Girliezzzz #1

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^so the girls from Finland are back, haha! They became soo great friends with R5 and their gang so they became besties!! Krissu, Oona, Iida, Saara, Kaisla, Viivi, Rosanie, Petra and Annika are watching TV with Ross and Riker. Rydellington went to sleep in a tent and Laura fell asleep on Ross's lap. Rocky is in his room and Ryland is playing playstation upstairs^
Ross: Hey, Laura? Wake uuup... I think you should go to sleep... I mean, Krissu and I are coming as soon as this show ends... ^kisses Laura's head^
Annika: don't fangirl girls... Do not fangirl... Calm down... ^breaths out^
Oona: I'm so close to die...
Krissu: Same...
Laura: ^sleep talks^ I don't wanna The Tiger, I wanna Winnie The Pooh who looks like Rossy Bear....
^everyone laughs and Laura wakes up^
Laura: What are you laughing at??
Ross: You! You just sleep talked! ^smiles^
Laura: Oh okay...
Ross: Should you go upstairs?
Laura: Carry me...
Ross: Seriously??
Laura: I'm not joking. ^closes her eyes^
Riker: Bea's already sleeping, I should go too. Kaisla, you got a very comfy matress on the floor, if you wanna sleep there?
Kaisla: HECK YAS!
^Riker smirks and gets up, so does Kaisla.^
Riker: Not that I'm trynna steal Laura, but I'll carry her up.
Laura: Thanks Rikey....
^Riker holds Laura like a bride and he takes off with Kaisla^
Ross: Oh by the way, how did you guys get in here?
Rosanie: A lot of screaming, yelling and crying on me! My mom was pretty upset when I said I am going. She hated the idea of this!
Annika: SAMEE!
Petra: We just couldn't resist it!
Ross: Well, I'm glad you're here! ^smiles^ Y'know, tomorrow we're going to beach. Are you guys ready?
The girls: YASS!!
laura: ^yells from upstairs^ ROSS!
Ross: WHAT!?
Laura: SURE!
Krissu: When will you get the tattoo of your names?
Ross: Tomorrow, I think... Right in the morning. My uncle does it.
Viivi: Cool! Will Laura like it?
Ross: Hmm, maybe, who knows? ^grinds^ I still find out stuff about her even it's been 4 years already!
^they laugh just a little bit^
Ross: But girls, maybe we should get some rest now. So Petra, Oona, Sofia, you sleep in here with Ry?
Petra: Ya!
Ross: Rosanie, Saara, Viivi and Iida, who sleeps in Rydellington's room and who in our guestroom close to mine and Laura's room?
Viivi: I can sleep in guestroom. ^smiles^
Rosanie: Me too.
Ross: Alright! ^smiles^ Let's get up, except you who stay here. RYLAND!!!
^Ry comes downstairs^
Ross: Gnight! ^smiles^
^Petra, Oona and Sofia get in their covers and Ry too. Ross kisses them all to forehead. He and Krissu get in Raura's room. Laura's still up^
Ross: Oh shoot, where is your matress? Oh nooo...
Laura: Dude, she can sleep with us. Come here, sweetie! ^smiles^
^Krissu gets next to Laura in Raura's bed (she's in the middle). Ross gets in the bed too^
Laura: Good night, babies...
Ross: GN... Kiss?
Laura: Too tired to even raise my head...
Ross: In the morning then... Good night, Krissu!
Krissu: Night!
Ross: I love you!
Laura: Aww, I love you too... Maybe you deserve a kiss. ^she raises her head off the pillow and sticks out her lips^
Ross: Oh, I said it to Krissu, actually....
Laura: You don't love me??
Ross: Of course I do. ^smiles and kisses Laura.^
Laura: ^rests her head cutely on Krissu's shoulder and puts her arm around her. Ross does the same, (as besties ofc)^ Good night, you beautiful!

^in the living room. They are spying on Rydellington, outside^
Ry: ^whispers^ Should we scare them??
[[Rydel: Y'know, your dimble is dissapearing...
Ell: Really?? ^smiles widely^
Rydel:  Oh there it is!]]
Ry: 1,2,3....
^the girls and Ryland shout and Rydel screams, Ell just jumps like 10 feet of the ground. Delly opens the zipper and smiles^
Petra: We totally got yaa!

