Riker's birthday

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^R5 got back to LA. They are driving to Bea's. Bea has a surprise planned with Rydellington, Raura and Rocky. They are almost there.^
Ell: Hey, Ryd?
Rydel: Ryd's next to you.
Ell: Yeah, um... Should we go out tomorrow for sushi?
Rydel: Sure! I'd l-... Wait.... I gotta check if I have anything. Raura has baby check, Riker will stay at Bea's, Rocky's at home. Noo, I'm freeee!
Laura: Oh yeah, baby check! Ross, it's at 10 instead of 11.
Ross: Wohoo... I can't sleep.
Riker: Hey, we'll go eat at Bea's then you leave. Sleep whole day.
Rydel: It feels so weird we're not spending your birthday together!
Riker: Yeah, but we opened my gifts and ate cake on tour bus, so...
Rydel: Still...
Riker: I want to spend some time with Bea, y'know...
Rydel: Sure...
Riker: Love you, Dells!
Rydel: Love you too, Rikey...
Ross: Oh my goodness, this is Rocky's jam!!!! Turn it up Riker!
Riker: ^turns the music louder^ "If you got pinacoladas!" Oh yessss!
Rocky: "... And getting caught in the rain..!!!" Yasss!
Laura: Heaven sakes with these Lynch guys....
Rydel: Know right!
All the guys: "If you like pinacoladas!!!"
Rydel: And that one Ratliff...
Laura: Yep.

^at Bea's. They're at the door^
Bea: Rikeyyyy!!! ^runs for a hug^
Riker: Hii!
Bea: Happy birthdayyy! Aaah, 24!
Riker: Yeaaaah!
Bea: Hi you guys! How are you?
Rydel: Great. Just got off from Colorado.
Laura: Good!
Bea: Nice to hear that! Oh, btw, we have our table reservation at 6 o'clock.
Riker: Then you guys leave. ^wraps his arm around Bea^
Rocky: Wow, whatca gonna do? ^throws her eyebrows up dramaticly^
Ross: ^cracks up^ Oh my god! Rikerrrrr!
Riker: ^kisses Bea's head^ Guys please...
Rydel: Alright, we'll stop teasing you.
Bea: I have food there, if you want.
Ell: Sure!
Bea: Ross, by the way, my dad fixed your car. It's on the driveway.

^later in the restaurant. All of them raise up their glasses^
All: Happy birthday Rikeeer! ^they put their glasses together first and then drink from them^
Riker: Thanks guys!
Bea: I would make toast-...
Rocky: You have bread?
^everyone laugh^
Riker: No, don't.
Bea: If you say so... ^first they kiss but they got into it^
Rydel: Aww...
Ross: So cute.
Ell: Adorable.
Rocky: Okay now...!
Riker: Sorry... ^pulls back^
Bea: Haha!
Laura: You two are so cute together! Like all the couples in our family.
Rydel: Don't you just forget about the whole world when you kiss the one you love the most?
^all the couples look at each other^
Laura: Just stearing into his brown eyes is enough.
Ross: ^smiles^ I love you so freaking much, babe...
Laura: Same... ^leans in and kisses with Ross^
Rydel: Just seeing him smile makes me extremely happy.
^Ell kisses with Rydel.^
Ell: I can't wait for our date.
Rocky: Guyssss! Stoooop!
Riker: I wish you would have a girlfriend too. I mean, couple night's only a week away...
Rocky: Yeah...
Waitress: Sorry you had to wait... Are you ready to order?
Ross: Yes. I'd take beef in bbq sauce. All the guys take it.
Waitress: Thank you!
Rydel: Samon rolls to all us lovely ladiesssss! ^smiles^
Waitress: Thank you! ^goes away^
Bea: I left my gifts at home! Oh man...
Riker: You can give them soon.
Laura: What are you guys gonna do today? Like, Rik and Beabs.
Riker: We're probably just gonna watch a movie and fall asleep...
Ross: Yeah, right! ^laughs annoyingly and everyone joins him^
Riker: Nah, seriously.
Rocky: #NetflixAndChill
Ross: #ReaBabies
^everyone laughs except Riker^
Riker: That's a lie. No babies... And I don't even know if we're gonna watch it from Netflix.
Rocky: #R5tvAndChill ? ^does a girly voice, people crack up^ God, eeeeew Rik!
Rydel: Moving aloooong...?
Riker: Yes please!
Bea: Ross, come pick your car up then!
Ross: Yeah sure. Laur, you coming with  me? Gotta go home and hang out with them after it...
Rocky: Whoa, an I only one whose ears that sounded weird. I mean, like, it sounded they'd have their own place.
Rydel: Wow, it really did...
Ell: Have you guys ever thought how long are we gonna live with each other?
Rydel: Yeah... Y'know, Raura lives at their own place in the future, so does me and Ell... So freaky!
Laura: I know right!
Riker: So weird....
Ross: Woah! Lets live together as long as we can!
Rydel: HEY OMG! Bea move in with us!
Bea: What?
Laura: YASSS!!
Rydel: It would be sooo much fun! Imagine; living with your besties and boyfriend, no parents around, own rules. ^smiles^
Bea: I-I really have to think about it first, but totally!
Riker: Yay! ^smiles. They cheer up^

