Good news in bad news #1

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^Ross has been awake since 4 am but Laura's almost asleep on the couch, others are in their rooms. He's looking at pics of him and Laura just when they started dating.^
Ross: Laur!! Oh gosh, look at this. It's from our first date!
Laura: ^murmurs^ Let me see that... ^takes the photo out of Ross's hand^ Aww... We were so little...! This was 4, almost 5 years ago... Can you believe it? ^raises to sit^
Ross: Yeah.... We've came a long way together.
Laura: You tell me..! What's the time?
Ross: 7:30.
Laura: Ross! We have to be at mom's in 30 minutes!
Ross: Do we really have to go...? I do love your parents but if my daughter would tell me she has been there, I would kill myself. Not talking about being pregnant!
Laura: Yet, you're the one with the babymaker.
Ross: ^smirks^ Oh really?... Okay, not in the mood. Do I have to come? I bet your dad will kill me!
Laura: He will just ask us questions.
Ross: Question? No way...
Laura: Yes way! Y'know, my dad just 50% percent of them. Mom's opinion values muuch much muuch more!
Ross: Better do!
Laura: Oh get in here!
^Ross gets on the couch and Laura gives him a bearhug, then she wraps her arms around Ross's neck^
Laura: Baby, don't worry... Mom knew, dad just needs to get used to it.
Ross: okay... ^lies down, Laura going with him^
Laura: Aww, if my parents would see you like I do, they'd love you. They love you just as much and same as I do...
Ross: ^has a surprised smile on his face^ Woooow...
Laura: Alright, now as much and same... ^rubs Ross's chin with her thumb^ You're cute. ^kisses Ross^
Ross: You're too. And beautiful.
Laura: ^lies her head on Ross's breast^ I love you...
Ross: Love you too...
^Rocky comes down^
Rocky: ^has his deep morning voice^ Why the fuck you two are already up!?  I wanna get my sleep, not see you on the couch!
Ross: Morning, sunshine. Stayed up late, huh?
Rocky: Yeah! Why?
Ross: No reason...
Rocky: Now, if you could just shut up from all that baby talk, I'm going to sleep! ^gets back upstairs^
Laura: ^sits on Ross's stomach^ Baby... We have to go.
Ross: Why won't you gooo? This is worst than the time you introduced me to your fam for the very first time!
Laura: I'll be right by you!

^Raura is standing in front of Laura's parents' house. Ross is tapping his foot nervously and Laura's fixing Ross's hair^
Ross: I bet your dad will say our baby will be so ugly cause Ross has that acne thing.
Laura: Then he wil, whatever! And plus, your acne is freaking se-... ^the door opens. Laura's voice gets high pitched.^ Seeee- they are here!
Ross: Yeah!...
Ellen: Come in, you two! ^smiles excitedly as Raura gets in^ OH MY GOODNESSSSSS!!!!!!!!! ^attacks Raura by a hug^ YOU ARE PREGNANT!!!!!! MY LORD YAYYY!!!!
Laura: ^has a wide smile on her face^ Yayyy!
Ellen: ^stops hugging them^ God, this is great! ^takes a deep breath^ Oh god, Ross! Domiano is waiting for you in the kitchen.
Ross: Wohoo... ^walks in the kitchen, getting sad faces from Laura^
Domiano: Ross Shor Lynch.... You made my little girl pregnant... Sit down.
Ross: ^sits on one of the chairs around dinning table^ Sure...
Dom: I hope you know, this is a serious talk. It's about my last kid, y'know.
Ross: Sir, you got Bradley...
Dom: Son of a bitch!.... Anyway, when did it happen for the first time?
Ross: You talking about...?
Dom: Yes.
Ross: In Spain, 5 months ago, s-sir.
Dom: Why? Who made the first sign?
Ross: Laura did, sir...
Ross: Technichly, she didn't ask... She sorta suggested it.
Dom: How long has it been going?
Ross: All those months, now, but making you clear we don't do it that often tho...
Dom: That often?... So, you do it anyway?
Ross: It wasn't the only time we have done it.
Dom: I see... ^he rubs his chin and lets out a long sigh^ What are you gonna do when the baby comes?
Ross: We're at home then, probably, we don't know the due date. But we surely will stay at home after it has came here. And before, we will take parenting classes and everything.
Dom: Good. I expect a lot from you right now, son. We spoke with your parents already.
Ross: Okay...
Dom: Just one question... Why do you do it so often. I mean, I haven't had it in 2 months. I'm just curious about my girl.
Ross: ^smiles proudly^ Cause she's so damn good at it and it feels amazing cause I love her!----... ^his eyes get wide open. Shock takes over his face^ A-.. I-... Umm-...
Dom: ^looks extremely mad^ What did you say?
Ross: I love her. I really do!
^Dom takes steps closer to Ross. Ross takes steps back^
Dom: I'm not gonna hurt you so bad, y'know. Maybe a little punch or something.
Ross: Oh shiiit...
^Laura walks in^^
^Ross goes next to Laura^
Dom: He said you are amazing at it!
Laura: ^looks at Ross^ aww really, Ross... That's so sweet. You too.
Dom: STOP!!!!!
^Laura graps Ross's hand and they go to living room^
Laura: Talk to you later mom!! ^pulls Ross out of the house and they get in the car.^ You okay?
Ross: Yeah... He was a little scary but whatever.
Laura: This was a quicky-wuicky stop by, let's drive to doctors.
Ross: ^speeds of the car and drives fast^ Where is the doctor, mommy?
Laura: Aww, I guess I'm mommy! At 45 Welstreet.
Ross: Thanks.
Laura: No prob, daddy.
^they look at each other^
Laura: No, not yet...
Ross: Yep!
^Suddently, there comes a car behind the corner and crashes into them. Ross shouts and Laura screams.^
Laura: YOU OKAY!? ^they hug^
Ross: Yeah! You?
Laura: Great! Me too!
^they also kiss passionatelly.^
Ross: I'll go tell that fucking jerk a piece of my fucking mind!
Laura: Ross, no!
^Ross gets out just like the another driver^
Ross: Hey, where's your eyes!!??
Driver: Wow, it was your fault!!!!
Ross: No it wasn't! You should have stopped and wait me to pass you and then you drive!
Driver: Noooo, you should have wait me to stop!!
Ross: ^writes sonething on his phone^ Okay I got your plate up. I'll call the cops at home.
Driver: You'll not fucking call the cops!
Ross: Uuuh yes I will! You could have killed my girlfriend and our baby!
Driver: Get back to your slut, I saw you too.
Ross: Fucking dickhead dumbass!!!!!!!
Driver: ^punches Ross in the face^ NO ONE CALLS ME ON NAMES!
Ross: ^his nose bleeds^ Fuck you little satan! ^puches the driver in the face^
^they start pushing each other. Laura gets out of the car^
Laura: GET IN THE CAR ROSS!!!! ^pulls Ross in the car and she takes driver's place^ Hey guy, we got your plate up! Cops are coming to you! ^Laura drives away but stops after a little while^
Laura: Why did you fight with him?
Ross: I wouldn't have but then he called you a slut and I called him on names, then he punched me and I punched back.
Laura: So it wasn't your fault? Good. Honey, your nose... ^gives Ross paper so he can hold his nose^
Ross: Let's just drive to the doctor's.
Laura: Alright... ^speeds off^

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