LA #3

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^they've just find a pregnancy test from bathroom which is positive. It belongs to ""Rydel""... Rydel and Ellington joined the others a while ago cause they ""went to make phone calls"".^
Laura: I called Hilary, Joshlyn, Mariella, Ella, Gigi, Miranda, Melinda, Gabriella, Vanessa, but she was pregnant, so...
Ross: I called Raini, Teresha, Tanya, Bella, Cindy, Fanni, Vanni, Rosa and Hailey.
Riker: I called Bea, Savannah H., AND RYLAND,they're coming tho, Maia, Tracey and Charlotte.
Rocky: I called Lex and Joan.
Laura: Those are all the girls we invited. How's it possible non of them weren't pregnant? There was also me, I'm not, and Rydel...
^everyone turns their faces to Rydellington. Rydel hugs Ellington and cries. He hugs her back^
Laura: Oh my god...
Ross: No...
Riker: What...
Rocky: Seriously?

^after Rydel has calmed down^
Rydel: It was accident, I wasn't meant to get pregnant. We used "the thing".
Riker: Same thing happened to me and Beaby.
Rydel: I found a test from the table and I took it. I don't know who opened it.
Laura: Rydel, pregnancy tests are always in a box. Plus, no one of us haven't bought one.
Rydel: Wait! ^smiles^ It was used already!?
Laura: It'll break down if it won't be used after the box is opened.
Rydel: YAASSSS! ^hugs Ellington quickly^ Who was it?
Laura: We have just a few hours to figure it out...

^later. They're still on it. Ross and Laura are cuddling on the couch where all of them are. This time Laura's on top of Ross^
Laura: I like your double chin tho.
^Ross kisses Laura quickly and softly^
Ross: I like more being like this. I don't have to worry if I crash you. ^smiles^
^they start making out^
Rocky: Great, the brain and Ross are out...
Rydel: Have you guys ever thought what kissing really is. A pair of lips touch each other. ^grins^
Riker: Yeah... What if when there tongue with it ^looks at Ross^ like Ross has.
Laura: ^whispers^ Oh hello there Rex...
^they both smirk and get back to making out^
Rydel: ^lifts Romeo up to her hold^ Look at them. Maybe you'll find someone you love as much as they love each other. Your mommy and daddy do that every night after you have fell asleep.
Ell: My girlfriend has gone mad. She talks to dogs....
Riker: Laura?
^Raura raise up to sit^
Laura: Yeah?
Riker: Didn't your friend Ella had some chemistry with Ross?
Laura: Yes.
Ross: Hey! I didn't do her!
Riker: I'm not saying you were. I meant, after she got shot down by him, she went inside with Caleb.
Laura: Could've they...?
Ross: Hey, I don't care. I wanna give some love to my babe.
^Laura smirks adorably and rubs her nose agains Ross's^
Riker: Maybe.
Laura: But no, after Ross DID shoot her down, I saw here making out with Colin.
Riker: Ugh,this is just so hard!
Ross: Lauraaaa!
Laura: Yes?
^Ross pulls Laura into his hold and kisses her neck and then lets her go^
Laura: You're- Y-.... ^smiles^ Oh mama...
^Ross leans next to Laura's lips with his own and touches her lips with his tongue^
Laura: You guys mind if we go upstairs?
Riker: You go make out your asses off.
^Ross and Laura go into their room^
Riker: ^texts Ryland^ "Comin?"
Ry: "Sav n I r almost there"
Ry: "Can we stay 4 a night?"
Riker: "Yeah, if u dont mind about Raura"
Ry: "??"
Riker: "They've one of those days :D"
Ry: "Ooookay....."
^Rik puts down his phone^

^in Raura's room. They're both lying on their bed. Ross is kissing Laura's neck^
Laura: You give feather- like kisses... ^closes her eyes^ Damn Rauce...
^Ross takes off his shirt and goes up to Laura's neck, close to her chin^
Ross: ^mumbling^ You're gonna have a red neck this night...

