Baby shopping

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^Raura will drive to Stormie, Mark and Ryland's, but first they'll go to baby check. It's 3 to 4 weeks 'til Raura's baby will born and they haven't done any baby shopping. So today's the day!^
Dr: Hi! Please sit down! ^smiles^
Laura: Thank you.
^Ross and Laura take a seat^
Dr: Well, Laura. You're getting bigger and bigger!
Laura: I know! It's pretty crazy how my belly grows so fast!
Dr: Yeah, but we know what happened there.
Laura: Yes.
Dr: Last time we talked about the hospital visit... And got the ultrasound... Wanna know what? It would be perfect time to see your baby's sex. Are you interested knowing it?
Ross: Absolutelly!
Laura: Yeah! It will help today's shopping.
Dr: That's sweet! Lie down to the bed and make your self as comfortable as you can in hospital, haha! And in that rope!
Laura: I like it how loose it is!
^they laugh. Laura gets on the bed and Ross holds her hand^
Dr: Alright...

^after a long time the doctor puts her machines on the table and smiles brightly at Raura^
Dr: As you know, we were worried if the baby will be born sick.
Ross: Yes?
Dr: Congratulations... You'll get a healthy-... Son!
Laura: Oh my god! ^she covers her mouth for sec and smiles. She jumps out of the bed and hugs Ross. Ross holds her very tight^ We're getting a son!
Ross: Oh god... Son!!
Laura: I wanna tell the others already....
Ross: Me too...
Dr: I'll leave you too alone. ^takes off^
Laura: I'm gonna have a son...
Ross: This is unbelievable.
^they keep hugging for awhile until they realize they have to go to Lynches'^
Laura: Lets go tell them!
Ross: Yass!!

^Stormie, Mark and Ry has gathered around Raura in the living room. Unfortunatelly, the others aren't there.^
Laura: We have some preeeetty exciting news for ya! ^smiles sneakly^ Tell them honey...
Ross: Would you be happy if I'd say our son is healthy?
^it takes them a moment to realize what Ross said. They start freaking out and hugging Raura^
Ry: Oh shit! I get to play some hockey with him! We neeeeed to go to Colorado after he has born!
Mark: This is wonderful! Just incredible!
Stormie: I'm getting grandson... Oh my goodness! ^covers her mouth with her hands. Laura side hugs Stormie^
Mark: How do you feel?
Laura: I'm suuuuper excited! I can't wait to see him!
Ross: Y-yeah, super dope...!
^Mark notices insecurity in Ross' words.^
Mark: Ross, a word..?
Ross: Sure!
^Mark and Ross go to basement. They sit on the couch^
Mark: Why so stressed?
Ross: Whaaaaaat? I'm not- st-stressed! Phyw! ^flies his hand from left to right^
Mark: I'm your father, Ross. I know you.
Ross: ^takes a deep breathe^ Okay... When I still had hope it's gonna be a girl, I thought "Sure, Laura knows all the things what come to her way! Like first boyfriend, getting her period and that bra stuff" but now that it's gonna be a boy... I know all the stuff. It stresses me out if the way I've learned that stuff is the wrong way and I'm teaching my own son so wrong... What if I actually screw this up?
Mark: How could you teach it wrong? I mean, you could, but you won't if you want so!
Ross: What if I can't? What if I can't help him and he has to go to her mom for the awkward things! What if he won't love me as much as he'll love Laura?
Mark: You dooo know! It just feels like it. ^smiles^ Ross, when we had Riker, I was fully shocked how hard it was passing my wisedom to him, but the older he got, it got easier. When he finally hit those awkward aka teenage years it was the easiest thing ever to tell him what to do. I know it sounds crazy buut it's true. Then came Rocky and it was douple as easy! Then you and Ryland. Only one I had problems telling things and stuff was Rydel. I didn't know how to guide her with guys or basically anything that comes up with young woman's life, except smart thoughts you'll be needing in life. And we got so close! Our pond is so strong. It doesn't matter if you will have a girl or a boy, the pond will be strong if you built it to be one.
Ross: How do I know if he loves me?....
Mark: The first time I knew you loved me was when you grabbed my finger. Your teeny tiny, warm hand just held my front finger and I remember you making those cute noises- ^smiles proudly^ I just knew you loved me. You were so kind from the very beginning.
Ross: Thanks dad...
^both of them stand up and share an adorable father-son hug. Stormie and Laura come there with no voice^
Stormie: ^whispers^ What do you think they talked about?
Laura: I have noo idea...
^Ross and Mark stop hugging and they notice Stormie and Laura looking at them. They walk close to the girls. Ross wraps his arm around Laura and Laura places her hand on Ross' chest^
Laura: Um, Stormie and Mark... Can I ask you something?
Mark: Always!
Laura: Thanks. Uh, you guys know a lot of babies and what they wear and what they need, and Stormie you know what a mother needs, so I would be truely honored if you'd come baby shopping with us. ^smiles a little^
Stormie: We'd love to!
Mark: Yes, of course!
Laura: Aw, thank youu! I was thinking we could go get me some clothes and stuff first if it's okay?
Mark: I drive!
Laura: Sure! ^smiles^ Let's go!

^At the store. Instead of going to hundreds of stores, Stormie remembered this place she got all of her stuff so they went there. They're looking at baby clothes^
Laura: I was thinking if we could get him those super cute onsies! Like imagine, our son crowling in a bear suit and everyone would go "Oooh! It's a scary beaaaar! Ruuun".
Ross: Yeah, I like it! But which one..? Bear, panda or wolf?
Laura: Bear..?
Ross: Sure!
Laura: ^takes the bear onsie out of the wall and puts it into the box^ We have like 50 shirts, 50 pants, 40 onsies for him. We won't need more... Right?
Ross: Yeah, no!
Stormie: ^sniffs^ Mark... Remember that onsie? That's just like the one Ross wore Ross wore...
Mark: ^ wraps his arm around Stormie^ I do... ^Mark smiles proudly at Ross and Ross smiles gently back at him^
Ross: Uh, Laura... Could we, y'know, just chill tonight?
Laura: Aww, of course! I love chilling with you. ^smiles^
Ross: Great....

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