Rocklexa #1

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^R5 is safely back to LA and R5 and Laura are back to their house. In Rocky's room. Alexa came to a visit^
Lex: My fave part of being in Bora Bora was spending time with you.
Rocky: Same. Buuuut?
Lex: But what?
Rocky: You always have a but.
Lex: Wellll...
Rocky: I'll handle it.
Lex: You're messy, you don't try your towel which makes the whole room smell awful... Also, you never clean your room...
Rocky: I like it that way. Why to do thing the way you're not comfortable with? You had flosses too.
Lex: Like what?
Rocky: You're picky and you kinda complain a lot.
Lex: I only complain on things I'm not into and being picky is a way to live. Atlast I don't eat anything and get fat.
Rocky: Seriously? I know you're a dancer but sometimes it's annoying how you won't eat some food cause the way it looks or there's 0.1% more fat than there should be.
Lex: A moment on your lips, forever big hips.
Rocky: Whatever, I don't wanna fight...
Lex: It bothers me for real now... You think I'm annoyig cause I wanna stay fit??
Rocky: Fit? Skinny.
Lex: I'm not skinny, I'm fit.
Rocky: Seriously, could we stop? This is ridicilous!
Lex: Fine, fine.
rocky: Great.
^Rocky continues unpacking^
Rocky: "You're messy" ^has annoyed face^
Lex: "You're picky" the fuck I say...
^they both look at each other with mad face^
Lex: I go to Raura... Where people respect how fit I am.
Rocky: Please!
^Lex takes off to Raura's room. She walks in and sees the making out^
Lex: Guys?
^They get away from on top of each other and they get up. They're very uncomfortable^
Ross: Sup--- girl?
Laura: Hii-i-ii!
Lex: Am I skinny or fit?
Ross: Totally fit.
Laura: Fit af. Y'know, I'm skinny.
Lex: Thank you! Rocky and I had this argument about our flosses... Sometimes I feel like this is aaaall for nothing.
Laura: You two belong together! You shouldn't give up!
Ross: You make Rocky so happy!
Lex: It's not easy like yours...
Ross: Easy?!
Laura: Easy!? He drives me crazy!
Ross: We fight aaaaall the time!
Laura: It just is a part of relationship. Just be the bigger person and apologize.
Lex: Alright... ^she takes off^

^later that night. All of them are in the "R6's" living room.^
Lex: Could you get me popcorn, honey?
Rocky: It haven't even started yet?
Lex: Yeah but I don't like watching movie if the popcorn's too fatty.
Rocky: What??
Lex: I'll get them by myself then, you King. Would the majestite like some too?
Rocky: Water, please.
^Alexa goes to kitchen^
Riker: Um, what's that all about??
Rocky: We've been so mean to each other since 2 weeks ago. It's like stab, stab, stab!
Riker: Okay....
^Lex comes back and sits next to Laura^
Rocky: Why not here?
Lex: ^throws Rocky his water bottle and sighs^ I like it here, okay?? You wanna check the fat percent??
Rocky: Whatever....
^Ross kisses Laura's neck and Laura Ross's^
Rocky: Ross! If you so much want it, why wouldn't you just do it right on the couch!?
Lex: Don't be rude to them!
Rocky: Like you haven't been!?
Lex: Less than you!!!
Riker: I've been listening to that aaaall day! Now it's enough!!
Rocky: Sure!!
^Rocklexa goes outside^
Ross: ^crosses fingers^ Fingers cross, they won't break up....
Rydel: I'm not happy right now...

Lex: ME!? YOU TO ME!!
Lex: SAME!!..... Let's calm down...
Rocky: Yeah...
Lex: We're trynna make each other different people.... The people we were 3 years ago.
Rocky: I know... I'm not expecting us to be the same.
Lex: Me neither...
^they both look at the ground and take a minute to think what to say^
Lex: In-in some point, uh, dating is basically pretty much loving the person they are, not trying to make them change... We're both very stubborn and it has been a challenge try to accept the fact, we've been together once before and it didn't hit off.
Rocky: Yeah... I just feel like in those 3 years being sepparate from each other has made us whole new people and it's not the most wonderful thing trying to get to know the new Alexa.
Lex: I think I fell in love with the 2012 Rocky...
Rocky: And I with 2012 Alexa...
Lex: ^cries^ I just-... I'm no-... Now I'm crying and I can't get wor-words out!
Rocky: ^his eyes get wet^ Maybe-maybe, um, we just should-....
^Lex makes this high noice and nods as she squeezes her lips together^
Lex: I so wanted this to work out...
Rocky: me too...
Lex: So...
Rocky: I think, this is it...
^Rocky tears up and Lex sniffs^
Lex: Yeah...
Rocky: I'm sorry...
Lex: Don't be... We just grew apart and got used to different things.
Rocky: Maybe...
Lex: Friends??
Rocky: Sure.
Lex: I'd hug you but I think it's not the right thing to do...
Rocky: Same here...
^they get in and Lex goes to kitchen and Rocky to his room^
Laura: No, no,no....!
^Rydel texts Bea: "CU SOON BABE. GOT SOME PROBS!!" and sends it. Laura and Rydel take off to kitchen^
Ell: He was crying... We should take awhile....

^in the kitchen. Rydel and Laura are both hugging Lex and she's crying^
Rydel: If it's not meant to be it's not... You had great 5 months.
Lex: I forgot how hard it was last time to get over him, but now I doooo...
Laura: Sweetie, I'm telling you. Take your time at home... We're driving you to your aparment and we text Bea to come over through a ice cream bar. We'll have a little chit-chat...
Lex: Alright...
Rydel: It's gonna be alright...

^while girls are at Lex's, guys went upstairs to Rocky's room and they're talking about what happened. It's been 3 hours^
Rocky: I'm not sure what to do...
Ross: I'm telling you, last time you and her didn't work out. What makes you think the 3rd time would be thee best? Nothing.
Riker: It's seen Rocky. I mean, you two just aren't "written in stars" or some other shit, I don't know.
Ell: We're saying that maybe it's time to you find some new girl. Last time, it took you 2 and half years to go on a date so maybe this time it takes 2 and half days...
Rocky: What if Alexa gets angry?
Ross: Dude, you're friends! I don't care what my friends think of my dating life. It's not meant to be.
Rocky: I'm too broken to go out...
Riker: CHELSEA! You'll go out with Chelsea!
Rocky: The girl I went out couple of times 7 months ago? No thank you!
Riker: It'll be great! Move on!!
Ross: Just one date. It's aaaall I'm asking for... Tonight! O'clock is only 10 in the morning.
^Rocky thinks for serval minutes^
Rocky: Alright, maybe... I'll do it...
Ell: Don't think it's too soon.
Riker: Or Alexa!
Rocky: Guys, go out please... I'll give her a call...

^at Alexa's place^
Lex: We're still friends tho...
Rydel: You sure? What you just said made me feel like you're still together.
Lex: Maybe a bit but not too much... Okay, I love him...
Bea: Why you broke up then!? Go for him!
Lex: It's wayyyy too complicated!
Rydel: Love is. Just tell him how you feel!
Lex: Now?
Laura: No, not now... Maybe at our party, only 3 days away. Give you another change.
Lex: Alright, maybe... I'll do it...
^Girls cheer for Lex^
Laura: In no time, you're back together!!
Lex: Yep!!

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