^Guys are in their living room. Girls went to say "Hi" to their new neighbor^
Ross: Did Bea came?
Riker: Yeah, but she saw the guy who lives at next door so they went there.
Rocky: Why did they go there?
Riker: Bea ran in and yelled "Delly, Laura! Eeep! There's hot new guy!"
Ross: Okay.

^girls has come back and so have Ryland and Sav^
Laura: He was so hot! He has a baby which makes him even sweeter and hotter!
Ross: That guy's married...
Bea: He has divorced, so he's single dad with brown hair and hazel eyes.
Girls: Aaah....
Rydel: He was sooooo cute! I think I love him!
Laura: I can see him through my window, so yay!
Rydel: What if he does push-ups, wearing only boxers!? ^smiles^
Laura: I'm already melting Delly!
Bea: I think I'm gonna be the next one who gets pregnant.
^guys look jealous^
Ross: I don't think he's above us.
Bea: ..... but, we wish we'd be under him. Y'know what I mean girls?
^girls laugh^
Ross: Is he your Sugar Daddy, Laurs?
Laura: You're my daddy, but I wish he could be.
Rydel: Same Ell.
Bea: Same to you Rik.
Ell: I bet he can't play any instrument.
^everyone laughs and keeps fighting over that guy^
Ry: Hey, that test is still there!
^everyone stops and Ross picks up the test^
Laura: Whose is it!?
Ry: Mine...
Ry: ^grins^ Suckaaaas! It's fake! I got you all! HA HA HAAA!
^guys attack Ry as a joke and they start wrestling^
Laura: ^smiles brightly^ I love and hate Ryland Michael Lynch!
Bea: Me too!
Sav: I love and hate him in way different way!
^Laura puts his arms around Sav^
Sav: Aww... ^smiles^
^guys let Ry go and they take a seat^
Ry: That was fun!
Riker: ^laughs^ Why did you pull a prank like that on us?
Ry: I had a radio phone in that corner so I can listen to your reactions. I just wanted to mess with you. ^smirks^
Rydel: You freaking got me thinking I was pregnant, mister! ^laughs^
Ell: Glad, you're not tho.
Ross: Yeeeah!
^someone knocks their door and Laura goes answer it^
Laura: Oh hi Wren... ^smiles^
^Rydel and Bea run behind Laura. Wren is the hot dad^
Rydel: Hey Wren!
Bea: Hi Wren!
Wren: I came now to the tea. ^smiles^
Rydel: ^melts for his smile^ Oh my...
Laura: Yeah, of course. We'll make it in no time.
Bea: Come in and don't sit with the guys.
Wren: Sure?
^he comes in and Laura closes the door. They go into the kitchen^
Sav: Who was he!? Hot! ^runs into the kitchen^
Ry: shfrhjk! Sav!
Riker: ^does Bea^ "Hi Wren!" !! The fuck...
Ross: ^does Laura^ "Oh hi Wren..." !!!
Ell: What the heck do they see about him!?
Ross: It's aaaaall about the WREN!
Ell: Let's mess with them.
Riker: I don't wanna Bea to be mad at me at the party tomorrow... But HELL YASH!
Rocky: Yaaaaaah!

^in the kitchen^
Wren: I didn't do anything wrong, y'know. Mary just left. I loved her and her name was so beautiful-
Rydel: I'm Rydel Mary!
Wren: That's cool.
^Rydel spills Wren his tea^
Laura: Here.
Wren: Thank you.
Laura: It's hot.
Bea: ^whispers^ Like you...
Wren: Excuse me?
Bea: Bhaa, nothing!
Wren: Okay.
^guys come into the kitchen^
Ross: So, what do you do for living?
Wren: I'm a loyer.
Ross: Huh?
Wren: A loyer.
Riker: Oookayy...
Wren: Oh, yeah. I'm Wren Simons.
Riker: Riker Lynch.
Ross: Ross Lynch.
Ell: Ellington Ratliff.
Rocky: Rocky Lynch.


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