The worst happy day

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^Laura has been on the phone for like an hour, and Ross should be leaving to set of the movie he'll do just a one scene in. Ross hasn't told Laura about it cause he thinks Laura wouldn't approve it for what his scene has in.^
Laura: -so it's on Monday?
Her manager Cait: Yes! I called the photographer and he said yes. You have to be there at 3 pm.
Laura: Did you told him about my plans?
Cait: Yes! He was happy about them and was super excited to "let them live" or whatever.
Laura: Aw, that's great! anyway, thank you so much, Cait!
Cait: No prob! Here for you!
Laura: Are you free tomorrow? We could go to a dinner.
Cait: That's amazing! Deal! See you then!
Laura: Sure. Byee! ^hangs up^
Ross: What shoot are you doing?
Laura: A pregnancy shoot! Aaaah, I'm so excited!
Ross: ^wrinkles his face^ A pregnancy shoot??
Laura: Yeah...
Ross: Why?
Laura: I want good pics of this preeeetty horrible time. I still don't understand this.... Two months went wayyy to fast.
Ross: I was kinda shocked how great they took the fact of this all. Like, you've pregnant for 9 months but no one noticed....
Laura: Yeah... So Baby... Are you free today?
Ross: Uuuuuhhh.... Umm... ^tries find a excuse why not to be with Laura^ Uh... I'm actually going to Caini's. Y'know, the usual, just-just ha-hanging. Catching uuup. Ponding. Chillin'.--- Yooo?...
Laura: Ooookay? Is Rocky or Riker home then?
Ross: Rocky is. Why?
Laura: It's one week to my due date. What if I would start giving birth and no one would be around me?
Ross: Oh yeah... ^smiles^  Y'know what, cutie? I. Have. To. Go. They're waiting for me there. Go hang out with Rocky.
Laura: Sure.
Ross: ^puts his hands onto Laura's belly^ Daddy will be home very soon. You, mommy and uncle Rocky have a good time while I'm away.. ^looks at Laura and kisses her^ We've a concert tomorrow? Are you okay if I tell our fans?
Laura: Sure...
Ross: Thanks... ^smiles^ I gotta go. I walk you to Rocky's.
^Raura gets out of their room and they walk to garage. Rocky's playing guitar there. Ross helps Laura to sit down on the couch, because it's hard for her now that her belly as big as it can be^
Ross: Dude, I'm going out.
Rocky: I'll look after her, I promise.
Ross: Good. Okay, see you guys soon! Love you Laura! ^walks out^
Laura: You too.
Rocky: How you feeling?
Laura: I'm super hungry even tho I just ate Two plates of spaghetti.
Rocky: Really? ^smirks^
Laura: Yeah... ^smiles^ I honestly can't understand how people can say pregnancy is wonderful time. I mean, I only had this belly for 2 months but this is still killing me!
Rocky: Hahah!
Laura: Okay, but this is pretty funny too. I told Ross we're having twins and he just stood mouth wide open.
Rocky: ^laughs^ By the way, when Vanessa has her twins?
Laura: Her due date is in February.
Rocky: Okay. What do you think about this? ^plays the guitar a bit^
Laura: That's amazing but if you reaaally wanna make it work, don't just end it suddently, let your finger slowly get off of the string.
Rocky: Like this?? ^plays the guitar the Laura told him to^ Ooh it really works better!
Laura: See, hahah! ^smiles^
Rocky: Laura, you should reaally be a singer again... Or atleast a songwriter!
Laura: It's pretty complicated... Y'know, like I'm touring with you guys and I'm becoming a mother so soon that I'm pretty much just gonna be with my son and not even giving a single fuck about work.
Rocky: That's cool! ^smiles^
Laura: Yeah... I do miss it a lot!
Rocky: Hey, you can help us with out music! And it would be such an honor to us if you'd see trouble and write a song for R5!
Laura: Aww! Thank you Rockyy!
Rocky: Anytime!

^after 3 hours. Laura is lying on living room couch. She's very bored. Rocky is taking a nap upstairs^
Laura: .... your dad and I will get married some beeeaautiful day! Hopefully kinda soom but not too soon because your aunt Rydel and godfather Ellington will get married in 2017. They're inviting these girls from Finland! They're honestly the beeeeest! I love them so much! But yeah... ^sighs^ Would you like to hear your daddy's voice?? Because I do! ^takes her phone and calls Ross. He doesn't pick up, but Laura keeps calling him all over again.^ Strange...
^Laura tries a few times more, without any answer. She gets tired of it so she tries to call Raini. Raini picks up^
Raini: Hi Baeee!!!
Laura: Hii!
Raini: How are you?
Laura: Hungry, tired and I'm only speaking of myself!
Raini: Hahahah!
Laura: But Raini... Is Ross around? Can you give him your phone?
Raini: Ross???? Isn't he on set?
Laura: On set? ^gets confused^
Raini: On the set of his new movieeee?... "No one knows me"?
Laura: H-H-Heyy, I'll call you later...... I need to go now... Bye! ^hangs up^ Not so sure about the wedding anymore!!! ^she gets up fast by her self. She opens 'Find friends' app and locates Ross' phone.^ Oh, he's dead!! ROCKY!!!
^She keeps yelling until Rocky wakes up. He walks downstairs^
Rocky: Whaaat?
Laura: Drive me to Hollywood! We need to bust Ross!
Rocky: What?
Laura: He's doing some kind of movie! BEHIND OUR BACKS!
Rocky: ^anger tooks over his body^ WHAT!? He's such a dick!!
Laura: No shit!? Let's go!!
Rocky: Sure! ^graps the keys from the table, helps Laura put on her jacket and they take off^

^In Hollywood. They have found the set where Ross is. Rocky and Laura got the passes after they told the security man Rocky's related to Ross and showed it to him. They're sneaking behind the director called Sean^
Sean: So Ross, Britney is having a dream wheeeere...?
Ross: She makes out with Harry in the bed.
Sean: Great! Without shirt then! We only  do this scene once Ross!
Ross: Okay! ^gets his shirt off and goes on top of Britney on the bed^
Sean: ACTION!!!!
^Britney and Ross start making out^
Rocky: ^whispers^ This makes no fucking sense...
Laura: ^whispers^ His hand is dangerously close to her personal area....
Rocky: When the hell will this shit end??
Laura: I wish soon....

^after a few minutes Sean yells "CUT!". Ross gets off Britney and Britney goes to her dressing room^
Sean: Good stuff, Ross!
Ross: Thanks!
Sean: Thanks Ross for doing this. You'll get paid asap!
Ross: Thanks! See ya! ^takes his shirt and puts it on. He grabs his jacket and backpack and leaves the set. Rocky and Laura follow him. Ross gets into his car and so does Rocky and Laura. Ross doesn't notice them.^
Rocky: Bro!!
Ross: ^screams like a little girl^ OH JESUS CHRIST!!!!!! FUCK ROCKY!!!!!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!???!????????
Rocky: Really?
Rocky: Woooow..
Ross: YEAHHH!!!!!! I-...... WHERE THE FUCK IS LAURA!???!?
Rocky: Here....
Ross: ^looks at Laura^ oh shit, Baby... I-I-I-...
Laura: I feel like my water just broke...
Ross: What?
Rocky: Huh?
Laura: My water just broke....! This baby-.. It's coming now! Ross, it's coming now!!!!!!
^Rocky and Ross switch seats. Rocky takes off from the parking lot without even putting a seat belt on^
Ross: ^freaks out^ Baby, we're in the hospital in a minute! Breathe, breathe... Are you having contractions?? Of course not, otherwise you'd be screaming!!
Laura: Yeah!
Ross: Just try to chill...!!
Laura: ^deep breathes^ Why couldn't you wait for other dayyy!?... Ross, I'm so  sorry for sneaking in like that...
Ross: I'm the one who should be apologizing here... But let's side that!!! We're about to ve parents and this is a happy day for us!
Laura: We're gonna be parents....
Ross: ^smiles^ Oh gosh...
^Raura kisses^
Rocky: How you doin'?
Laura: Yet, very well but could you drive a bit faster?....
Rocky: Sure!!! ^speeds up^
Laura: Thank you..

To be continued....

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