^They've ate and they're going to cars.^
Ross: Riker, we're coming with you!
Rydel: Ell, you drive!
Ell: Sure!
^Riker, Bea and Ross already get in their car^
Laura: Rydel, are you going grocery shopping?
Rydel: Yeah! You want anything?
Laura: Umm, if you could get me that mango-avokado porrige.
Rydel: Sure! See you home!
Laura: There! ^gets in the car and Bea drives away to freeway^
Ross: I could've totally drive. It's your magical night today!
Laura: NO!
Riker: NEVER!
Bea: Why?
Laura: His roadrage is huge! He drives faster than his should and then he complains how annoying it is when others are so slow!
Riker: Yeah, yeah! And he turns steering wheel 180• everytime he turns to another block. It's seriously a life and death kind of question if driving with Ross!
Ross: That's- not-..... Well, okay... But Laura listens to music so loud you can't even hear your thoughts and if you ask her a questions she'll go "WHAT!?!??" And Riker talks to phone all the time so you have to be sush or you'll be kicked out of the car!
Bea: Oookay... Maybe I'll drive them....
Laura: Yeah, that's smart!

^at bea's. Riker and Bea already went in. Raura's trying to open Ross's car's doors^
Laura: Oh c'mon! Gimme those keys! ^presses unlock about 10 times in a row^
Ross: Believe me, it's not working!
Laura: You just can't figure out how it works, Mr. Speedy Speederson!
Ross: Alright, Ms. 80's!
Laura: The 80's music is awesome!
Ross: I know! I go ask Bea...
Laura: Sure...
^Ross knocks but gets no answer so he tries if the door is locked. It's open so he walks in^
Ross: ^sees Riker and Bea on the couch, making out^ Oh dear god..! Guys!?
^Riker and Bea get up fast and look embarrased.^
Ross: Uh, um, um... T-this key isn't working. ^shows it^
Bea: Oh that's mine! ^takes her purse from the floor. Gives Ross the right one and takes her own away^ Here you go...
Ross: Thanks! ^smiles^ Um... Didn't you just have a white see-through shirt on???
^Riker looks at Ross with eyes wide open, rubbing his neck and scratching his arm both at their time. He's as red as a fire truck^
Bea: U-um....
Ross: Ooooooohhh! Oookayyy! Now I see! Well, have fun!---... No, um... I just go now, okay? Okay! Bye! Happy birthday Rik! ^takes off^
Bea: Awkward!!!
Riker: Yeah!
Bea: I wish he understood...
Riker: Ross? The guy who makes out every single freaking night? Of course, he does.
Bea: Good! ^smiles^ Before that... ^points the couch^ Here's your gift. ^goes get it from her bedroom^ Happy birthday!
Riker: ^opens the gift^ "Riker and Bea, 11 months!" Is this a scratch book?! ^smiles^
Bea: Yeah, there's stuff like our first kiss; a picture of it, when, how, what did it feel like. ^smiles^
Riker: Awww, I love it!!! Thanksss! ^hugs bea and she hugs back^
Bea: Happy birthday honey!
Riker: Thank you!

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