes her phone and calls Ross^
Ross: Hi.
Laura: Hi!
Ross: What are you doing?
Laura: ^laughs^ eating ice cream.
Ross: Okay.
Laura: Okay, so could you pick us up over here.
Ross: I guess so, but I'm now in a market with mom but we will come in a 30 minutes.
Laura: Okay, thank you sweetheart. I love you.
Ross: Love you too.
Laura: WAIT! What market it is?
Ross: Trippinses.
Laura: There's that sooo lovely store! Can you buy me one pair of bra.
Ross: You've like million of... bras.
Laura: I knoooow, but those what I want are sooo cute!
Ross: ^says with bored voice^ Okay, I buy you ones. What color?
Laura: Uuuh black and the cups need to be soft.
Ross: Size?
Laura: Umm... 3.
Ross: Okay, bye.
^Ross ends the call^
Rocky: Ross shopping bras? You need to think what you just said.
^they both laugh^

At home.
^They just came home. Laura and Rocky are watching movie already from TV in the living room^
Ross: ^says with mad voice^ Here's your bra.
^gives those to Laura^
Laura: ^smiles^ Aww, these are just the right size. Do you wanna watch a movie with us?
Ross: ^says with jelousy angry voice^ No thank you.
Laura: Okay.
^goes into Raura's room and closes the door loudly behind him^
Rydel: What's wrong with him. Sav, Lexa, Lori, Bea, Cheryl, nana Winscon, nana Lynch and Ria are coming. He can't be like that.
Laura: He's just jelouse, again.
Rydel: Of what?
Laura: Me and Rocky.
Rydel: YOU TOO ARE TOGETHER!? ^looks excited and at the same time very surprised^
Laura: No, no, no. I'm with Ross and Rocky's with...
^Rocky coughs^
Laura: Single. Rocky's single.
Rydel: Okayyy? ^smiles^ Laura, can you help me little?
Laura: Sure.

In the evening.
^Laura and Rydel just dressed up. They're wearing The 80's style dressed. Lori, Sav, Alexa, Bea, nana Winscon, nana Lynch, Cheryl and Ria (Rydel's godmother) are already there. Ross comes out of Raura's room and walks past Laura with "angry" face^
Lori: Aah Laura you look unbelievable!
Laura: ^smiles^ Awww, you too. I catch you later.
^Laura walks to Ross^
Laura: What's going on? You have acted so childish after mine and Rocky's day together.
Ross: okay.
Laura: Seriously Ross. Why?
Ross: M-hh...
Laura: ^pushes Ross out with her and closes the door^ Ross.
Ross: We haven't been very couplely lately. You go on date with my brother and I watch movies alone.
Laura: On date!? We weren't on date. Rocky's one of my best friends, I've every right to spend time with him.
Ross: Yes you have but I'd like to spend time with you also! I bought you bras!
Laura: Thanks tho, those were nice, but Ross!
Ross: I just don't like how we never are together! When we were younger we used to kiss, make out, hug and spend time together.
Laura: Argh! Ross, I gotta go! Rydel is waiting and you're so stupid right now.
^Laura goes inside and walks to girls^
Rydel: Everything okay?
Laura:That same usual.
Rydel: Ross's shit?
Laura: Yeah.

^after 2 hours, girls are having a dance party in the kitchen^
Stormie: Rydel and Laura, a word.
^Stormie, Rydel and Laura go apart from others^
Stormie: No worries, but what's wrong with Ross?
Laura: He's jelouse of me and Rocky, CUZ we spend time together.
Stormie: He has never been so jelouse.
Laura: He won't let me even talk to him seriously.
Stormie: Sweetheart, he loves you.... Go talk to him.
^Laura goes into Raura's room. Ross is lying on his bed and Laura sits onto his bed^
Ross: I'm sorry...
Laura: What?
Ross: I was stupid and I heard what mommy said. I really love you.
Laura: I love you too... ^smiles and goes lie next to Ross^
Ross: ^puts his arm around Laura^ Wanna know what I thought when I bought your bra?
Laura:Not sure but tell meh.
Ross: How incredible you'll look in those... ^smiles^
Laura: Oh Shor... ^smiles^
^Ross goes onto Laura and they start making out. Ross moves Laura's dress from her shoulder so he can kiss that too^

^In the kitchen^
Lori: ^tweets: "So amaze par-tay Ryd!😱 Here is Sav, Lex, Laura and Bea, of course Rydel! Go follow those sexy people above!😍" Where's Laura?
Rydel: Ross and Laura had argument, Laura went into their room and they haven't come out for 20 minutes. Whatca think? ^she has dirty smile on her face^
Sav: I d-.... Ooooooohh!
Alexa: Damn, I wanna go to my bo-... Bonfire. I wanna go to bonfire now.
^smiles gently to Rocky. He smiles back^
Rydel: Okayyy?
Sav: Aaah, time flies so fast. I've to go, but see you tomorrow. Lex you're comin'?
Alexa: I-I think I stay for while.
^Rocky smiles^
Sav: Okay. ^hugs Delly^ thanks for amazing party Rydel.
Lori:Yeah , thanks. I had fun! ^smiles^
Rydel: ^smiles^ Ookay! ^laughs^
^Sav and Lori leave^
^Alexa smiles to Rocky gently^
Rydel: ^whispers^ Smiles, hair twirl, smirking... Nooo! Lauraaa!

^in raura's room. Ross goes off Laura and they both go out. Rydel comes to them^
Rydel: A-alexa and Rocky... Ro-rocky and Alexa... You knew!
Laura:I did, I'm so sorry but Rocky wants to keep this as a secret for a while. He's not sure how you'll take it.
Rydel: Alexa's my bestie! Rocky's my baby bro! They have broke up! And I can see your bra-aa...
^Ross fixes that. He moves the dress to her shoulder^
Ross: Wait, what? Rocklexa?
Rydel: I knoooowww!
Laura: Rocky said it by himself, they're together.

Raura storiesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن