Anniversary part 1

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^Raura is still sleeping but others are sitting in the living room, planning tonight's anniversary patry for Raura^
Stormie: So we invite Ellen, Damiano, Vanessa and her family, Calum and Raini, Lori, Sav, Brand, Alexa, Laura's cousin Derek, mini R5 is coming already, they come in 1 hour, our nana and papa, Laura's nana and papa, Ell's mom and dad, my brother Sean and his family, Laura's friends Lily, Dina, Caroline, Hailey, Tara, Zendy and Olivia, Ross's friends Duke, Cody, Dylan, Ethan, Leon...
Rydel: No Leon!
Stormie: I invite him but you stay far away from him.
Ell: why?
Rydel: I explain you later.
^Stormie says like 40 names^
Rydel: Okay, those are the guestes.
Riker: Now we have everything. Ryland says he comes in the evening, he plays music.
Rydel: So all of them are coming?
Mark: I called them yesterday and they all are coming.
Rocky: Cool.
^Ross and Laura come. Ross is hugging Laura from back^
Stormie: Happy anniversary! ^smiles with her teeth^
Laura: ^smiles^ Aww thank youuu.
Riker: Four years already! Oh my god.
Ross: I know right. It feels more like 4 minutes.
Rydel: Awww...
Ross: What are you guys doing?
Mark: We're making guestlist foooor... Rydellington's anniversary party!
Laura: Ooh really! I can't believe it's anymore 3 weeks away.
Rydel: ^smiles^ I know.
Ross: I go make breakfast. Want some, Laura?
Laura: If you mean breakfast, yes. Something else, no.
^everyone laughs^
Ross: ^stops hugging Laura^ The breakfast thing.
Laura: K, good.
^Ross and Laura go make breakfast^

In the evening.
^Rydel's standing in front of Raura's room's door so Ross and Laura can't come out of there^
Rydel: Laura, uhh... Dress nice! Put some party dress on.
Laura: Why!?
Rydel: I've flashmob party... In the kitchen... Ross you too.
Raura: Okayyyy...?