^in Raura's room^
Krissu: I actually do have a few questions...
Laura: Ask away.
Krissu: What did you guys first think about each other, EVER?
Laura: He's cocky but cute.
Ross: Pretty! ^smiles^
Laura: But right after I got to known him, he was the sweetest thing alive!
Krissu: Cute! How about, who would you be dating if you wouldn't have ever met??
Ross: I'd probably be single or still dating with my ex-girlfriend Sarah...
Laura: Really, with that wackadoodle??
Ross: Well yeah... Maybe with Marie tho!
Laura: Ross?
Ross: Sorryyy...
Ross: Well, maybe with her...
Laura: I'd probably date with Calvin because y'know, he got crazy after I dumbed him...
Krissu: Okay... Why did you break up with them?
Ross: I met her and I fell in love...
Laura: Awww... I love you baby.
Ross: I love you too...

^next day. They hit the road to beach. In Ross's car are Krissu, Saara, Sofia and Petra and Laura's driving, in Rocky's are Viivi, Iida and Rosanie, In riker's are Kaisla and Rydellington. Ryland and Oona are coming later cause they got stuck in a playstation game and they wanna play it through^
Laura: You girls know where Ross is??
Krissu: aaahh...
Petra: Umm....
Saara: He's, uh....
Laura: Aww, he's so sweet! ^smiles^ I gotta call him right now and thank him!
^Saara is texting Ross: "GET LAURA A STARBUCKS DONT ASK ANYTHING!!!!!". Laura calls Ross just when Ross has seen the message^
Laura: Hi sweetie!
Ross: Hiii...!
Laura: Whatcha doing?
Ross: Getting you a starbucks?
Laura: Aww, sweet! I loooove you! How did you get there tho?
Ross: Uh.... Dad picked me up...
[[Brody: Ross, ur turn! Where you want the tat?"]]
Laura: Uh, what was that??
Ross: Ummm... Nothinggg?
Laura: Babyyy?
Ross: Seriously, it's nothing. I promise to be there in a sec!
Laura: Why you're so nervous?
Ross: What? I'm not n-nervouuuus...
Laura: Shor? What the heck are you??
Ross: Gotta go!
^Ross hangs up^
Laura: That guy makes me feel so weird feelings...

^at the beach. Ross, Ryland and Oona are there too! They planned to stay there 'til 2 am. They're on a picnic^
Laura: So where were you?
Ross: I don't wanna tell.... You'd judge...
Laura: If I'd judge you, we'd not be together.
Ross: Hm.... Uh... I-I w-was gettin' a-a tattoo b-but I got cold feet...
Laura: A tattoo? What kinda?
Ross: 'L&R' on my arm...
Laura: AWW! ^smiles and side hugs Ross^ I love you baby, no matter what... ^kisses Ross's cheek and Ross smiles^
Sofia: We love you too Ross!
^everyone laugh and hug Ross. Ross falls down and everyone with him^
Laura: Is that double chin I'm looking at??
Ross: Maybee...
^they all get back on their seats but Rocky raises up^
^Rocky starts running, all the people following him^
^Viivi jumps on Rocky's piggy-back-ride. Petra jumps on Ell's back^
Ell: You got clothes to change?
Petra: Yea, whyyy?
^Ell runs in the water and a wave knocks them down^
Petra: ^splashes water on Ell^ ELLINGTOOON! ^smirks^
^everyone joins them in the water. Ross pushes Krissu friendly and she falls. Krissu pulls Ross with her. After awhile, they are all as wet as they can be^
Iida: Can we tell scary stories at night!?
Rosanie: Yassss!!
Laura: YASSS!!
Kaisla: Who's the best teller?
Rydel: Rocky for sure!
Laura: Rocky!
^they all laugh^
Ross: Lets go get our dry clothes and take some In-N-Out before it gets dark, okay?
Ry: Sure!
Annika: Oh yeah! Ryloona? Who won?
Oona: MEE!
Ry: We promised we'd not talk about it!
Ross: Oh man, dude! I'm laughing at you! ^smirks^
Oona: He lost to meeee!! BAHAHAHAA!
Ry: I was----- uh, tired....
Oona: Yeah sure.... ^laughs^
Kaisla: I'd beat Riker!
Rydel: Everyone'd beat him! He sucks!
^everyone laugh^

To be continued...

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