Rocky's birthday #1

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^It's Rocky's birthday. They're driving home where Stormie, Ry and Mark are waiting for them. They have a surprise for him.^
Rydel: Rocky, why you grow up sooo fast? Can't you stay as my little brother?
Rocky: Haha! This year went so fast! I mean, I'm still trying to get over last year's party.
Ross: Same!
Laura: ^drives^ Ross, where do you put the radio on? I mean, I press that and all that happens is it starts playing some Rock music.
Ross: Press it twice. It's broken.
Riker: Why won't you fix it?
Ross: I haven't got time to.
Rocky: Okay, sure.
Laura: Why I don't hear Ell's laugh???
^everyone, except Laura, look at Ell and see he's sleeping^
Rydel: Aww... How long you guys stayed awake?
Riker: Like to 5 am....
Rydel: It's 8 am, now. You slept only 2 hours?
Rocky: Yup...
Rydel: No wonder why he's tired... ^pets Ellington's cheek^ He's so adorable. ^wakes ell up accidently^ Oh sorry!...
Ell: ^murmurs^ Where are we....?
Rydel: We're soon home. You can sleep. Put your head on my lap so your neck isn't in painfull position.
Ell: I'm good here..
Rydel: Okay.

^at home. Rocky's the last one to come in, so everyone is in the living room. He walks in^
Rocky: ^looks extremely happy^ Wow guys, what's this!? Oh god! ^hugs everyone^
Ell: Here are your presents! ^points the couch^
Rocky: Woah, so much gifts! This would be so perfect if nana and papa would be here!
Stormie: Hmmmm, what if we wouldho to Coloradoooo? ^smiles sneakly^
Rocky: We're going to Colorado!? Awesome!!! Thanks guys!
Mark: They're already waiting gor us! Let's go eat your cake and back the toir bus.
Rocky: Sure! Woooooooaaaah...

^they've hit the road. All of them (Mark's driving so he's not there) are in the ""living room"". Rocky's opening his presents^
Rocky: an iPhone 6+ from Riker!?!??? This is what I've been wishing  for! Thank youuu!! Thanks man!
Riker: No prob!
Rocky: ^opens his next gift^ From Rydellington...... AC/DC concert tickets AND their 5 albums!? WOW! SO AWESOME!
Rydel: ^hugs Rocky^ Yayyyy! Glad ya like 'em!
Ell: Happy Birthday, bro!
Rocky: Thank you! Laura and Ross's next! Wow it's large one ^opens Raura's gift^ A NEW GUITAR!? what the hell is happening in here!!!! Thank youuuuu!
Ross: Happy birthday!
Laura: ^hugs Rocky^ It's worth if every penny if we get to see you smile.
Stormie: Aww! All your gifts are so awesome!
Rocky: Ry's next. ^opens Ryland's gift^ AN iPAD!? What the fuck!!!! THANKS!!!
Ry: HbD!
Rocky: TY!
Riker: They turned into teenage girls...
^they all laugh^
Rocky: Mom and dad's then.... ^opens it^ But here's air????
Stormie: We gave you the gift of life.
Rocky: Huh??--- I mean, thank youuu?
Stormie: Haha, nooo! You'll get our gift at home.
Rocky: Wooow can't wait!
Riker: Bea is also giving you a gift when you get back home.
Rocky: Cool! Wow, thank you guys! I loved all your gifts!
Rydel: Group huuuug!
^they hug for a long time^
Stormie: Hey Rocky I need a pic of youu!
^Stormie takes her phone from the floor and snaps a picture of Rocky with his gifts. She log into Instagram and posts it with caption saying:

^at Stormie's parents. They're exploring the house^
Rydel: Aww I remember how I used to sleep with Rocky on that couch and we had "sibling meetings" and talked about things like Ross's hair. Time passed so fast!
Rocky: Oh I remember that!
Nana: Oh me too! ^laughs^ You guys were so cute with your little secrets. You put a cover on you so we couldn't hear you guys! I still hear your cute, little voices...
Ross: Hey there's my art wall!
Nana: Ell, Laura, let's say I actually didn't give him a permission for that... I climbed up the stairs and saw lots of, LOTS OF, drawings on the wall!
Ross: ^smirks^ You make me sound like I was a monster....
Papa: Oh you were!
Ell: He's still.
Laura: A monster with so much energy!
Riker: Rocky, there still is that crack you made! He ran around the room, a helmet in his head and slipped. It has been there since....
Ry: This house is full of memories.
Rydel: I think I'm gonna cry... ^chuckles tears in her eyes^
^Ell wraps his arm around her and she presses agains his body^
Nana: It suuure is...
Papa: Let's go!

^at the dinning table. They are eating^
Mark: Rydel, why you look so upset?
Rydel: I want to be a child again. Like, it's Rocky's birthday but everytime someone says Rocky I immediatly think the 2002 Rocky.
Stormie: Honey, if you wouldn't have grew up, there would not be Ellington or Laura or Bea ooor R5.
Rocky: Besides, without growing up you wouldn't be able to look back to your happy childhood memories.
Ell: And I think you don't have bad ones at all.
Rydel: That's right... ^smiles^
Nana: Rocky, we have a surprise for you.... It's your birthday gift. ^goes get a box and gives it to Rocky^ Happy birthday, dear. ^kisses Rocky's head^
Papa: Happy birthday!
Rocky: Thanks guys!.... ^opebs the box^ What-what are these?
Papa: We thought the perfect gift as the second years in your 20's would be clothes and pics from your 94's...
Nana: There are your baby clothes, socks, bodies, pants, shoes, shirts etc. and also pictures of you just born and I think there's a picture where you hold my finger.
Rocky: ^takes out his baby body^ Wow,.. Were I really this small? ^has an emotial smile on his face^ I can't believe you guys have safed these things. This is the best gift ever! ^looks over for pics. He finally finds one and lifts it up^ These clothes smell so good. ^looks at the picture^ Woah....
Riker: What is it?
Rocky: ^tears fill Rocky's eyes^ It's me just born with mom, dad, Rydel and Riker... Wow... I was so little. Gosh...
Rydel: ^cries^ Oh go-god, I can't hold it in.
Laura: ^tears up^ So beautiful...
Rocky: Was I really this small?....
^even Mark has tears in his eyes^
Mark: Yes, 21 years ago...
Stormie: I'm so touched mom and dad.
Rocky: ^tears come out of his eyes^ This is so thoughtful...
Nana: ^hugs Rocky^ Sweetheart, don't cryy...
Rocky: I can't believe all this was 21 years ago.
Stormie: I know right....
Rocky: I never cry but this got me.
Ross: That's so amazing.
Riker: I'm so close to cry!
Ell: Same! ^wipes tears from his eyes^

^later that night. They are all in the living room, by a fireplace where fire warms them up. They are going through Rocky's baby stuff^
Mark: Here's a picture of you with your first day home! ^shows it^
Everyone: AWWWW!
Rydel: How can someone so tall used to be so small!?
Riker: I know right!
Stormie: Mom this is seriously the best gift ever. I don't know how to thank you!
Nana: Ahh no problem! Anything to my family!
^everyone smiles and group hugs^
Everyone but Rocky: Happy birthday Rocky!
Rocky: Thank youu! ^smiles^ love you all!
Everyone: Love you too!

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