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^they're still in airport, waiting for a big enought cab. Laura haven't got a change to talk with Ross^
Ross: ^puts his arm around Laura^ Why you look so mad?
Laura: I'm okay.
Ross: You don't seem like it...
Laura: I'm okay, very fine. Great. ^breaths out heavily^ Would you please let me go? It's not that we have to show we're a couple!
^Ross takes his arm off^
Ross: What's up?
Laura: I told you, I'm fine. Can I have your phone, please?
Ross: Sure...
^Gives his phone to Laura. She goes to sit next to Rydel. Ross and Hilary's messages:
Ross: "Thanks for teaching me ;)"
H: "Yeah no problem... Are you sure your girlfriend's gonna be fine with this?"
Ross: "Absolutelly... I'll keep this thing between us."
H: "Aren't you new at this? Haha, tell your girlfriend!😂"
Ross: "I wait, this is a huge bomb!!"
^Laura shows the messages to Rydel^
Laura: Oh my god... Oh shit...
Rydel: What?
^Laura gets up and walks to Ross. She gives Ross his phone back^
Laura: ^texts Ross^ "We need to talk"
Ross: Huh? "You mean 😏😏😏?"
Laura: "I mean 😡😡😡"
Ross: Are you angry at me??
Laura: "Text"
Ross: "Well why?"
Laura: "You're a idiot! We're so threw this time!!"
Ross: Laura?
^Laura walks away^
Riker: What?
Ross: She's mad at me and I don't even know why.
Riker: Weird...

^at the stadion where R5 has their concert in 2 hours. Ross is looking for Laura^
Ross: Rocky, know where Laura is?
Rocky: No, sorry man.
Lex: I saw her taking her purse and walking away pretty fast.
Ross: How long has it been!?
Lex: 30 minutes, I think.
^Ross takes off and runs to look for Laura. He runs into Stormie^
Ross: Mom, please please please tell me you've seen Laura! I'm very worried where she is.
Stormie: I can't believe you've cheated on her, Ross. She told me.
Ross: What!? I've not cheated on her!
Stormie: She read all your text messages to me and it really seems like you're having a thing with Hilary.
Ross: Oh my dear goood! ^his hands are in his hair^ Hilary sells puppies! I was buying Laura and I a puppy!
Stormie: Oh my goodness.... Oh my god....
Ross: ^runs away^ LAURA! LAURAAA!
^suddently, Ross sees Laura with Ellington. He runs to them as fast as he can^
Ross: Laura!
Laura: Ell, I talk to you later...
^Ellington takes off^
Ross: Cheating?
Laura: Weird, it's not with Marie....
Ross: Listen, I'm not cheating on you!
Laura: Oh really!?
Ross: Really!
Laura: Reallyyy? "Thanks for teaching me?" What, you played dress up!?
Ross: I-I.... I can't tell!
Laura: What are you telling me? "Oh Laura, babe, I'm having a affair with someone besides you, wait... You knew"!!!!!
Ross: Wanna ruin my surprise!?
Laura: Surprise? Isn't it a bomb!?
Ross: I bought us a puppy! You were so sad 3 years ago when Velvet past away that I wanted to get you and I a puppy!
Laura: Pomeranian?
Ross: Like you've always wanted...
Laura: OH MY GOD! Ross!! I'm so sorry I blamed you of cheating!
Ross: Not the first time...
QLaura: I'm very very very sorry...
Ross: Okay... It's fine...
Laura: ^smiles^ Sorry...
Ross: ^smiles^ It's fine.
Laura: Y'know, I've some names for the dog.
Ross: They are?
Laura: Shor.
Ross: ^laughs^ Noo, noo, noo!
Laura: Is it a girl or a boy?
Ross: Boy and its color is hazel.
Laura: Rauce?
Ross: ^laughs^ Neverrrr!
Laura: ^laughs^ I want it to releate somehow to you.
Ross: Why?
Laura: Cause I love you.
Ross: What about Romeo?
Laura: Oh my god... I love that! It's so much better than Rex!
Ross: Rex? ^laughs^ So our puppy's gonna be Romeo?
Laura: Yes. ^smiles^
^they hug^
Laura: Thanks for buying us a dog.
Ross: No problem.
Laura: When will we get it?
Ross: After our concert...
^Laura pulls Ross away^
Laura: Oh my goooodness!! ^smiles^ How small is he?
Ross: I think she said he's 2 months...
Laura: It's like having a baby!
Ross: ^his face gets serious^ Baby? You're not-?
Laura: No, sillyy!

^at R5's concert. They just played all the songs and now they're talking with fans, likke they're on stage^
Rydel: Do we like dogs? I love dogs. ^smiles^
Riker: Yess!
Ross: They're bringing my and Laura's puppy.
^fans scream louder^
Rydel: Omg! A puppyyy!? ^smiles brightly^
Rocky: You didn't ask our permission.
Ross: Well?
Riker: That thing is more than welcome to our house! ^smiles^
Some fan: WHAT'S ITS NAME?
Ross: Romeo.
^fans laugh^
Ross: Whaat? ^smiles^
Ross: Oh my god! ^laughs^
Rydel: How 'bout Stitch? Or Snuffle Puffle McAdorabs?
Ross: I think we're gonna keep it as Romeo.

^a while after R5's Q&A with fans. Hilary came to drop by the puppy like a minute ago. Romeo hasn't come out of his box yet. Laura's trying to get it out. She's on her knees, so is Ross. They're pretty close to the box^
Laura: ^baby talks^ Come on, sweetie... Mommy's waiting for you... You're so small...
Ross: ^smiles^ You love it?
Laura: Yes... Thank you for buying it.
Ross: no problem.
Laura: Can you come out? You're boring... Come out, please... Rydel's not gonna eat you...
Rydel: ^baby talks^ or maybe I will!
^suddently Romeo comes out of his box and Laura takes him into her arms^
Laura: My beautiful fluffy ball... ^smirks. She's crying^ Don't care about me crying... It's just cause I've the best boyfriend ever who's too sweet...
Ross: ^puts his arm around Laura^ I love you.
Laura: ^smiles^ I love you too...
Rydel: ^cries^ I don't know why I'm crying.... ^smirks^
Laura: ^gives Romeo to Ross^ It's not even a baby... ^raises and she hugs with Rydel quickly^
Rydel: I know, it's just so adorable...
^Laura takes her phone and takes a pic of Ross and Romeo. ---- and writes a caption:
"My new love💖😇😌 I don't know how Ross is this nice to me, but he bought us a puppy❤️ it's so heart breaking to see him with Romeo, in a good way💖☺️ I've been knowing Romeo for 2-4 minutes but I love it already😌 he's mommy's favorite💖" and she posts it to Instagram. She puts her phone away. Ross gives Romeo back to Laura^
Laura: It's so small... ^smirks^ Thank you Ross.
Rydel: Can I hold it?
Laura: Absolutelly. ^gives Romeo to Rydel. Raura hugs^
Laura: I really really really love you. ^smiles^ also, I'm so so so sorry for blaming you of cheating.
Ross: ^smiles^ It's okay...
^Raura kisses but it ends up making out for a while^
Rocky: Get a room.
Ross: In Paris, we will.
Rydel: 2 days and we'll go to home for a day! Yay!

Raura storiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora