Welcome to the world, baby Lynch

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^Laura is in labor. Rocky, Ross snd Laura rushed in to hospital after Laura's water broke in Ross' car. She got a room. Nurses have visited her like 100 times already. Ross is with her, but Rocky's calling their family to come there^
Rocky: ^on phone with Rydel^ Rydel!! Are you and Ellington where??
Rydel: We're- uh... At Ell's but Rocky... It's Valentine's day and we kinda wanted to celebrate it, like- just two of us... Soo...
Rocky: Laura is in labor! You have to come here!
Rydel: She is!? Oh gosh! Ell! We gotta go to hospital! The baby's 'bout to born! We're coming! See ya! Love ya! Byee! ^hangs up^
Rocky: ^looks for Stormie's number but it's hard because his hands are shaking^ Ookay.... ^places his phone on his cheek^ Pick up, pick uuup....
Stormie: Hi honey!
Rocky: Mom! Laura's in labor!
Stormie: She's what!? Omg! Aah, we'll be there! Call everyone!!! Bye sweetie!
Rocky: Bye! ^hangs up. Calls Riker^
Riker: Suup dude?
Rocky: Come to hospital!!! Laura's in labor!!
Riker: Oh shit! I'll be there in a sec! I'm right at the corner! Ryland and I'll come!
Rocky: Sure, okay! ^hangs up^ These calls go the same...

^In Laura's room, later. She has gotten already three contractions, but they had 20 minutes between them. A nurse got Laura ice chips^
Ross: ^holds Laura's hand^ Are you scared?
Laura: I wouldn't say scared, maybe nervous as fuck...
Ross: It'll go well, I make that sure.
Laura: I'm not a fan of the idea that there will come a baby out of there...
Ross: ^smirks^ It will go well.
Laura: Hope so...
^A nurse comes. She does her things and checks on Laura^
Nurse: It's dilated 3 centimeters. It has to be 10 so not so long anymore. When it's 8, I'll be here 'til it's 10.
Laura: Okay! I j-... ^gets contraction^ Ooooh my god!!
Nurse: ^walks next to Laura's bed and places her hand on Laura's belly^ Breathe... Breathe...
Laura: Oh god, it hurts so much! ^squeezes Ross' hand very hard^ Uuh... ^breathes deep^ Pheeew... That was a bad one.
Nurse: 4th??
Laura: Yes.
Nurse: Okay! I'll be back in 10 minutes. ^takes off^
Laura: I'm so not gonna handle this! ^puts her hands in her hair^ This is like the hell on earth... ^cries^ Ross... Can we go back 9 months and not get drunk...? This hurts so bad... Help me...
Ross: Baby, I can't help you... You just have to try to take it.
Laura: I feel like I'm gonna die-e-eee...
^The door to Laura's room opens and Stormie, Rydel, Mark and Ell come in. They have flowers and chocolate with them^
Stormie: Sweetheart, what's wrong? ^puts the chocolate on the table^
Ross: She says contractions hurt so bad she can't handle it...
Rydel: Aaaw... ^smiles a bit^ Hey, Laura... If it helps at all, we brought you these.. ^puts the flowers on the table next to chocolate^
Laura: Thanks guys!
Stormie: How much have you dilated yet?
Laura: 3 centimeters.
Stormie: Okay! Not sooooo much much anymore
Laura: Yeah... But hey, Rydel and Ell. Why you're so dresses up??
Rydel: We were kinda celebrating V-day.......
Laura: We ruinned it for you! ^she gets dissapointed^ I'm so sorryyyyy...
Ell: Don't be! ^smiles^ We have plenty of time to go on dates and love each other, hahahah!
Rydel: Sucks for you too, tho! Basically 5 years together and now you can't celebrate V-day....
Ross: We actually decided to skip it this year. Laura had to stay near home incase the baby would be ready to come out. ^smirks^
Rydel: Awww...
^Riker and Ryland run in^
Riker: What's up!!? We came here as fast as we could!!!
Laura: Hii!
Ry: I honestly screamed when Riker told me you are 'bout to give birth!
^everyone laughs^

^after many hours. Others, but Ross, are waiting in the lobby. Laura has dilated now 9 centimeters so it's just about minutes when it dilates to 10 cms and she's ready to give birth to her son. She's getting contraction very often now. She's just had one^
Laura: I think stabbing yourself wouldn't be this painfull!! I'm dyinggggggg!
Nurse: Just hang in there! It's only about 1 cm anymore!
Ross: Laur, are you gonna make a few minutes without me?
Laura: I think so...
Ross: Be right back! ^takes off to lobby. Sits next to Ryland^ Where's Rocky?
Stormie: He's calling Ellen and Vanessa but apparently they're in New York!
Mark: How much longer?
Ross: One fucking centimeter! One fucking painful centimeter... I'd honestly be ready to skip the whole birth thing to get Laura out of her pain.
Riker: How you feeling, tho? I mean, you're about to be a dad!
Mark: You'll have so much fun with your child, Ross.
Stormie: You never ever want anything bad to happen to your own kid... You are ready to throw your life in game if it has something to do with your child...
Mark: The first time he holds your finger...
Stormie: ...or laughs, smiles, even dances!
^It hits Ross: He's becoming a dad. He automaticly covers his mouth^
Ross: Oh shit... ^smiles^ I'm gonna be a dad.... Fuuuck... Oh my goodness...
^Stormie and Mark smile to each other proudly^
Stormie: You're gonna be a wonderful dad...
Ross: I-I-I need to go, guys...  I'll tell you if anything happens... ^gets back to the dilevery room. The nurse is checking on Laura^
Ross: Hi...
Laura: Hiiii...
Nurse: You came just in time, Ross-
^Ross smiles a bit to Laura^
Nurse: You're ready, Laura... ^presses a bottom that calls doctors up^ I'll take quick look at your papers. Be right back! ^walks away with a smile on her face^
Laura: Baby...
^Ross comes closer to her^
Ross: I know... ^smiles. He kisses Laura softly on to her lips^ Good luck, baby..
Laura: ^smiles^ Thanks..
^they kiss one more time. The doctors come and get Laura ready for giving birth....^

^after 1 hour. Stormie, Rydel, Riker, Rocky, Mark, Ellington and Ryland are still waiting. Ross comes out with his just born son. They don't notice Ross^
Ross: Guys...?
Rydel: Wh-. ^turns around^ Oh my god...!
^everyone turns around and sees the baby Lynch in Ross' arms^
Stormie: Oh my stars.... ^starts crying as well as Rydel^
Riker: No way...
Ell: Oh my!...
^Mark, Ry and Rocky don't get words out of their mouths^
Ross: Y'all, meet Ree Austin Lynch...
^they all stand up and come closer^
Ry: Is that- Is that really your own son... ^smirks a little^ He's just so cute...
Rydel: Such an angel.... ^wipes her tears of from her cheek^
Mark: I'm amazed how- how.... I just- can't believe you have a son...
Rocky: Can we be sure this really is your son and you didn't steal someone's baby?
Ross: ^smiles with his teeth^ You can be very sure about that..! You wanna get there where Laura is? She was moved to another room.
Mark: Sure!
^they walk into the room where Laura's resting. They gather around her bed^
Everyone: Hi...!
Laura: Hi, guys...
^Ross gives Ree to Laura^
Laura: Ooh... ^fixes Ree's swaddling clothes^ There's you are, sweetie.. ^smiles^
Stormie: How you feeling?
Laura: Very tired, of course, but I also couldn't be more energic.
Mark: Isn't it an amazing moment when you hold your kid for the first time?
Laura: I cried! ^laughs^ Do you guys wanna hold him?
Rydel: Yeah!
Laura: ^gives Ree to Rydel^ There...
Rydel: Hi Ree... I'm your aunt Rydel and I'm gonna make sure, no girl breaks your heart...
Ell: Why did you name him Ree Austin Lynch?
Laura: We named him after Ross' now dead granpa, in his honor.
Mark: Yeah, dad's... Thank you so much..
Ross: You welcome, dad!
Ell: That's so sweet...
Rocky: I like his name!
Rydel: He has Laura's eyes, for sure! ^smiles^
Ross: He does...
Rocky: Congrats guys, tho!
Riker: Yeah, congrats!
Ry: Can I teach him how to skate along with Ross??
Ross: ^smirks^ Sure dude!
Rydel: The fact that I'm thinking of stealing him...
^everyone laughs^
Ell: Welcome to the world, baby Lynch... ^smiles^

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