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^Laura's friend Emily came over with her new boyfriend and her son. They're sitting on the back of the tour bus.^
Emily: Laura, you look incredible! ^smiles^
Laura: Really? I've been sick for last 2 days. I have messy bun, 3 Ross's sweaters on and sweatpants. I don't have any make up on so I can't agree with you.
Jeremy: I think you're veeery beautiful.
Laura: Aww, aren't you a little gentleman. I'd hug you but I don't think you wanna smell like colony, haha. Or get sick.
Jeremy: Haha! Why you are wearing colony?
Laura: Actually it's Ross and Riker's colony mixed up.
Riker: Oh there my sweater went.
Laura: You want it back?
Riker: No keep it. It looks better on ya.
Laura: Thank you.
Riker: No prob.
Ross: Okay, so my brother has given my girlfriend over 3 shirts and sweaters but I haven't... Babe, keep the sweaters.
Laura: Hahaha, thanks.
Emily: How are you all?
Rydel: We're great. Right guys?
Everyone: Yeah!
Emily: Nice to hear. ^smiles^ I have so much stress that I'd need a vacation like right now! ^sighs^
Stormie: We're going to Bora Bora next week, why wouldn't you come with us? ^smiles friendly^
Emily: Oh my god! That sounds amazing! You sure?
Ell: Yass, come!
Emily: Bora Bora! ^smiles brightly^ Jeremy, do you want to go?
Jeremy: Yassssss!!
Emily: I'm on summer break, so is he. How about you, Colin?
Colin: Okay. It sounds nice!
Stormie: Yay!
Emily: Girls, can you help me with booking the vacation?
Lex: Absolutelly.
Jeremy: Mommy, I come too!
^Aaaaall the girls and Jeremy take off^
Ell: Haha, 17 people coming! ^laughs^
Rocky: Hahaha yeah!
Colin: 17?
Ross: Our cousin is coming too with her boyfriend.
Mark: Yeah... So Colin, how did you and Emily met?
Colin: Well... We met in a bar and we got along very well. We went out a couple of a times and we fell in love.
Ross: Cute.
Colin: How about you guys with your girls?
Mark: Stormie and I met in U2 27 years ago. Then the rest is pretty much the same as yours.
Rocky: Lex has always been Rydel's great friend, it just clicked with us. We broke up for 3 years but now we're together again.
Riker: Bea is Laura's long time friend and it was seriously so fast that I can't believe it! ^laughs^ We kissed after 40 minutes and went out in 3 hours and I don't know, it was so special that we couldn't help it. We started dating.
Colin: Crazy.
Ell: Rydel and I have just always been best friends so it was just bound to happen with us.
Ry: Same as Rocky's, except we haven't broke up. ^smirks^
Ross: Well, Laura and I star the show A&A. We flirted back and fort with each other even tho we both had a thing going on. Well, I broke up with Sarah cause I had feelings for Laura but I knew she wouldn't, but only after 6 days she came on the set so sad and told what happened. She asked me to come read scripts with her to her house and I said okay. I had to make her feel better cause she couldn't even read the script. I noticed she wanted to kiss me so I did... I couldn't help the feelings. She didn't pull back so it was good. It got weird and I took off. Well after a few days I asked her to come read the new script to my house and we kissed there too but Rydel walked in and told everyone. She confessed she has feelings too. It was just too good to waste.
Colin: Awesome. How long it has been?
Ross: Over 4 years already.
Colin: Oh dude. You must have lost the spark?
Ross: No, actually-....
Colin: What!? Is she like crazy? 4 years and the same man? You have to be doing it every night for past 4 years?
Ross: We lost it like a month ago...
Colin: Wow... You're ninteen and you were virgin. Shit... I'm just saying that it's weird how you're still together. I mean, she's like the hottest girl alive and you're alright.
Ross: Um, what?? Are you trynna piss me??
Colin: No, I'm just saying.
Ross: I'm gonna go over there before I seriously kill you. ^stands up^
Colin: Why you'd kill me? Telling the truth?
Ross: Uh dude, don't push it or be pushed.
Ell: God...
Colin: What's wrong with you?
Ross: Fuck you, jackass... ^goes outside^
Laura: Ross!
^Laura goes out too^
Colin: Wow....
Mark: He's--- um, everyone gets under hus skin if they really want to.
Colin: I'm sorry if I did something.
Ry: No no no, no need.
Colin: Alright.

Ross: That guy is a freak!
Laura: Schh! He can hear... Baby, he might be nervous-
Ross: If you're nervous sweat! God, telling me that we're not a great couple. Laura: He may be just honest, y'know... Don't take it under your skin.
Ross: Okay...
Laura: I better get back in before I get even more sick.
^Ross and Laura go back in^
Colin: I'm sorry Ross, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
Ross: Okay, let's not talk about it.
Colin: Sure.
Jeremy: Mommy got us a room in Bora Bora! Next to Ross and Laura's! ^smiles^
Ross: You all?
Jeremy: Yes! Isn't it great!?
Ross: It sure is-... Special...
Colin: It's awesome Jerem!
Jeremy: It sure is!
Colin: Little dude, go to your mommy.
^Jeremy leaves the room^
Colin: Make sure Jerem doesn't look out from the window.
Ry: Why?
Colin: I'll go smoke one.
^Colin goes outside^
Mark: You okay, Ross?
Ross: Yeah, I try to get along with him. Y'know, no one wants fighting on a vacation.
Riker: Great bro.

Laura: Ross is always so sweet with me.  He basically always has his hands on me and gives the best kisses. ^smiles^ The feeling inside is so incredible that I wanna cry.... I wish I wouldn't be sick so I could just hug him.
Emily: Oh my god, stop or I'll start crying.
Laura: ^smirks^ I'm looking forward to Bora Bora cause I know Ross so well that I know he's a wreck to tropical nights.
Emily: Is Ross very romantical?
Laura: Extremely! I love the way he sleeps. He either presses agains me, his hair in my face and lips close to my neck or then arm around me.
Emily: Ugh, I want thaaaat! I'm 27 and Colin doesn't fill my needs. Y'know? I want a guy like Ross, Ell, Mark, Riker, Ry and Rocky.
Rydel: Oh noo!
Bea: Haha you don't!
Emily: Whaaat? ^grinds^ What's the worst thing that has ever happened?
Rydel: Ellington and I were friends for 7 years and the first 7 months were sooo awkward between us.
Bea: I was pregnant but I'm not anymore... We broke up and now we're together again.
Lex: Rocky and I fighted like crazy before we broke up but now we're back together.
Laura: Cheating, jealousy, smoking, hating, fighting, not-talking etc.
Sav: Ryland and I haven't even said we love each other....
Emily: Really?
Sav: Well, it's coming. A week ago Ry said he lo-lo-lo-lo--- likes me alot.
Laura: It can be very scary. It took a year to me and Ross.
Sav: Yeah.... I just wish he loves me.
Lex: He does. Don't think about anything like that.
Sav: I won't... ^smiles^

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