UK London #2

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^It's been 3 days since they arrived to London. Laura's not sick anymore but she didn't go out with others because she doesn't want to get sick again. She's playing with Romeo, her and Ross's puppy^
Laura: You're going to Bora Bora in 4 days... First is a day in Ireland but then we fly to LA, home and then to Bora Bora... Y'know 17 people are coming. Crazy, huh? Don't worry, mommy and daddy will keep you in our room.
^Laura gets a message from Rocky^
Rocky: "Yo, u need food? Shr went to sw to get sandwitches. Want 1?"
Laura: "Yas! Shr knows wha kinda"
Rocky: "Great"
^Laura goes outside cause Romeo needs to do his business^
Laura: Baby, do it quick. It's freezing!
^Ross texts Laura^
Ross: "Babe, chicken, lettuce, salami, cheese, pepper?"
Laura: "Yup. When youre back?"
Ross: "30 mins, max."
Laura: "k"
^Romeo and Laura get back in^
Laura: Why you poop so much? Now I've to feed ya.
^Romeo barks^
Laura: Hush! Romeo, don't bark!
^Laura walks into the kitchen and graps the dog food^ Romeo, hush!
^he stops barking^
Laura: Good dog! ^smiles^ great job! ^she hears a crack but ignores it^
Laura: ^goes on her knees and puts the dog food on a plate^ Eat it all so you'll grow. ^looks at the closet and graps her phone^
^She hears another crack, louder one, but leaves it without attention. Romeo barks again^
Laura: Shut up! God, doesn't Ross tell you not to and lets you bark? Ellington's dogs don't bark.
^She hears a loud crack. This time, she gets scared^
Laura: What the fuck is that? Hello!?
^Romeo has ate his food and Laura lifts Romeo to her hold^
Laura: What the...?
^She goes to open the closet^
Laura: What is this??
^someone touches her shoulder and she screams........ And wakes up. Laura gets up fast and hits her head to the bunk^
Laura: Oh...
Ross: Babe? You okay? You've been kicking me like crazy!
Laura: Oh sorry... I saw a nightmare.
Ross: Okay...
Laura: This sounds crazy but come with me to check out Romeo.
Ross: Babeee...
Laura: It's 1 at night. Let's go...
^Raura goes to check out Romeo^
Laura: Romeoo...
Rydel: What are you guys doing? I thought you went to bed.
Ross: Crazy saw a nightmare and woke me up...
Laura: Haa haa! Romeo!
Ross: Romeooo!!
Laura: Romeo!! Romeo!
Rydel: Does he know his name yet?
Ross: Yeah... I don't know, why he doesn't show up. He always comes when we yell him.
Laura: Romeo!!
Ross: Romeoo!!
Laura: ROMEO!! Get your ass here right now or I get mad!!
Rydel: Ell and I can check out the living room.
^Rydellington takes off^
Laura: Where are you my Romeo!!??
Ross: ROMEO!!
Ry: What the hell are you yelling?
^Rydel comes with Romeo and Ell^
Rydel: He was under the couch.
^Laura takes Romeo into her arms^
Laura: Aah... ^presses her head agains Romeo^ I love you so much... ^smiles^ I love love love youuu...
Ross: Seriously, Laura... Put the dog down and let's go to bed.
Laura: Alright...
^Laura leaves Romeo with Rydellington and Raura climbs to Ross's bunk^
Ross: Don't see another nightmare, plz.
Laura: I can't promise...
^Ross has his arm around Laura^
Laura: Goodnight...
Ross: To you too baby...