^Guestes are out and Rydel lets Raura out of their room.^
Rydel: Now we go out.
^Rydel, Ross and Laura go out^
Guestes: SURPRISE!!!
Laura: OH MY GOSH! ^smiles^
Ross: WHAT THE...! ^smiles^
Rydel: Your anniversary party. ^smiles^ LETS PARTY!
^Stormie goes on the stage^
Stormie: Okay guys so, thanks for coming. ^laughs^ Some of the people has speeches and now it's the time for reading those.
^Stormie goes off the stage and Rydel goes on it^
Rydel: Hi I'm Rydel, if someone doesn't know me and I've speech for Ross and Laura.
As we all know, relationships are lots of work. But what comes to Raura, their relationship is like rollercoaster. They go slowly up and come fast down, they go fast up and come slowly down, but whatever happens they always make it up. They are my OTP, One True Pair, cuz I can learn from them so so so so much. It makes me smile when I look at them kissing or cuddling cuz I see my baby bro in love and my bestie and sister-in-law in love. Laura and Ross, I just wanna say, I wish you wonderful jorney, actually adventure, together. Love, Rydel. ^smiles^
^Everyone claps. Stormie tears up and Laura's eyes are just wet. Delly goes off the stage and she hugs Raura quickly at the same time.^
Laura:That was wonderful.
^Laura's mom goes on the stage^
Ellen: Laura, Ross this is for you.
I tell you my two favorite memories of them. The first one is when Laura came home with Ross and they told they are now officially dating. I was so full of happiness cuz this time I knew that the relationship of their will never end. Laura has made bad choise of her ex boyfriend but when they broke up she was sad. I remember how Laura was 15 and just broken up and then Ross came and hugged her. I've never see as cute thing as that. Laura and Ross are maybe the youngest so in love being couple. My both of daughters are in a relationship and one of them has a boy. When I see Laura and Ross playing with Tony, I see a family. They will come great family some day and that is why I'm really proud of them. Happy anniversary Raura.
^Ellen goes off the stage and everybody claps. Raini and Calum go on the stage^
Raini: I'm Raini.
Calum: I'm Calum.
Raini: And we're here cuz we wanna support our besties love for each other. I have know Ross and Lau-Lau since they were 15 and the last 4 years with them has been amazing! The minute I saw Ross walking into the A&A set for the first time and I saw how he looked at Laura and she looked at Ross, I knew that between them will happend something. And I was right, after 5 months we all were very close friends, best friends, but Ross and Laura were even more. Their LIKE were sooo obvious, but what comes to their love in 2 years, aaah! It is so cute!
Calum: Okay, so to be honest, Raini spend like 4 days to create that but I wrote this before we came here.
^everyone laughs^
There's a reason why Ross and Laura are mine and Raini's child's godparents. We love them, cuz they are always soooo funny and sweet. This Ross Lynch guy, uhh, could I be Laura?
^everyone laughs^
Calum: And then is this Laura Marano gal... Did it hurt when you drop from the heaven, angel? Plus, I think you are from Tennessee cuz you're the only Ten-I-see. ^smiles^ If you haven't met perfect people yet, you really should come for them. They are so nice, funny and extremely good looking at the same time, like WOOOW!
^everyone laughs^
Calum: But anyway, have a great time together and the minute you guys go to marry, let me know, cuz I'll be there for you.
^everyone laughs and claps. Caini goes off the stage. Ross and Laura go on the stage^
Laura: Oh my goodness, I didn't know at all about these parties. ^laughs^ But wow, all the people I love are here, but the people who I love the most is right next to me. ^smiles to Ross and he smiles back^ All your speeches was sooo heart warming, but the one of Rydel's made me almoust cry. I wanna thank you all for coming here today and I hope you have lots of fun.
Ross: Okay, so... Thank you everyone for coming from me too, uhh, I know that I've not wrote any speech but this'd be super easy cuz I love Laura with all my love. She makes my day brighter and she's the reason why have enough energy to get up every single morning. Laura's very smart, pretty, funny and sometimes really stupid also, but I haven't stop loving her. Like Raini said, when I walked into the set at last, I saw Laura and I was like: "Wow... She's flawless". I think if I wouldn't be so shallow then, I'd not have a girlfriend. She's the best thing what have ever happend to me and I'll not let her go very easily. Happy anniversary, babe. Love you.
Laura: Happy anniversary to you too...
^Raura kisses^
Guestes: Awww...
Ross: And Calum, I think you should let me know about getting married soon cuz you two have child already.
Raini: ^yells^ In 2 years, Ross!
Ross: Calum? ^smiles^
^Ross and Laura comes off the stage and goes next to Laura^
Laura: What's going on?
Ross:You'll see.
Calum: Raini... We have been together since we were 15. It's been 9 yearsbut still in every single second I fall in love with you even more that I already am. I don't know but if you'd not be in my life I'd never get change to fall in love like this. ^stares right into her eyes^ I wanna know that our relationship is forever... We both are 24 already so here it comes... ^Calum goes on his knee and takes a ring from his pocket.^
Raini: ^"whispers"^ Oh my god... ^smiles and tears up^
Laura: Oh my god... ^smiles^
Rydel: Oh my god... ^smiles^
Stormie and Cheryl: Oh my god... ^smiles^
Calum: Would you make me the happiest man on the Earth and marry me?
Raini: Oh Calum... Yes... ^smiles with her teeth and cries^
Calum: ^puts the ring to Raini's fingure and raises. Caini hugs^ Love you...
Raini: Love you too...
^everyone claps. Caini stops hugging^
Raini: In 1 year, Ross! ^smiles^ Whohoo!
^ Stormie goes on the stage^
Stormie: I wish Caini the happiest jorney together... ^smiles^ Now you can always celebrate anniversaries together with Raura. ^laughs^ okay, so there's the candy, chips and junk food and everything else, ice cream, gogurt, froyo, etc. then there's sodas and juices and something for adults too, you know what I mean. ^points to the corner of some table^ Thennnn... Let's partyyyy! Ryland will tell what song comes next. I mean, is it a slow or fast song. Happy anniversary Ross and Laura, Calum and Raini. ^laughs^
^Ryland puts the music on and some people start dancing^
Laura: Haha, your speech was sooo sweet!
Ross: I knew you'll like it. ^smiles^ Can't believe that Caini's getting married... They just made a baby.
Laura: Ross, had...
Ross: Well how they can get a baby without making one?
Laura: You do realise what we are talking about?
Ross: S...
Laura: Whups! Don't say it.
Ross: Sure.
^Laura's friends come to talk to them^
Hailey: Hiii Lauraaa!
Laura:Hi Hailey.
Miranda: Happy anniversary guys! Hi Ross... ^winks her eye^
Ross: I hate to be around pretty girls while I've girlfrienddddd!
Laura: What did you say?
Ross: I love you so much.
Laura: That's what I thought.
Hailey: Look at you. You are so much prettier than the last time we met.
Laura: I was 14 then.
Hailey: Uhh... Miranda, let's go.
^They go^
Laura: Ugh, can't stand those too. Flirting with you? I don't think so!
Ross: Are ya jelouse?
Laura: Whaaaat? Noo.
Ross: Don't beee! There's no reason for that. ^smiles^
Laura: ^smiles^ Okayy...
^Ross's godparents comes for them^
Diana:Awww, hi Rossy and Lauraa! ^smiles^ Happy anniversary sweetiessss. I remember when you two just started dating.
Ross: Me too. It was horrible. She lived at her parents, now she lives here.
Diana: ^laughs^ Oh you little rebellll! I still remember you as a little boy who runned behind his brother!
Laura: You just descibed him correctly. ^laughs^
Diana: And you cutie! Bobby, say something!
Bob: Congratsulation dude. ^smiles^
Diana: What sweetie?
Laura: Uhhh... Just saying wow cuz Ross just kissed me! Yayy!
Diana: No he didn't, sillyyy! I've watched you two aaaaall evening!
^Ross kisses Laura to cheek^
Laura: Wow... See! Haha...
Ross: Diana, Bob. Go get some drink. ^smiles^
Diana: See you so soon babt boy!
^Bobiana goes^
Ross: Such a cray cray...
Laura: Who?
Ross: You! ^laughs^ why did u really say wow?
Laura: C'mon! That lady is talker and she's like my nephew! That dude is like... You. Don't talk much, calm...
Ross: Hahaha, I know right!
^Stormie comes to them^
Stormie: Laura sweetheart, could you tell that "The "teenage" party starts at 10pm"?
^Laura walks to Ryland^
Laura: Cutie, can you turn down the music for while?
Ryry: Sure.
Laura: Thanks, Cutie.
^Laura goes on the stage and Ry turns down the music^
Laura: Excuse me? Can I get your attention for while.
^everyone watches Laura^
Laura:Okay, so o'clock is only 5pm but I'm saying this already. "Teen's party" starts at 10pm and those people who will stay here all night knows it. Thank you, have a great time and come talk to me and Ross and go congrats Caini!
^goes off the stage and Ryland puts the music on. Laura walks towards to Ross but Alexa walks to her^
Alexa: Hi Laura! Have a minute?
Laura:Yes, sure. ^smiles^ What's up?
Alexa: ^hugs Laura with her one arm quickly^ Congratsulation baby. ^smiles^ I can't wakt the after party.
Laura: Awww thank you and me either. Mark warms up the pool and we are going to have pool party! Have your bikinies?
Alexa: Yes, it read on the invitation.
Laura: Yeah and if you'd not have, you'd go into the pool just wearing your bra and undies.
Alexa:How 'bout guys?
Laura: Well they just stare breats. ^laughs^ k, just kidding, just kidding. But, Ryry will play some slow songs soon. Will u dance?
Alexa: Yes, actually- actually with Rocky... ^smiles^
Laura:Shut up! ^smiles^ awww Rockelxaaa!
Alexa: Shhh! I don't want Sav get know about this.

At 8pm.
^Ryland puts slow song on and already, almoust 6 couples go dancing ( Vanessa and Chris, Rydel and Ellington, Sav and Ryland, Bea and Riker, Camilla and Fredd and Ellington's parents)^
Ross: Can I have this dance? ^smirks^
Laura: Yes... ^smiles^
^Laura and Ross go to dancing. Laura rests her head to Ross' shoulder^
Ross: To be honest, I never thought that our relationship will be this long and longer...
Laura: Me either... I'm glad it is...
Ross: Me too.
^Raura makes out (smoothly) while dancing^
Stormie: Look at them, Mark... Just look at them... ^smiles^
Mark: ^smiles and looks very proud^ He's happy... Very happy...
Stormie: I know... He found the best girlfriend for himself. Raura is meant to me.
Mark: Wanna dance my princess?
Stormie: I'd love to.
^Marmie goes dancing. Raura stops making out and Laura puts her arms around Ross's neck. They stare right into each other's eyes^
Laura: I love you so so so so so much...
Ross: I love you too... I couldn't live without you...
Laura: Me either...
^Mean while Rocklexa...^
Alexa:Uhh Rocky?
Rocky: Yeah?
Alexa: Wanna dance now?
Rocky: ^smiles^ Uhh, sure...
Alexa: Why so unsure? ^smiles^
Rocky: I just didn't thought that we would dance together anymore...
Alexa: What do you mean?
Rocky: I'm just wondering would it be awkward.
Alexa: Don't think so.

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