Crazy stupid love part 1

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^R5 went to a Starbucks coffeehouse a while ago. They ordered their drinks and now they're walking on the beach^
Laura: Ross, that's your 6th coffee already. Aren't you feeling bad at all?
Ross: No, actually not at all.
Laura: Oh right, I've me naked in this hand ^shakes her left hand^ and a starbucks on this hand ^shakes her right hand^, what is your choise?
Ross: ^has a dirty smile on his face^ Put them together...
Laura: ^smiles^ Seriously? ^laughs^
Ross: I'd fall that Starbucks on you and-... ^kisses Laura's cheek^
Laura: ^smiles^ You better take 10.000 Starbucks away.
^they both laugh^
Ross: I wish we'd have tomorrow some time together...
Laura: Yeah, but I promised to go to spend girl's night tomorrow with Sav, Lex, Ryd, Lor and Bea.
Ross: What are you? Laur?
Laura: Noooo, I'm Lau.
^they laugh^
Ross: Where you going?
Laura: We gotta pick up Bea with Rydel cuz y'know, Riker and Bea are arguing. Then we meet Sav and Lex in front of a bar and then after that we come to our place, when you guys are at your parents.
Ross: Nooo! ^smiles^ I wanna hear gossips and everything.
Laura:Well, you'll. Tour starts in 3 weeks. They're coming there.

^at their home. Riker and Rocky are sitting in the living room, Rydellington's cooking and Raura's in a shower^
(Laura: ^yells from shower^ Ross! ^giggles^ That's so cold! )
Riker: Wow, I hope she mean water.
^Rocker laughs^
( Ross: ^yells from shower [=(---)]^ Laura! Lauraaaaa! Fuck!)
Riker: We really shouldn't let them go take shower together...
( Laura: If you spring that water on me one more time again, Rex will be gone!)
Rocky: I'm so glad you and Bea are not talking. That's great!
Riker: I'd call her some day... She's pretty mad to me.
Rocky: Please, no.
Riker: You don't like her?
Rocky: No, I do, but that can be your future.
^Ross runs down with a towel at his waist and Laura's towel with him^
Ross:I got your stupid towel! ^laughs^
^Laura comes down with her pyjamas on^
Laura: ^throws Ross's night shorts^ Here's yours, goof.
^Ross goes into bathroom put them all and he comes back. Laura gets a call from her agent^
Laura: ^replies^ Oh hi...
Malcom: Hi... Did I call wrong time?
Laura: Not at all. I just wasn't "ready" for your call after last time.
M: Yeah, I'm sorry I messed up it and I was mean.
Laura: No problem... Well, what do you need to tell me?
M: You got the part! You got the part of Harriet for the movie "Times Of My Life"!
Laura: Oh my goood!!!!
M: They want to know can you make it even there is a small change.
Laura: What is it!?
M: They'll start filming in 2 week! And it'll be filmed in here AND you'll get 8000$ per a minute in 2 years!
Laura: OH MY GOODNESSSSS!!!! Wow, well, I need to think. I was kinda looking forward to go on a tour with R5...
M: Sweetie, 8000$ per a minute... But, whatever you say, just let me know when you're done with your desicion.
Laura: Sure, sure... I really need to think about this...
M: Good night, Laura...
^Laura hangups and hugs Ross^
Ross: What was so exciting?
Laura: ^smiles sadly^ I'll get a big movie part if I want...
Ross: Yay!
Laura: but it means that I can't go on tour with you... They'll start filming in 2 weeks.
Ross: Oh... What will you do?
Laura: Come to tour with you, of course.
Ross: ^hugs Laura and smiles^ Oh yassss! But, juuuust for interest, how much you'd get from it?
Laura: Well, I'd get 8000$ dollars per a minute in 2 years, and it's a lot!
^Ross takes his phone from a table and gives it to Laura^
Ross: Count how much...
Laura: ^opens Ross's phone, goes to calculator and counts it^7 741 440 000 $.... Wait, I counted it wrong... ^counts again^ no, it's right....
Ross: That can't be right.... Who on the Earth has that much money!!!???
Laura: Baby, it's not a Disney movie, it's a huge Hollywood movie...
Riker: 7 741 440 000 dollars.... WHAT THE FUCKK!
Rocky: Laura, that's soooo fucking much money!!!
Laura: I know... ^kisses Ross's breast^ but then I'd not be here or on a tour. And the set isn't even near this neighborhood, it is like 200 miles away from here.
Rocky: What will you do?
Laura: I better go sleep now, it's 10 o'clock already....
^Laura goes upstairs^
Ross: Oh man.....

