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^R5, Stormie, Mark, Ryland, Savannah, Bea, Laura, Alexa even tho Rocky and her broke up and couldn't made up, and CHELSEA, Rocky's girlfriend, are on a plane. The plane is about to take off. Laura can't sit still
Ross: Try to sit still...
Laura: My stomach's hurting! I can't!
Ross: Hey, hey, calm down.
Laura: ^cries a bit^ I can't...!
Ross: Wow you moody...
Laura: What!? I am not....
Ross: Why are you so moody?
Laura: Uh, Ross... We-....
Lex: ^sits onto Ross lap^ Hi Ross! Laura, emergency!
Laura: Bring it on!
Lex: I have to sit behind Rocky and Chelsea and they're making out!!
Laura: No wayyy!.... Well, come sit with us. We can share a seat!
^Laura presses herself agains the wall and Lex sits next to her^
Lex: Thank you guys!
Ross: How's it going with you two tho?
Lex: Not well at all! We did talk buuuut he won't tell me what is up. He says I would get even more mad.
Laura: Yeaaah... Bummer, you broke up. You made a flawless couple!
Lex: You just look back the old days.
Laura: Yep! Now if you excuse me, I've to pee... ^takes off^
Lex: Do you know anything about "Rockelsea" ?
Ross: No, we haven't talked that much. Sorry.
Lex: No that's alright! ^smiles^ I never actually believed we could happen again...
Ross: I know you will.
Lex: Nah... He obviously loves her.
Ross: Maybe someday, Alexa... ^grinds^
Lex: Yeah.... ^smiles widely^
Ross: Hey, when was the last time actually hung out? Like, just us as friends.
Lex: I don't even know! Wayyy to looong time ago. Next time in LA we go out and have fun!
Ross: Deal!
^Laura comes back after awhile. Lex presses herself agains the wall and Laura climbs over Ross to sit next to Alexa.^
Laura: Ross, I found the song you were talking about!
Ross: What song?
Laura: "I wanna know what love is, I want you to show me"...?
Ross: Oh that! Really!? ^smiles excitedly^  Show meh!
Laura: Lex you don't mind? ^takes her headphones and blocks it in.^
Lex: Not at all. I'm gonna watch Fifty Shades Of Grey. I have a date with Mr. Grey.
Laura: Abs alert then!
Lex: Abs-olutelly!
^girls laugh. Ross takes other one of Laura's headphones and puts it in his hear. So does Laura. They listen to it for awhile^
Ross: Can you show me what love is? ^smiles gently^
Laura: I think I can....
^Raura kisses^
Laura: Um, Ross... I-...
^Ross takes off. Laura sighs and relaxes all her muscles. Ross gets back after awhile^
Ross: What did you want to tell me?
Lex: Ooh Ooh tell me too!
Laura: Lex, I promise I'll tell you but right now, this thing is only between me and Ross...
Lex: Okay.
Ross: Lets go in the bathroom.
^Laura and Ross take off from their seats and they lock theirselves in the bathroom^
Ross: Okay...
Laura: Ross... The night we had before this day. We did something that can make a baby.
Ross: Uuh, yeah?
Laura: I took my pills but- but....
Ross: What??
Laura: I.... ^starts crying^ I-I-I'm p-pregnant...
Ross: ^shock takes over Ross's face^ What??! How!?
Laura: I don't know! I took a pill but it didn't work....
^Ross hugs Laura^
Ross: Honey, calm down...
Laura: I'm so freaking sorry Rossy!
Ross: That's alright... We just have to think what we're gonna do with it.
Laura: ^pulls back^ What do you mean?
Ross: Are we gonna keep it?? Ooooor....?
Laura: I don't know... What do you say?
Ross: I say--- ^sighs^
^Laura sits on a toilet. They both think for a looong time^
Grumpy lady: ^says with mean and pissed voice^ YOU TEENAGERS GET OUT OF THERE! I SAW YOU TWO GOING IN THERE!
Laura: Shit...
Ross: ^does a lower, scary voice^ LISTEN UP LADY! FUCK OFF!
Ross: Great... What do you think about?
Laura: ....... Are we gonna have a boy or a girl?
Ross: We're keeping it? ^smiles^
Laura: ^smiles widely^ YES!
^they hug passionatelly^
Laura: Oh my god, we're gonna be parents! Oh god!
Ross: I know!
^they pull back and kiss^
Ross: We're having a baby... ^smiles cutely^
Laura: Yay!...
^they hug^
Ross: I wish we're getting a boy.
Laura: Same!
Ross: I have names already.
Laura: Really? Me too!
Ross: I mean, if it's a girl, Ria, Ally or Rianna. If it's a boy, Austin or Cole.
Laura: Ally and Austin! ^smiles^ I like those! Rianna Ria Ally Lynch, Austin Cole Lynch!
Ross: Yass! What are yours?
Laura: Madeline, Evelyn or Raven for a girl, Dylan, Duke or Ryan.
Ross: Oh I love that! ^smiles^
Laura: Hmmm do you realize we're making probably the most biggest, huge, desicion in a bathroom! ^smirks^
Ross: Yeah... ^laughs^ Should we tell my mom?
Laura: I don't know... I mean,--- I really don't know...
Ross: We have to tell them as soon as we arrive to Switzerland...
Laura: I know.... Can you actually believe there's a baby inside of me...
Ross: ^puts his hand on Laura's stomach^ I feel so weird... We're gonna be like 50% of official family.
Laura: I know! It tickles my stomach....
Ross: Same here...
^they both smile^
Laura: Um don't get mad buuut I was so worried you'd get mad and yell and freak out!
Ross: I'd never ever be mad at you... Especially now that we're getting a baby...
Laura: Great...
Ross: You know I live in the moment but right now I just want to get 9 months forward! ^smiles a bit^
Laura: I want our babyyyy now...
^they kiss again^
Ross: This is so scary but sooo awesome!
Laura: I know right! ...... Let's get back to our seats.
^they hold hands and get out of the bathroom. The earlier lady is still there^
Lady: If I see anything naughty in here, you bet I go up to the pilot and get you out of this plane!
Ross: I swear to god!
Lady: Excuse me!?
Ross: Listen up, lady!---
Laura: Honeyy, people are looking at uuus...
Lady: You fucking bitch, shut up!
Ross: WTF she didn't do anything!
Lady: Whatcha gonna do about it!? Hit a girl?
Ross: No one screws me!
Lady: Hmm, your missy looks like a slut. She can screw ya.
Laura: EXCUSE ME!?
Ross: Stay out of this baby...
Lady: You teenagers discust me!
Laura: Hey, lady! You listen to me real good! I don't fucking care if you'd fell out of this plane, or here would be a crazy murderer; I would use you as my protection! Now fuck off woman!
Lady: Geez! ^takes off and Raura gets back to their seats^
Ross: Such a bitch... You okay?
Laura: Baby, you badass...!
^Ross smirks and puts his arm around Laura^
Ross: When that baby comes here, you can believe I'm like that if someone insults you or it!
Laura: Aww, haha!

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