Rithany, part 1

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^R5 just had their concerts and they're back to tour bus. Clock is 9 pm and the bus driver is about to start driving to Washington D.C. Riker, Ross, Laura and Rocky are still up talking. Laura's sitting on Ross's lap^
Ross: Riker, you really should call Bea. It's been 3 weeks since you fighted. Your relationship will not last if you'll not call.
Riker: Okay... Laura, what does girls think of this kind of things?
Laura: We cry and watch movies.
Or we do everything to make our boyfriends jelouse.
Ross: Have you make me jelouse?
Laura: Yes.
Ross: When?
Laura: When you kissed that girl on the New Year's.
Ross: She kissed me!
Laura: Whatever...
^Ross rests his head again Laura's back and puts his arms around her^
Ross: I'm sorry baby...
Laura: That's okay.
^Ross kisses Laura's back^
Laura: Riker, you really really really should call Bea and tell what is up.
Riker: I don't want to...
Rocky: What, don't you love her anymore?
^Riker's face gets even more serious^
Laura: Oh my...
Riker: I don't... I loved her but I don't anymore...
Ross: Now you should call her.
Riker: And tell her we are breaking up?
Rocky: You're letting her think that you two are together, and that's not fair.
Ross: Riker, seriously. Tomorrow you call her.
Riker: Fine..
Ross: Bæ, ^kisses Laura's back^ we go to sleep.
Laura: I think I'm gonna stay here talking with guys for while.
Ross: Do you go sleeping to your own bunk or mine?
Laura: Yours.
Ross: Okay.
^Raura raises.^
Laura: Good night.
^they kiss. Ross goes to bunk area and Laura sits down^
Riker: Bea is wonderful and I had so much fun for 4 months but y'know, what is the reason to date if it's not going anywhere. Like, you and Ross. I can see you married... I can't even see Bea. We haven't make out.
Laura: Riker, you just said the main thing to yourself. There's no motivition to go out if you don't love her. As her friend and as your best friend and "sister" I beg you to call her right now. She always stays up 'til midnight.
Riker: Yeah, great way to go sleeping, a break up! I promise to call her tomorrow.
Laura: Great.
Riker: Why can't I find a girl like you, Laura? Or why can't I be a boyfriend like Ross? Kisses the girl to her back and hugs her. I watched 'Friends' yesterday and Ross and Rachel was so cute. They were like you, Raura. It felt so bad to watch it.
Laura: ^Takes Riker hand^ As you know, Ross and I were an on&off couple for 2 years. We fighted a lot, but to be honest, it just made our bond stronger. Before Ross didn't even kiss me unsurprisely, but now he might just hug me from back and kiss my neck for hours while I cook, and I love that. Ross is the best thing in my life.

^Ross heard everything Laura said and he comes into the kitchen^
Laura: What do you do here? I thought you went to sleep.
Ross: I'm thirsty. ^goes take a glass of water. He drinks it and comes for the table. He kisses Laura to lips first, then to cheek and for last to neck^
Laura: ^smiles^ I love you.
Ross: Love you too.
^Ross goes back to his bunk^
Rocky: The words you're looking for are: "Oh my Ross..."
Laura: ^smiles^ Yeah...
Riker: I go to sleep too..
Rocky: Me too.
^they all raise up^
Laura: This time, go to your own bunk.
^Riker and Rocky laugh^
Laura:^smiles^ There's the smile...
^Riker hugs Laura and Laura hugs back. Rocky goes to his bunk^
Riker: You're wonderful...
Laura: You're too...
^they stop hugging and they go to their bunks^

^next morning. Riker has his phone in his hand and he's talking with Laura^
Riker: Can you come outside with me when I call her?
Laura: I don't know... I'm not sure do I wanna hear what you talk about.
Riker: I'm begging you...
Laura: Fine, I come, but I stand 10 steps away from you.
^Riker and Laura go out^
Stormie: Where did they go?
Ross: Call Bea. Riker's gonna break up with her.
Rydel: What!?
Stormie: Seriously!?
Ross: Yeah, why?
Rydel: I talked with Bea yesterday.
Ross: Oh, ^smiles^ how is she?
Rydel: Not very well, after her flight to here!!! ^covers her face with her hands^
Ross: What do you mean?
Stormie: Bea took a fly here, Washington D.C, yesterday night. She's already here and she's at her nana's for one night, but it was surprise for Rik that she's going to be here with us for a few days. Bea has already forgiven to him.
Ross: Oh god! He's out there calling her and no one's going to stop him?
Rydel: I think he only listens to Laura. She gave him hella good advices.
Ross: alright, I g-... Now I remember...
Rydel: What?
Ross: He doesn't love her anymore....
Stormie: Oh no....
Rydel: Oh, poor Rik...
Stormie: Let see what happens.

Riker: Bea...... I.... I can't say this.
Bea: Tell me. It's unfair for me if you hide something important.
Riker: I-... Where the fuck are you, that traffic sounds horrible?!
Bea: Weeeellllll, it was going to be a secret, but, I'm in D.C!!!
Riker: Really?... That's- That's amazing!
Laura: ^whispers^ what?
Riker: ^whispers^ She's here...
Laura: Oh my god....
Riker: Bea, I feel so bad for saying this, but you shouldn't come here.
Bea: Why? I wanna see all my friends and my boyfriend.
Riker: You mean, all your friends...
Bea: What? Sillyyyy, we a-... We were together?
Riker: I'm sorry... I just don't feel there's a sparkle between us anymore.
Bea: What? I love you still...
Riker: I'm sorry...
Bea: I come there but you better stay out of my fucking eyes, you freaking idiot!!!!!
^Bea hangups. Riker's face gets sad and Laura hugs him^
Laura: You did it well.... I'm very proud of you...

^inside. Stormie looks out from a window^
Stormie: He did it....

(( continues in a part 2))

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