The date night

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^It's evening, it's 11 o'clock. Riker and Bea are lying on Riker's bed^
Bea: This house is so beautiful... ^smiles^
Riker: Not as beautiful as you... ^smiles^
^they kiss^
Bea: That's so sweet... but we really need to go sleep, Laura talked something about going to restaurant tomorrow.
Riker: Oh yeaah! Let's go sleep...

^in Raura's room^
Ross: Rydellington went to Ell's parents for a night, Rocky's with Alexa downstairs and Bea's there, so we're kinda alone... ^smiles^
Laura: ^she's under a cover^ I like where this is going...
^Laura puts her cover on them both^
Ross: Have I ever told how amazing and sparkly your eyes are?
Laura: ^smiles^ Have I ever told how cute you're.
^they start making out and the two halves of Ross goes on Laura^

^in the living room. Rocklexa's watching TV^
Lex: What will you put on tomorrow for the dinner and couple night?
Rocky: Jeans and some white shirt. You?
Lex: Uhh, a long dress would be nice. Actually, I'm putting one on. It's here so I don't have to go home.
Rocky: Okay.
Lex: ^laughs^ wow, we're so romantic couple.
Rocky: ^laughs^ I know right.

^in Raura's room^
Laura: Ross, we have a dinner tomorrow... It's a couple night.
Ross: night?
Laura: Yeah, having fun in LA night. ^smiles^ That sounds so cool.
Ross: ^smiles^ Yes it does...

^next day, in the evening. Rocklexa, Raura, Rydellington, Rea and Caini are in a restaurant. They are all sitting next to their dates^
Lex: Tell all about your wedding Rainiiii! ^smiles^
Raini: Well, my wedding's going to be very big and expensive cuz my fam is very large. Uhh, well we thought that there wouldn't be any kids around after 6.
Laura: How about T?
Calum: We'll drive her to my dad's before the wedding starts.
Ross: You serious?
Calum: I know I'm not very proud of my dad but at least he's a grandpa of hers and very good with kids so him or overpayed nanny.
Laura: Okay. ^smiles^
Lex: I can't believe I've missed this cool couple day for 3 years. Last time we did this, here was me and Rocky, Caini and Raura. Not Rea or Rydellington. ^smiles^
Raini: Where are you from...?
Bea: Bethany, Bea.
Raini: Bea.
Bea: I'm from New York and I'm half Spanish and half American.
Raini: Habla usted Inglés? ( do you speak English?)
Bea: Estoy hablando de la manera en mi propio idioma. O en realidad, estoy cerca del 75% de los españoles, porque mi padre era enteramente español, y mi mamá es sólo parte de mi abuela. ( Actually, I talk Spanish kinda as my native language. I'm like 75% Spanish cuz my dad was a full Spanish guy and my mom is only little from my nana.)
Ross: God please, you two! Talk in English.
^everyone laughs^
Raini: Complicated but I got it. Uhh, sorry for asking, but "My dad was" ?
Bea: Yeah, he died when I only was something like 20 hours old.
Raini: Aww you poorthing.
Bea: I've moved on. ^smiles^
And now I've Riker.
Rydel: How they met is the most funniest and weirdest way to start dating.
Lex: Tell how.
Bea: Well, I'm very good friends with Laura and she invited me to come over. After 4 hours, we dated.
Lex: Haha, okay. ^smiles^
Bea: How did you met?
Lex: Well, I'm Rydel's good friend and mine and Rocky's chemistry just clicked. ^smiles^ it was amazing. Then we went out couple of times and there is was. Then 3 years ago we broke up and now we are together again.
Laura: I'm so jelouse to you all. You go out on dates and have fun. Me and Ross barely have time anymore for each other. Like, Austin and Ally, my mom's pregnancy...
Lex: Your mom's pregnant? ^smiles^ Congratsulation. A boy or a girl?
Laura: ^smiles^ a boy and my sister is getting... Twins!
Everyone: Oh my gosh!
Laura: ^smiles^ I know! She called me yesterday and told me about it. Aaah, I just smiled and cried.
Rydel: Oh you honey! ^smiles^ You're going to be a sista and a aunt!
Laura: I know!
^smiles^ How long your mom has been pregnant, Lau-Lau?
Laura: Aaaahh... Now 8 months and 3 weeeks! ^smiles^
Rydel: So the baby will born soon? ^smiles^
Laura: In 2 weeks!
Lex: We're all so proud of you.

^later on downtown's bridge. They are walking through it very slowly. All the couples are holding hands with their love ones :)^
Ross: This is nice. ^smiles and kisses Laura's head^
Laura: ^smiles^ yes this is. If I'd get one wish, we'd have date tomorrow at home.
^other couples look at each others^
Riker: ^whispers^ They need time together.
Rydel: ^whisper^ let's organize a nice date night for them.
^everyone nods^
Ross: Same here...

^next evening. Rydel forced Ross and Laura dress nice and they are standing in the graden eyes closed^
Laura: These high heels are killing my feet!
Ross: Why did you buy them?
Laura: Cuz they are prettyyy.
Ross: Here's pretty warm...
Laura: This black dress's not helping me with it
Riker: Open your eyes!
^Raura opens their eyes^
Laura: ^smiles^ wooow, what is this?
Ross: ^smiles^ why there's lights and food and stuff?
Rydel: We heard what you said about your dating life right now so we thought we could throw ya one. ^smiles^
Laura: Awww, you guys! ^smiles^ this's so sweet of youuu.
^hugs Rydel quickly and then Rik, Rock, Ell and Lex^
Thank you guys. I love you.
Ross: I really appreciate this.
^Raura sits down to the table^
Laura: ^smiles^ Y'know, this memories me of Paris, when we were there. I loved that city, and that date with Rooooss!
Rydel: Aww... ^smiles^ We bring you your food soon.
Laura: Thank you.
^All of them, expect Raura, go inside^
Ross: ^smiles^ I got you something yesterday but I forgot to give it. It's still here in my pocket.
Laura: Aww...
^Ross takes a small box from his pocket and gives it to Laura^
Laura: ^smiles^ Thanks. ^opens the box^ Oh my gosh Ross...
Ross: Do you like it?
Laura:Do I? I love this. ^smiles^
Ross: It says "R&L" at a shape of a heart.
Laura: Thank youuu sweetie.
^Laura puts that neckless on. Raura holds hands on the table^
Ross: I really love this...
Laura: Same... Guys were so nice. ^smiles^
Ross: I know... ^smiles^
Laura: I couldn't wish more perfect family. They are gold, they really are.
Ross: I know.
^rydel comes with the food^
Rydel: Maraoni ( Marano/ macaroni) and cheese. That's your Ross lunch. ^smiles^
^Raura laughs. Rydel goes away^
Ross: Isn't this spaghetti?
Laura: Well, technically yes but spaghetti is macaroni.
Ross: ^smiles^ oh okay.
Laura: ^laughs^ Let's to the 'Lady and the Tramp' thing.
Ross: sure.
^They put the same spaghetti in their mouths and it it until they kiss^
Laura: We really should do this more. ^smiles^
Ross: Yeah. ^smiles^ uhh... Marano, you have maraoni sauce on your lips.
Laura: ^whips that away with a napkin^ Thanks Lynch.

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