Spain #1

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^R5 + others went to Bea's aunt. They've been there for like 10 mins. They're on the roof of her house (like it's like a small garden)^
Miguela (Bea's aunt): ^has a Spanish accent^ You so handsome. Quera my little girl. She found you! You are cute together.
Bea: Yeah, she really doesn't speak English.
Mig: And you blonde chicka. Very beautiful!
Rydel: Thank you. ^smiles^ You beautiful too.
Ross: She understands English tho.
Rydel: Oh... ^smiles^ You're beautiful too.
Mig: Lauraa! See you last time live, you 12! Me watch Austin and Ally because you in.
Laura: Mig! I've missed you and I appriciate that a lot.
Mig: I talk you all through! You in Austin and Ally too, you Austin Moon. Chico, what you name?
Ross: I'm Ross.
Bea: están en una tía muy ocupado, así que sólo nos detuvimos aquí rápidamente. tenemos que ir ahora, pero tú no vienes al concierto de mañana?
(They're very busy, aunt, soo we just stopped by quickly. We have to go now but you're coming to their concert tomorrow, right?)
Mig: Si!
Bea: Grazie.
Mig: Keep it going!
Rydel: Yeaaah! Hey Miguela, can we take a pic together? I'd post it to instagram.
Mig: I honored.
^Rydel gives her phone to Bea and she walks next to Mig. Bea takes a pic together. Bea gives Rydel back her phone^
Rydel: Grazie.
Mig: Me look you post picture?
Rydel: Of course. ^------- and writes caption:
"Today I met one of my favorite people. She is friendly, kind and even tho she doesn't talk English that well, she's my new best friend🌻☀️🐌🌅✨💛 Spain is like it is cause of her ☺️ I only spended something like 10-20 minutes with her but glad she's gonna come to our show tomorrow! Gonna post all the pics I take with her on here!! SPAIN ROCKS! #SometimeLastNight #SometimeLastNightWorldTour #LetsMakeABet #IbetYouAlikeThatIhaveFriendsInEverySingleCountryOnR5worldTour #IPROMISETHAT" and she posts it^
Mig: You my best friend too! ^hugs Rydel quickly^
Rydel: ^smiles brightly^ Yaay!

^They're walking at downtown. Ross and Ellington are pretending their arms are hurt so they'd not have to care girls bags. Raura is holding hands^
Laura: Barcelona is so beautiful.
Bea: My dad is from here, or was. I don't know.
Rydel: Oh sweetie...
Bea: I've moved on, already. I know my father was a great person. He has loved my mom right, started me and my lovely sister, loved me so much for the 1 day he knew me.
Ross: How much your mother and nana tell you about him?
Bea: Yeah, but I prefer not to talk about him with my mom because it was very horrible for my mom. She saw him hurting very badly in the car and dying in the hospital bed, us, me and Bella, in the next room. My nana always has been telling me very sweet stories about him, like how he hold us both sitting next to my mom and crying for joy. Mom remembers him saying "My precious babies.... I won't never, ever leave you two"... It was horrible.
Rocky: It must been hard living without a dad figure.
Bea: It was, it was, but I've this good friends. You guys are only one who aren't like "Aw... Are you alright?" ^laughs^ You guys are thee best!
Riker: You rock beaby!
^Rea kisses^

^in Raura's hotel room. Ross is on his phone and he's sitting on their bed. Laura goes to sit behind him (she's on the bed too) and she puts her arms around Ross. Ross catches her another hand and he holds it. Laura kisses Ross's neck and cheek^
Laura: Watcha doing?
Ross: Replying some fans' comments.
Laura: Do you need your both hands to tweet?
Ross: No, I love to play with ur hand.
^Laura laughs a little bit^
Laura: Reply to her.
Ross: What tweet?
Laura: That one that says "I'm hardcore Raura shipper. Have you giys done any adorable stuff lately?"
Ross: Sure. ^tweets:
"@/RauraHasAbaby well, right now she's hugging me from back and I'm playing with her hands. Adorable enought?-"
Laura: use emojis.
Ross: "-❤️😃"
Laura: Wanna do something before we go to the park?
Ross: ^throws his phone away and himself onto Laura. Laura giggles a lot^ Oh yes, I wanna do something.
^they start making out. Laura's hands are on Ross's cheeks^
Laura: Babe...
Ross: Yeah?
Laura: I want our very first time to be more careful than Riker and Bea's....
Ross: What do you mean?
Laura: I think we are ready to be careful.
^Ross kisses Laura's neck^
Ross: I wanna do it with you... Right now, right here.
Laura: me too...

^in the park. Rydel and Laura have their own picnic blanket^
Laura: Remember when.... Well I...When I-I...
Rydel: Spill it.
Laura: When I talked how things aren't going forward with Ross... and you told us to do it but we didn't...
Rydel: Yeah? You're my best friend and if it has something to do with Ross, tell me. I won't tell him.
Laura: We kinda.... We hooked up.
^Rydel smiles so brightly^
Rydel: Omg! I'm so happy for you! How was it? Was it big? Was it good?
Laura: Are you sure you wanna hear that stuff about your bro?
Rydel: Fuck yeah!
Laura: Well, it was good. It was incredible. After he was done with his business, y'know, we were both so exhausted that we just slept.
Rydel: Awesome.
^Ross comes up to them^
Ross: Babe, can we talk?
Laura: Sure.
^Raura goes away from Dells^
Ross: What we did was awesome, incredible. ^smiles^ I'm glad we finally did it.
Laura: What do you mean by finally?
Ross: Y'know, I've wanted to do it since we were 17.
Laura: What!? Ross, what the-?
Ross: Know what, never mind.
Laura: Bae? Ross. You should've told me, we'd talk about that.
Ross: Lauraaaaa... ^places his hands on Laura's shoulders^ I love you, that's why I wanted to do it.
Laura: Why didn't you tell me?
Ross: I didn't want to, I was too scared. I thought you'd get angry.
Laura: But I've loved you since we were 16.
Ross: I'm sorry I didn't tell you.
Laura: ^pulls Ross closer and kisses him^ You're so special.
Ross: ^smiles^ was that compliment?
Laura: ^smirks^ Yes.
Ross: Cool.
Laura: Actually, I'm glad we did it finally.
Ross: Giiiiirls! ^laughs^

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