^Next day. Rydel and Laura, Sav, Bea, Lori and Lex are in a bar. It's 7pm^
Lex: Laura why you are so quiet? Is everything okay?
Laura: No actually.... I don't know what to do... I got a super huge movie role from a Hollywood movie but I wanna go on tour with R5....
Rydel: I say take the movie part.... Even tho I want you to come on tour with us, that money is..... You'll get so much money.
Laura: I don't know..... How 'bout Ross???
Lori: There's Skype and FaceTime.
Laura: Yeah.... But, whatever. I've to call Malcom in the evening to say my decision so now we can have fun!
Sav: ^smiles^ Yay!
^Laura smiles^

^Boys went to Stormie, Mark and Ryland. ( AKA Lynches now on) Ross is talking with Ryland^
Ross: Yeah, she's not sure should her.
Ry: I think her should take it, cuz she's going to world tour then.
Ross: No she's not. The filming takes 2 years. I'd have to be 200 miles away from her, see her like 4 times in 2 months. I wouldn't take it.
Ry: Tell her what you think...
Ross: I can't. I wanna her to do her own decision.

^In the evening. O'clock is 10pm and girls are playing 'Truth or Dare' at "R6" (Laura, Rydel, Rocky, Ell, Ross and Riker's house)^
Rydel: Oh right, Laura. Truth or dare.
Laura: Truth.
Rydel: ^smiles^ Oookay. How good kisser Ross is on a scale from 1 to 10?
Laura: A million.
^they all laugh^
Laura: I'm sad I have to put that away for 2 years...
Rydel: Are you taking it?
Laura: yes... It's sooo great. I have a meet and greet tomorrow, so I don't have to call my agent today.
Rydel: Oh.... I'm gonna miss you.
^girls hug^
Laura: I'm gonna miss you all too...
Lori: Is this last girls night in 2 years?
Laura: With me in it, yes.
Lex: Oh....

^Next day at Laura's meet and greet. A little blind girl comes to her with her guide dog. The girl's name is Kaylee^
K: Sit. ^The dog sits down^ Am I there where Laura is?
Laura: ^has a emotional smile on her face^ Yes, here I am.
K: I've waited this moment since I was 5! I saw 'Austin and Ally' at my friends house and I fell it love with you. I'm so happy to see-... ^her face gets little sad^
^Laura touched Kaylee's arm and goes onto her knees^
Laura: ^her face gets serious^ What is your name, beautiful?
K: I'm Kaylee...
Laura: Kaylee, sweetie, it's so great to see you and you can hear, touch and well, smell me cuz I wear bit too much parfyme at the moment.
^Kaylee laughs^
Laura: Kaylee, are you a full blind?
K: Yes, I can't see you at all.
Laura: Okay, but y'know, you know how to enjoy life. You do anything to have fun. You do it with people you love-... Like, I.... should.
K: I know... ^a big smile comes up to her face^ But I know how you look like.
Laura: Really?
^Laura raises^
K: I got blind 2 years ago. You have brown hair with some light brown highlights, big brown eyes and you're not very big or tall, and I like it. You're my rolemodel.
Laura: Awww, I love you Kaylee. ^smiles^ What's your dog's name?
K: He's Rocky, like Rocky Lynch. ^smiles^
Laura: Haha! I think Rocky will love that dog so much.
K: haha! Laura, I'm so happy to be able to talk to you now. You do everything with passion and if you really want to do something over something, you do it!
Laura: Yeah......

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