^next morning. Riker, Bea, Rocky and Lex are watching TV^
Riker: Where's Raura?
Lex: I bet they're being adorable in their bunk.
Bea: Or then they're sleeping...
Riker: I wanna know.
Rocky: Let's go see!
^Rocky and Riker go in front of Raura's bunk and pull the curtains open^
Riker: ^Whispers^ Hey, you're awake.
Ross: ^whispers^ She's not...
Riker: What are you doing?
Ross: Watching her sleeping...
Riker: You naked?
Ross: Every night, dude....
Rocky: Same.
^Laura wakes up^
Ross: Morning gorgeous...
Laura: ^murmurs^ Hmmm... Morning....
Ross: You pressed agains me and cuddled my left side at night.
Laura: Yeah, I saw a bad dream.
Riker: We leave you too alone...
^Riker and Rocky take off^
Ross: Another one?
Laura: Yeah... A drug dealer come by to our house and I couldn't get him off so I had to do drugs...
Ross: Did you saw any good one?
Laura: I saw a dream of our life. First I saw pregnant and I perfectly saw the part where we were making it...
Ross: Did it look nice? ^grinds^
Laura: You were as good as always. ^smirks^ So, when we were on labor, I started crying cause the nurse said "Congratsulations, you're going to be parents..." You kissed me. Then we got married and we moved out from home to our own. We lived there with our little baby bro and when he was 5 he was just the sweetest thing ever.
Ross: What a nice dream... ^smiles^
Laura: Then I realized how far away it all is.
Ross: Y'know, maybe it's not... Maybe it's just 3 years away.
Laura: Yeah... You make me feel good.
Ross: I got my heart made up on you. ^smirks^ I need to ask Riker something.
^Ross gets off from their bunk^
Ross: NO ONE COME I'M NAKED!! ^takes his morning coat from the floor and puts it on^ NOT ANYMORE! ^goes to TV launge^
Riker: It's 11.
Ross: Okay...
Lex: Nice hair, tho. ^smirks^
Ross: ^walks in front of a mirror^ "I didn't sleep cause my girlfriend kicked me, so I had to go around and around" hair.
Rocky: Are you waiting for Bora Bora?
Ross: Yeah. I've never been to there. Have you?
Lex: I was twelve.
Bea: I haven't.
^Romeo scratches himself agains Ross's leg. Ross picks him up^
Rocky: Hey Ross, how much did Romeo cost?
Ross: Something around $700 . ^smiles^ You made my girlfriend very happy!
Riker: 700 dollars!?
Ross: My own money.
Riker: Thank god...
^ Laura comes^
Lex: ^smiles^ Good morning!
Bea: Slept well? ^smiles^
Laura: Nah... Ross, honey, I can see Rex so cover it up...
^Lex and Bea look. Ross gives Romeo to Laura, and fixes it^
Rocky: You two looked at it! ^laughs^
Laura: Y'know, Ross won't care.
Ross: I got nice body from neck to toes.
Laura: It's head to toes.
Ross: I don't like my head so much.
^Laura gives Romeo to Lex^
Laura: Why? ^has her hand in Ross's hair^ You got your hair, cheek bones, nose, beautiful big eyes, mouth, lips, e---...
^Ross kisses Laura^
Ross: I love when someone touches my hair... I can't handle it. ^smirks^
Laura: I know it is your biggest turn on. ^grinds^
Ross: I don't know why! ^laughs^ It's so weird!
Laura: ^laughs^ I loooooooove youuu!

^Ross and Laura are watching a sad love story from TV. Laura's crying^'
Ross: Are you crying?
Laura: No.... ^Laura wipes her tears^
Ross: Aww baby, don't be sad... ^puts his arm around Laura. She rests her head on Ross's chest^ You're hair smells really good.
Laura: Are trying to do something, Lynch?
Ross: ^smirks^ Why you think so?
Laura: Because I know you...
Ross: Can't a boyfriend loves her boyfriend. ^Laughs a bit and kisses Laura onto cheek.^
Rocky: Whoa! Not in here!
^Ross sighs and throws a pillow at Rocky. He catches it and throws it back^
Rocky: Chill bro... ^walks away as he's smiling^
Ross: And the romantic moment is gone....

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