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^Laura's in her bunk, others are on the end of the tour bus just chilling. She's texting with Vanessa^
Ness: "The babies are kicking rn😻"
Laura: "That's totally rad!!😍 woah!"
Ness: "I know!💘 Toby is so pumbed for the babies, Chris tells a lot great stuff about babies to him☺️"
Laura: "Mr. O'neil is babe😂😍"
Ness: "We're now officially Mr. and Mrs. Chris O'neil😇 Not only just by said, by papers too😋 I'm now Vanessa Lily O'neil❤️❤️"
Laura: "Bah bye, Marano- O'neil 😎😂"
Ness: "Yeeeaaaahhh... 😂 you okay?"
Laura: "Yeah... Now you've changed it, mom is about to. She'll do it when she has time. I'm gonna be the only great Marano left..."
Ness: "Dad's getting married in like 3 weeks, y'know."
^Laura closes her phone and starts crying very hard. She comes off her bunk and walk where others are^
Ross: Baby, what's wrong...? ^gets up and hugs Laura^
Laura: My dad is getting married in 3 weeks, my mom and Vanessa are changing their last names and I'm a wreck...
Ross: Calm down, baby... ^kisses Laura's head^
Stormie: ^hugs Laura too^ Sweetie, we're here for you... You don't have to go through this all by your own.
Laura: It just kills me that I've to go down there and be Christina's maid of honor...
Ross: But you don't have to.
Laura: I know but after that I'm never contacting my father again so it's kinda thee last favor I'm doing for him... ^sniffs^
Ross: Never??
Laura: Yes...
Stormie: But sweetheart, you haven't practiced it.
Laura: I know but they said I just have to walk down the ail and stand... Very tiny wedding tho...
Ross: For very tiny people...
Stormie: Don't worry honey...
^Rydel gets up and hugs Laura too. Everyone hugs her^
Stormie: Honey, I'm gonna make tea for you... ^Stormie lets go and takes off^
Ross: Baby, it's gonna be alright... You've nothing to worry about...

^Everyone are watching a movie. They can't go outside cause it's raining. Raura's cuddling^
Ross: Give me a kiss, baby girl...
Laura: Soon...
Rocky: Ross, even tho that's adorable, could you save it to Bora Bora. It may go somewhere.
Ross: ^smirks^ Alexa kiss her so he'll shut up!
Rocky: I don't like public kissing.
Ross: You're weird. ^kisses Laura's neck and rests his head close to it^
Laura: Baby, this is your favorite part! Two best friends realize they're in love and steal a very passionate kiss. After it they slowly lean in and smile...
Riker: That's your favorite part? Why?
Ross: I don't know. It's cute!
Laura: My fave part is that one where they fight just before they go to bed, but it's too hard to them to be mad at each other so they end up cuddling.
Lex: Same here. Adorable!
^Laura gets a text^
Laura: Rossy, could you please check who it is.
^Ross takes Laura's phone. The message is from Laura's dad: "Hi Princess! Glad you're coming :) Will you be able to forget the past...? see you soon, love you so much <3 - Your loving dad, gorgeous! P.s. You're my #1 girl :)"^
Ross: ^Whispers in Ellington's ear^ Send a message to Laura, don't ask why, just do it..
^Ross puts Laura's phone on vibrate and sits onto it. Ell texts Laura^
Laura: Ross, helloo?? Who was it??
Ross: ^says nervously^ It-it-it was Ellington. Just saying a corny joke, and stuff...
Laura: ^smiles^ Oh really, what was it?
Ross: Uuuuhh... Well...
Ell: "What did a sweaty guy wore all day? A sweater!"
^Laura smirks^
Laura: That was funny! ^smiles^
Ross: Mom, a word...
Stormie: Not now Ross...
Ross: ^fakes a cry^ Mommy, I need you...
^everyone looks at Ross^
Laura: Oh, what's wrong? Can I help?
Ross: Big boy problems... I don't wanna grow up!
Laura: God... Um, calm down...
Stormie: ^realizes Ross is faking^ Honey, come with me... We will go through this.
^Ross and Stormie take off. Everyone except Laura have realized what Ross did^
Laura: ^Has a worried face^ I hope he's okay...
^Riker hugs Laura^
Riker: He is...

Ross: The text was from Domiano, it wasn't Ellington.
Stormie: What did it say?
Ross: Something he's happy that Laura's gonna be there and she's his number 1.
Stormie: You deleted it, right? She'll be crushed.
Ross: I didn't.

Rydel: What the hell is that sound??
Riker: It's coming under Ross's pillow... ^takes a look under it and finds Laura's phone^ It's your phone.
Laura: Huh? It wasn't vibrated a minute ago, odd. ^sees the texts from her dad^ Oh my god...
Rydel: What baby?
Laura: It's my dad... ("Lauraaa??") What he needs an answer to? ^scrolls up her messages^ ("Will you be able to forget the past?") Oh my god. No no no... ^texts Dom: "No. Sorry, Domiano, but no. What you did to me, mom, Ness and Brad was horrible. You'll never be blessed to be happy. Sorry not sorry....". She gets up and finds Ross in her arms^ Baby, what's this?
Ross: ^breaths out^ I didn't want you to get sad...
Stormie: I let you two sugars alone. ^kisses Laura and Ross to head and leave the room^
Laura: After I read those messages I realized how stupid it would be to go down there. I'll cancel the whole thing. Right now.
Ross: Babe, shouldn't you think awhile of this?
Laura: I'm hurt. Let me do this. ^texts her dad: Dad, no... I can't forget, I'm not coming. See you around... Don't bother to care about me. I got my new family!" She's about to press the send button but she backs off^ I just can't do it... I'll not show up there, I'm on the tour with you.
Ross: Honey, come here...
^Laura starts crying and she hugs Ross. Ross hugs back^
Laura: You must think I'm a wuss and an idiot without a good family.... ^sniffs^
Ross: I do not think so. I think you're strong and very very adorable.
^Laura smirks^
Laura: I have to call him now that our Bora Bora trip won't be all about tears.
Ross: Imagine, mom and dad's fancy anniversary dinner. We'll all dress up and have fun! ^smiles^
Laura: What will you wear? ^smiles and pulls back^
Ross: The black tuxedo that makes me feel like 007. ^laughs^
Laura: Last time you wore it we were on A&S set. You sure it fits? Because, I mean, no one wants to see 00 and 7. ^laughs. Ross laughs and punches Laura friendly^
Ross: You got so weird sense if humor!
Laura: I know. ^smiles^ I got it from you.
Ross: Come here, babe!
^They both laugh a little bit and they hug^
Ross: I love you so much...
Laura: I love you too....--- Whoa! I can feel 00 and 7 now!
^Ross laughs and kisses Laura^

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