Rydellington anniversary #3

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^Ryland is playing the music very very very loud and there's these neon lights in the darkness. Everyone's dancing and partying^
Rydel: ^jumps^ THIS PARTY ROCKS!
Riker: YEAAH!
Ross: I KNOW!

^later that night. All the guests except Alexa, Sav, Brandon, Michaela, Bea, Stormie, Mark, Ryland, Laura and Ell's parents, Calum and Raini, left. They're still partying but the music's not THAT loud anymore, but it's still pretty loud^
Lex: Let's make a bet. Who of us has the worst hangover tomorrow?
Laura: Ross!
Rydel: Oh yeah, Ross! Or Alexa!
Laura: Yeah!
Bea: Ross and Lex!
Riker: Ross, me or Lex!
Rocky: Same as Riker's!
Mich: I think Ross! He's so drunk!
Ross: What!? I'm totually- fine!
Laura: Oh c'mon, you're that drunk, tomorrow you won't remember what happened today!
Sav: Ross!
Raini: I've seen much drunker than now but I really have to say him!
Calum: Ross!
^Stormie comes^
Stormie: We parents are inside talking! Come there if something happens! And Ross, no more alcohol!
Ross: Let's--- see!
^Stormie goes inside^

^later. It's 2 am and no one's sleeping except the parents. Everyone is in Raura's room. Ross is literally about to past out, he's already lying on Raura's bed^
Sav: I think you all are drunk. Except me, Michaela and Ry.
Laura: She's right. I haven't been this drunk since... Ever.
Rydel: Saaaame.
Laura: Ross, raise up. You're not gonna sleep here.
Ross: W-whyyyy?
Laura: Eww, your breath stinks!
Ross: I'm sorryy... I'm going downstairs to get some vodka...
Riker: I come with you.
Bea: Same.
^Ross, Bea and Riker take off^
Laura: He's gonna have the worst hangover tomorrow.
^everyone laughs^
Rydel: Ellington went to sleep already.
Laura: He past out!
Rydel: I know!
Raini: No one will tell my child that her mom was this drunk and left her to nana's cause she wanted to party.
^everyone laughs^

^next day. O'clock is 3 already and everyone (Ross is not with them) is in at "R6's" yard^
Laura: When I went to see Ross at 11, he slept his other leg out of the bed.
Lex: I had hangover already.
^everyone laughs^
Lex: My head is killing me.
Stormie: By the way... At night I went to get something to drink and I saw 2 vodka bottles on the table.
Riker: Bea?
Bea: I just drank 2 shots of it... Riker drank something around 13, so Ross...
Stormie: Oh my god!
Laura: He drank 2 and half vodka bottles!? I go see if he's okay!
^Laura runs inside and goes to the 2nd guestroom where's Ross is sleeping^
Laura: ^whispers^ He's breathing... Good.... Are you awake?
^she waits for a while and goes back to the yard^
Laura: He's still sleeping, and the room smells awful! Who slept there?
Riker: Me and him...
Cheryl: How much did Ross drink exactly?
Rydel: 20 beers...
Laura: Almost 2 vodka bottles...
Bea: And 4 ciders.
Mark: That dude's not gonna wake up 'til 8! ^laughs^
Stormie: Mark... Our child has drank too much...
Mark: It's funny.

^at 6. Ross just woke up and came to others to yard. They're eating dinner^
Laura: ^raises and walks next to Ross^ How you feel?
Ross: Basically, I've ever felt this bad...
Laura: You drank a lot, huh?
Ross: I don't remember... I remember talking to Alexa in the evening, dancing and then nothing.
Laura: You drank a lot, babe.
Ross: I kn- I've to throw up!
^Ross runs into bathroom^
Laura: Oh my... I've to sleep with him.
^everyone laughs. Ross comes back^
Laura: You look awful... ^wipes Ross's hair out of his face^
Ross: Bea, Riker? Did I drank with you?
Bea: We went to get vodka at 2.... You drank almost 2 bottles.
Ross: I did? Laura, next time y'know I'm getting a bad hangover, you-you gotta stop me.
Laura: Alright... I'd kiss you but your breath stinks.
Ross: I'd smile if my head wasn't this sick...
^Ross goes inside and Rydel follows her^
Rydel: They're gonna stay one more night.

^at night. Ell, Laura and Lynch's parents left a while ago. People are in the living room. Ross fell asleep on lying on Laura's lap^
Laura: You guys noticed that Marie was there?
Rydel: Yes... My mom invited her cuz we used to be besties.
Laura: Okay.... I just keep looking Ross's face and thinking is this the right thing to do... Like, I've been given him lots of second changes, y'know.....
^Ross changed his pose to sleep and talks at the same time^
Ross: Laurahhh....
Laura: Oh right!
^everyone laughs^
Michaela: He looks adorable...
Brand: You're my giiiiirl.
Sav: Don't start kissing!
Ross: ... I love you Laura....
Laura: Ohkay...
Riker: This is fun tho. Talk to him, Laurs. He's on the deathline.
Laura: Oh Ross... I just saw Cavin and he kissed me....
Ross: Kissed? Whyyyy?
Laura: He loves me...
Ross: No I love yooo-ouuu...
Laura: Well, we're also doing it right now...
^Ross wakes and everyone laughs^
Ross: What?
Laura: Baby, should you go to sleeping?
Ross: ^raises to sit^ No, I'm-
^Laura kisses Ross gently onto lips^
Ross: ... tired...
^Ross goes upstairs^
Laura: Anyway, I read a very good question from Instagram, "Do you want a stripper to your wedding?". I know it sounds stupid but answer.
Riker: Absolutelly! ^laughs^ Sorry Bea...
Bea: Riker? We're not together anymore...
Riker: ^his face gets serious^ We're not???
Bea: What the-...? You broke up with me yesterday... We decided to be friends.
Riker: We broke up!?
Bea: You don't remember? As I walked in you said we should talk and you just broke up with me.
Riker: Was I that drunk!? ^lifts his upper lip^ Wha!?
Bea: ^laughs awkwardly^ You wanna get back together?
Riker: Aha!
Bea: Okay! ^smiles^
Riker: Bea? ^winks^
Bea: Riker? You wanna help me to do my laundry?
Riker: Yes!
^Bea and Riker run upstairs^
Mich: Bea has laundry here?
Lex: They're gonna make one!
^everyone laughs^
Lex: Rocky, I'm gonna sleep with you tonight.
Rocky: Sweet!
Laura: I go see if Ross got himself to bed or did he fell next to it.
^Laura goes upstairs^
Raini: So Alexa, are you really going to Paris with Laura for 4 days? ^smiles^
Lex: Yes, actually. We leave here next Monday.
Rydel: Oh my gosh, it's only 2 days apart! ^smiles^
Lex: ^smiles^ I knowww! I'm so excited!
^Laura comes down and sits on the couch^
Laura: Excited of what?
Lex: Our trip! ^smiles^
Laura: Oh yeah! ^smiles^ It feels so weird to stay here tomorrow as R5's taking off. I'm glad Alexa stays here with me for the one night.
Lex: Yeah. ^smiles^

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