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^R5, Stormie, Mark, Laura and Ell are at Stormie's parents'. They are by the fireplace telling stories from Lynch kids' childhood^
Stormie: Oh I got a good one!

It was when Rydel was 5 years old, Riker was 7, Rocky was 4, Ross was 3 and Ry was 2.

(Throwback to 1997)
^they have cute baby voices^
Rydel: Ross! That's mine, that's why I took it!
Ross: Moom! Rydel stole my gun!
Rydel: I did not!! It was mine! Mooooom!
Riker: Stop fighting! I'm trying to do my homework. I need to focus!
Ross: We know you are a student, stop telling it!
Rydel: ^cries^ Mom!!!
Stormie: ^comes up to them^ Why are you two fighting!? Over what or who?
Ross: Rydel stole my play gun!
Rydel: Mine!
Stormie: Guys... Play together with it.
Rydel, Ross: NO! MOOOM!!! ^they both cry^
Stormie: You are siblings... Stop fighting, family is everything. You'll get boyfriends and girlfriends-...
Rydel: No! I will never get a boyfriend! Daddy's the only one for me! I love daddy more than any guy ever!
Ross: I want a girlfriend!
Stormie: Well, Rydel, you see? Ross wants a girlfriend... When he gets one and you are fighting, he might love her over you...
Rydel: ^gasps^Ross?
Ross: ... Is my name. Yes?
Rydel: I'm sorry.... I love you.
Ross: I'm sorry too. I love you too.
^they hug^
Rydel: Let's play with that gun together. 2 shots per a time.
Ross: Sure!

... And they went to tease Mark.

(Back to 2015)

Laura: Awwww!!
Nana: That's so cute!
Stormie: I remember it like yesterday!
Ell: Won't get a boyfriend, huh?
Rydel: Snuffle Bugs, you're precious! ^grabs Ell's hand^
Rocky: You know the one couple with very odd nicknames? Rydellington's the one!
^they all laugh^
Rocky: I mean, normal person says "baby" or "babe" or "honey" etc. but then's rydellington! I over heard Ellington calling Rydel "Puggle Adorabs" while driving here and Rydel replied with "Super cutie Mc. Duffle bops". Like, what!?
Rydel: We're in loooove!
Papa: Oh yes! What's going on with your love lives and careers? Others than Rydellington.
Riker: I'm super in love with Bea! She's so amazing girl! You'll meet her in Holidays.
Papa: Wow! Can't wait to meet her!
Nana: Great! What about career?
Riker: Pretty much song writing and soon having a tour. So pumped!
Ross: We all!
Papa: So happy to hear that! Rocky?
Rocky: Love life sucks. I've been in two break ups in such a short time..... But career's going on amazingggg! We've finished sooo many song that there's almost an album together!
Nana: Oh god dear, you okay?
Papa: Amazing the music part tho!
Rocky: Thanks, and I'm okay. It could be better but I'm happy.
Nana: That's wonderful! How about Raura?
Laura: I'm pregnant!
^everyone smiles widely but nana and papa freak out in a good way^
Nana: Oh my goodnessss!!
Papa: That is so wow! How long?
Laura: Like 5 days.
Nana: So early! Congratsulations honeys!
Papa: Congratsulations!
Ross: thank you!
Laura: Thank you very much!
^they share hugs^
Nana: I remember when Stormie was pregnant with Riker and he told us about it.

(Tb to 1991)

They were at home and we went to visit them.

Mark: Elaine? Matt? You want anything?
Nana: No thanks. I'm find with my coffee here.
Papa: I'm full of the food!
Stormie: You don't want anything? Something that isn't on top of your head? ^comes to living room^
Nana: No, honey. Why?
Stormie: Like, a grandkid?
Papa: Huh??
Nana: We don't want to put pressure on you about it...
Stormie: You don't have to. ^smiles^ I'm pregnant!
Nana: ^smiles widely^ NO WAYYY!!!!???
Stormie: YESS WAYY!!!! ^hugs with her parents^
Papa: This is an unbelievable new!!! Congratsulations!
Nana: Congratsulations sweets! Aaah, I'm soooo excited!!
Papa: How long!?
Mark: 5 weeks.
Nana: Aaaaaahhh! This is wonderful!
Papa: I just could cry for happiness!

(Back to 2015)

Nana: It was a perfect moment!
Papa: It was so amazing!
Stormie: Yeah, it was!
Rydel: How did you react when you heard about me?
Papa: Basically the same as with Rik but then then told it's a girl and we got even more excited!
Rydel: Awwwww!!!
Nana: Oh look at the clock! It's already 10 o'clock! We better get some rest. You guys have a long trip to drive tomorrow.
Rydel: Yeah we should.
Riker: I would've liked to spend my birthday here but Bea has some surprise I heard.
Nana: That's sweet! But we'll call you with Skype. Aaaand give you your present!
Riker: Thanks!!!
Papa: No prob!

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