New home, part 2

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^it's two days before R5 and Laura move to their new house. They all carrying their stuff to living room^
Mark: All you need is already there. Couches, curtains, everything. Oh, and you have to sleep on these couches or on the floor next night cuz the beds are there.
Rydel: We're sorry this came so suddently... But, May had a great house and it is just a good idea.
Stormie: No problem sweetheart. ^tear ups little bit^
^Rydel and Stormie hug^
Rydel: Don't cry mommy...
Stormie: Tomorrow I will...
^they stop hugging^
Mark: You know how to warm up the pool?
Ross: Yeah.
Mark: Great. You are already ready?
Ross: Yeah, actually. My room is empty, my things from bathroom is packed, some clothes are in that luggage ^points one luggage^ and... Well, y'know. ^smiles^ Thanks dad.
Mark: No prob. ^smiles^
^Rocky and Riker come^
Rocky: We're ready to move! ^laughs^
Riker: ^laughs^ Same heeere! Rydel's only one who's not.
Stormie: Is Laura already ready?
Ross: Yeah, she is. She just had to go to meet her dad's new girlfriend. I just can wait to get her back here so I can hear the names for her.
^everyone laughs^
Stormie: So Ryd is not ready yet?
Riker: She has only few clothes anymore.
Rydel: Guys, I'm right here.
Stormie: okay... Awww, remember when we just moved here? Ryry was 9, Rydel was 14, Riker was 16, Rocky was 13 and Ross was 12. ^smiles^ You choise rooms and went out swimming. All that's is gone now...
Rydel: Don't worry mom, we love you very much...
stormie: let's take a group selfie.
#BandHouse #LoveYa " and posts it to instagram^
Stormie: I wish we could hang out but we have to clean up your rooms.
Riker: Yeah.

^On the moving day. They all are in front of the door^
Rydel: ^cries^ mom, thank you...
Stormie: ^cries^No problem sweetheart...
^they hug^
Riker: Thanks dad for everything. You're getting calls this week, cuz we're dumb so we don't know how to do anything. ^laughs^
Mark: ^laughs^ Oh Riker.
Rydel: I love you mommy...
Stormie: I love you more...
^they stop hugging and Stormie whips Rydel's tears and Delly smiles^
Stormie: ^hugs Rocky^ I love you very much, baby. Is here anything you need to talk about with me?
^Ross, Laura and Rydel look at Rocky^
Rydel: ^says without any voice^ Tell it.
Rocky: Well, mom, dad, Riker, Ryland... I'm not single anymore...
Mark: Really?
Riker: Who's the lucky girl?
Rocky: Uhh... Alexa, actually. We're together again.
Stormie: Oh sweetie, that's so cool. Told to her yet about this moving?
Rocky: Yeah.
Riker: Oh yeah! Bea doesn't know!
Stormie: Take care of yourself Rocky baby. Mommy loves you.
Rocky: I love you too.
^Stormie goes hug Riker^
Riker: ^hugs back^ I'll call every night, I promise.
Stormie: Thank you, darling. I love you.
Riker: I love you too.
^they stop hugging and Stormie hugs Ross^
Stormie: Sweetheart, you're the youngest so take very good care of yourself, homie.
Ross: Mom, don't cry...
Stormie: I try... I love you.
Ross: Love you too.
^Stormie let's Ross go and she hugs Laura^
Laura: ^hugs back and cries^ I'm gonna miss you Stormie.
Stormie: Call me mom... You're like a daughter to me... I love you.
Laura: I love you too.
Stormie: Never ever leave us. Call me sometimes cuz I wanna know that's you are okay.
Laura: Okay.
^they stop hugging^
Riker: ^looks out of the window^ Ell came... We gotta go...
Stormie: ^cries^ Okay.... Bye bye!
Rydel: Bye mommy, bye daddy. ^goes outside, puts all her suitcases and boxes into Ell's car and goes sit to the front seat^
Rocky: So, Ryd and Ell goes by Ell's car, me and Riker by my car and Ross and Laura by Ross's car.
Ross: Yep!
Laura: ^looks out of the window^ They already left.
Riker: Let's go, guys...
Stormie: Bye...
Ross, Laura, Riker and Rocky: Bye!
^they go out with aaaaall their luggages and boxes where's all their stuff from their rooms. They put those into their cars and drive away^
Stormie: We have 3 rooms quite open. Let's make one of those a music room.
Mark: Sure.
Stormie: That's Rocker's rooms cuz there's no dirt at all. Rydel's room stays like that, my Princess's room is her kingdom. Raura's room's just full of memories. We all have lived in there.
Mark: I know...

In R5's new home
^They are looking around the house^
Ross: This room is ours. ^puts her arms around Laura^
Laura: Yeah, sure.
Rydel: Okay, so ^puts a name tag what says "Raura" to the door^ This is yours.
Ell: All these rooms are upstairs.
Riker: ^laughs^ Ell's fact day.
^everyone laughs^
Rydel: We take this room opposite of Raura's room. ^puts a name tag what says "Rydellington" to the door^ This hall is soooo big! I'm used to live in one floor house where's no room to walk with 3 people by hand to hand. ^smiles^ And this windooow! That garden is so big!
Laura: I know! That pool's so huge!
Riker: This house's a dream!
^everyone smiles^
Ross: I feel bad for mom tho... She took this pretty hard.
Riker: I can't believe Ell's and our parents bought this house to us.
Rocky: I know right.
Rydel: Yeah... Anywayyyyy...
^they walk to other side of the upstairs^
Rydel: ^puts a name tag what says "Rocker" to the door^ This is yours. We take these name tags off when all of us know where our own rooms are.
Rocky: Wow wow! I'll not sleep with Riker in the same room.
Rydel: Where you'll sleep then?
Riker: I wanna my own room.
Rydel: That room's a guest room.
Rocky: Well I'll move there. ^points one couch lounge behing them^ That is big enough to sleep by us when we get guestes.
Rydel: Fine! Sleep there. ^takes the name tag of and rips it to two pieces, "Roc" and "Ker". She leaves "Roc" to the door where it already was and she puts "Ker" to another door^
Ross: Are we ready?
Rydel: Uuuh, clothes?
Ell: You forced us to put those into our closets 3 hours ago, so we're ready.
Riker: Finally! ^smiles^ should we throw a party?
Laura: ^smiles^ I like that idea.
Ross: When?
Riker: I don't know. Next week?
All: Sure.
Rydel: Uhh, Rik? Bea.
Riker: OH YEAH!
^goes into his new room^

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