Merry Christmas!

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^R5, Laura, Stormie, Mark and Ryland went to Colorado spend their Christmas. There are Colorado Grandparents aka Stormie's parents, Ell's parents and little R5 with their parents. They all went out to skate, well all, except Stormie's parents, Stormie and Siera. Guys are playing hockey as usual^
Rydel: Ooooh, see that! Wow!
Laura: Oh look he's waving at you!
^girls wave at santa and skate up to him^
Santa: Ho! Ho! Ho!
Beauty: I love you! ^gets embarrased^ Um... I wasn't meant to say it like that... I do love you!
Santa: ^laughs^ How old are you?
Beauty: I'm 9...
Santa: Are they your sisters? ^looks fast at Rydel and Laura under his eyebrows^
Beauty: Not quite, they feel like ones tho! The blonde one is my cousin and the brunette is the blonde one's brother's girlfriend. They're my besties!
^Rydel and Laura smile to each other^
Beauty: But Santa... Shouldn't you know that?
Santa: Sometimes even Santa has blackouts. Now that you reminded me about it, I remember it very well.
Beauty: Oh okay!
Santa: Now tell me, what do you want for Christmas?
Beauty: ^whispers in Santa's ear^ I want a dancing doll. It dances by itself!
Santa: Oh, let's see did my elves make you one. They're very lazy at times. Maybe you should be my elf!
^Beauty smiles at Santa^
Rydel: Beauty, if you're ready talking to Santa, should we go finish our hot chocolate?
Beauty: Sure! Bye Santa! Merry Christmas! See you in the evening!
Santa: Merry Christmas, ho ho ho!
Rydel: Merry Christmas!
Laura: Merry Christmas!
^girls skate away. They sit down on a bench where their chocolates are. Cheryl, Stormie and her sister, Siera, walk to talk to them^
Stormie: Oh Beauty! Did you just meet Santa?
Beauty: YES! He was so chubby and happy and nice!
Siera: ^smiles^ He is. Did you tell him what you reeeaaally want for Christmas?
Beauty: Yes.
Siera: Maybe you could tell it to mommy?
Beauty: Sorry mommy, but only Santa knows it.
Siera: Well alright.
Stormie: Did you tell it to Rydel or Laura?
Cheryl: Did you tell anyone?
Beauty: I didn't tell it to anyone!-.. GUYS ARE COMING BACK!
^soon the guys stop in front of them. Rocky lifts Beauty on his shoulders^
Bauer: Hi girls!
Stormie: But someone knows how to say R now! ^smiles excitedly^
Bauer: Daddy taugh me and mommy filmed it!
John (Siera's husband): It was about time...
Ross: Gordo made awesome goals, Siera. You should've filmed them!
Siera: I really think so! Who won?
Rocky: It was tie, good game!
Siera: Woow! Greeeaat! ^smiles^
Ross: What have you babes done?
Rydel: We played games, drank hot chocolate and saw Santa.
Laura: He even told Beauty, she should be his new elf! Not everyone is that lucky!
Ry: Woah Beaut!
Bauer: I want too!!
Mark: Write him a letter.
Riker: I'll help you!
Stormie: Should we get back at the house? You look like you'd freeze to ice cubes soon.
Everyone: Okay! / Sure!
Rocky: ^puts Beauty down^ Go to Ell! ^laughs^
Beauty: Ell, can you teach me how to play drums again?
Ell: Yes, sure!
Beauty: YAY!

^they get back at the house. The little ones (Beauty, Gordo and Bauer) run to living room where the tree is. So many presents have came under it^
Siera: Don't touch anything!
Rydel: Ell, come! Let's go see it!
^Rydellington runs to living room. They amaze the present mountain awhile but then....^
Laura: Um, Rydellington! You realize you're standing just in front of the front door?
Rydel: Yeah?
Laura: Where, oh where, did I put my mistletoe? ^makes a thinking face but then smiles^
^Rydellington looks up even tho they do know what's up there. They look into each other's eyes and a cute smile comes onto both of their face. Ell awkwardly searches for Rydel's hands but then Rydel gives them to him. They lean closer and kiss^
Rydel: Ellington... It was my first kiss under a mistletoe... ^wipes her hair behind her ear^
Ell: ^smiles^ I'm glad you were sharing it with me...
Rydel: Same here...
^Ellington wraps his arm around Rydel as she rests her head onto his shoulder. Meanwhile Rydellington's being cute, Ross has been talking to Gil^
Ross: So Gil, tell me, do you have a girlfriend?
Gil: ^looks down^ Y-yeah...
Ross: ^smiles^ What's her name?
Gil: Natalie? We've been dating now six weeks.
Ross: So it is serious!
Gil: Pretty much...
Ross: Congrats buddy!
Gil: ^laughs a bit^ Thanks!

^it's present time! The little elves have gave the presents to their owners. Everyone else has opened their gifts expect Rydel^
Rydel: ^opens her gifts but one little one she lefts wait^ Wow, 4 adorable onsies from Laura! ^hugs Laura^ Thank youuuu!
Laura: Merry Christmas!
Rydel: You too, bae! ^smiles as opens Little R5 family's gift^ Oh god, guyssss! $200 giftcard to Sushi restaurant Suchi!
Siera: Hope you love it!
Rydel: I dooo! Thanks! ^opens Riker's present^ A necklace that says "Little sister forever" and a heart at the end... ^has an emotional smile on her face^ Oh my goodness, Riker... I love it! Can you help me put it on?
Stormie: Awww!
Laura: So cute...!
Siera: I think I'm gonna cry!
Nana: Little Riker...
^Riker helps Rydel to put it on.^
Rydel: Thank you Riker... ^Hugs him. Sniffs^ My god... ^laughs^ Mommy and daddy's next! ^opens it^ Why you want to make me cryyy? ^covers her face^ Pictures of us, my baby clothes.... I love love love this... ^looks at the picture^ I really do... ^smiles proudly^ Wow......
^everyone just smiles for awhile^
Rydel: Maybe I'll move on... Rocky's! ^opens it. There's nothing^ Um... It's empty...
Rocky: Yeah, I couldn't get it in so it's waiting at home! It's a surprise!
Rydel: Wow, okay! Nana and Papa I got the piano at the corner, which I'm still freaking out about!!!!! I LOVE THAT PIANO, OH MY GOD!
Nana: Merry Christmas, little lovebug!
Papa: Merry Christmas, Rydelly!
Rydel: Merry Christmas to both of you! ^smiles^ I love you!
Papa: We love you too!
Rydel: Then's-... Wher-...?
Gorgo: It's right next to you.
Rydel: Thanks homie! Oh, it's tiny...
Ell: Let me open that for you... ^takes his gift to Rydel and opens it^
Siera: What could fit into it?
Riker: What did she get for her?
Ell: ^opens the tiny box^ Rydel.... ^goes on his knee in front of Rydel, the box in his hands^
Laura: No way...! ^covers her mouth and smiles^
^everyone's smiling like crazy, counting Rydel in, and repeating "oh my god".^
Ell:... You're thee best thing ever happened. I could've never thought I'd fell in love with you. You, my best friend, but that happened and you have no idea how freaking thankful I'm for it. I-^ shakes his head a little^ I-I don't know if something or someone caused this, but I'm sure it is meant to be. I wanna spend the rest of my life with you... Rydel Lynch, will you make me the happiest guy in the world and marry me? ^He smiles at the end awkwardly^
Rydel: ^smiles so widely and a few happy tears came out of her eyes^ oh Ell... Oh course, I will!
^Now Ellington smiles like Rydel as he puts the ring with a big diamont in Rydel's finger. He gets up and Rydellington kisses^
Stormie: ^stops the video she was filming^ I got it all on a video! ^cries from happiness^ Our little girl...
^Lynch guys, George and Stormie's dad smile proudly. Little R5 family is smiling just like Rydel. Nana and Cheryl are crying for the same reason as Stormie^
Rydel: I love you so much Ellington Ratliff...
Ell: I love you too Rydel Lynch, soon Ratliff.
^they kiss one more time. Then it hits Rydel...^
Rydel: Oh my god!! I'm gonna be Ratliff!!!!!!! ^jumps and smiles^
^everyone comes to congratsulate them^
Cheryl: Oh you toooo!
Stormie: We cried during it!
Rydel: Wait for the wedding!
Laura: Show the ring!
^Rydel shows them her silver ring with a white diamont on it^
Nana: It's so beautiful!
Rydel: It really is...
^girls look at Rydel's ring for awhile^
Rydel: Oh yeah, Ell! ^turns around^ Elli-... ^sees her brothers wrestling with Ell. They stop the minute Rydel sees them. Everyone laughs and guys let Ell go^
Rydel: ^goes to Ell^ Thank you... This is the best cristmas gift...
Ell: You are mine.
Rydel: Aw, don't make me sound like I only care about stuff! ^laughs. Cuddles next to Ell^ I love you...
Ell: I love you too...
^everyone gathers around the fire place to watch Elf.^
Laura: ^rests her head on Ross's shoulder^ Rossy...
Ross: Yes?
Laura: Did you like this day?
Ross: Yeah, but honestly, I've always been more into the day after Christmas. Y'know. Just playing hockey and goofing around with mini R5.
Laura: Awwww! You're so cute...
Gordo: Laura....Do you have a place for me?
Laura: ^smiles^ Oh come here!
^Gordo climbs on the couch and snuggles between Raura. Laura covers them all with a blanket^
Gordo: Merry Christmas, Ross and Laura!
Laura: Merry Christmas to you too!
Ross: Merry Christmas little guy!

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