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^Laura and Alexa are in a cab driving to LA's airport. They're both on a phone^
Laura: Ross, I love you too and in no time, I'll be right there with you. I love you, I love you, I love you...
Lex: Rocky, I love you... -----,Yes, I'll join you on rest of the US tour, and yes I'll come to the world tour. I love you...
----- I call you when I'm there. okay, bye!
Laura: I'll call you, I love you! Bye!
^girls hangup^
Lex: Boyfriends!
Cab driver (she's a black woman // you know their voice//) : Tell me about it! My ex-boyfriend wouldn't even let me go on trip with my friends. He was all over me when I left to work! Basically, your guys are keepers!
Laura: They are. Her boyfriend is one of my bestest friends. ^smiles^
Lex: Same. They're now in Detroit... I saw him on Sunday and I already miss her so bad. ^smiles^
Cab driver ( Treanna): Woohoo boyfriends! ^smiles^ Are they best friends?
Laura: No, they're brothers and they've a family band, R5.
Treanna: R5!? I love them all! I'm a huge fan! ^looks girls through a mirror^ Wait a minute... You're Laura Marano and you're Alexa Dowd! Aaaaah! Oh my gosh! Me and my daughters are so crazy for you!
Lex: Would you mind taking a picture with us at the airport?
Treanna: Aaah! Yes yes yes!
^Ross texts Laura^
Ross: "If some French guy even tries to hit on you, tell me cause I'll kick his ass!👿😈"
Laura: "Rosssssssss! I LOVE YOU😕💗 trust me..."
Ross: "French guys are sneaky..."
Laura: "Not as sneaky as you, Rauce😘☺️ I love youuuuuuu😭😍"
Ross: "Okay.... I gave you sex bucks to buy me something tho. They're in your suitcase"
Laura: "Uhmmm??"
Ross: "SIX!😱😳😳😳😳😳"
Laura: "Okay... But y'know, in French the money is called euro..."
Ross: "Oh yeah...."
Laura: "Whatever... I try to change it to euros 💗"

^at the airport. Lex and Laura are already at the gate to Paris. Laura is texting with Rydel and Stormie in their whatsapp group called "Ladiez😌☺️"^
Stormie: "We'll pick u 2 up in Dallas then😇"
Laura: "Yeah☺️😊 I hope you don't mind giving company on Ross...😅😂"
Rydel: "I think I get thru it.... He's hanging with Emilie anyway😋😌"
Laura: "Emilie?????"
Rydel: "She's our little cousin😚"
Laura: "Aaah! 😇"
Lex: They opened the gate.
Laura: "Gotta go!"
Rydel: "Good flight!"

^In Detroit, on the tourbus^
Ross: It feels weird to think that Laura and Alexa are on a vacation.
Rydel: Why? Laura and I are going to Venice in after US tour.
Ross: You are? Why didn't I know? But we have world tour.
Rydel: We have stay 2 weeks at home before it. So, Laura and I are going to Venice for the one week.
Ross: Alright...
Rocky: I miss Lex...
Mark: Guys, c'mon! They're only away for 4 days.
Stormie: ^smiles^ Cheer up!

^in Paris. Laura and Alexa are eating dinner in a restaurant^
Waitress: ^has French accent^ Mademoiselle? Ready to order? ^smiles^
Laura: Yes. I take samon and garden salad, please. ^smiles^
Lex: And I take same, please. ^smiles^
Waitress: Thank you. ^smiles^ You orders will come soon. ^takes Laura and Lex's menus and takes off^
Lex: This is so nice! Last time I went to Paris, I was 19 and with my mom.
Laura: Last time I went to Paris, I was with R5 and Ross and I fighted on nonstop.
Lex: What happened?
Laura: Well, I got mad cause Ross had an argument with one French guy cause he flirted with me. I got embarrased and I said that he won't talk to me 'til we're in different country. Well, Ross said it's not his fault and I flirted back. We both got mad, and every single thing we did annoyed each other so bad that we just fighted aaall the time.
Lex: I remember the week before Rocky and I broke up. We just had fights and basically, we both knew what's gonna happen. Stormie were about to pop cause she was so sad for us.
Laura: Yeah, I remember. But I'm glad you found each other again.
Lex: We lost 3 years but now we're even better together.
^Some French guys come to talk to them^
Julio: Heyy, I'm Julio. ^has a flirty smile on his face^
Marcus: And I'm Marcus. ^smiles^ We sitting there, watch you and think you pretty.
Julio: I'm sorry for his bad English. We didn't have that good school.
Laura: Oh I'm so sorry...
Julio: No, no... Don't be... ^sits down and holds Laura's hands. Laura has uncomfortable smile on her face^ It's just that he's not good at English, but he's amazing at other subjects.
Laura: Nice... But we both have boyfriend and they get jealose very easily.
^Marcus sits next to Alexa^
Marcus: We want nothing bad. We want a friend.
Laura: Oh, well then... ^sneaks out of Julio's hold^ Let's be just friends.
Marcus: Teach I England.
Laura: It's The United Kingdom and they speak English up there. And it's "me" not "I".
Julio: Uuuh, a smarty!
Lex: Yeahh...
Marcus: Teach I England, please.
Lex: Suuure... Say "Teach me English, please"
Marcus: Teach me English, please.
Lex: Great, great! ^smiles^ Say "I take off with my friend now"
Marcus: I take off with my friend now.
Lex: Guys?
Julio: No no no! Mademoiselle...?
Lex: Dowd, Alexa Dowd.
Julio: Mademoiselle Dowd, we are only trying to make friends here.
Laura: Uh, as much as we appriciate your gesture, we'd like to be alone...
Julio: Mademoiselle...?
Laura: Marano, Laura Marano.
Marcus: She Italian!
Julio: Mademoiselle Marano... You're not trying to push us side, are you?
Laura: Seriously? Julio, Marcus, we're not singles. We're both are dating.
Marcus: Italian girl talk funny.
Laura: Yeah... I'm speaking correctly... All tho... You're not French!
Marcus: ..... Oh well, I'm not... Julio, they said they're not available.
Julio: Alright! Bye mademoiselles...
^Marcus and Julio take off^
Laura: They were discusting!
Lex: I know! I was so close to kick their asses...
Laura: Same!
^girls laugh. Their dinners come^
Waitress: Samon and garden salad. ^smiles and places it in front of Laura^ The same to you. ^places another plate in front of Lex^ Enjoy your dinner.
Laura and Lex: Thank you!

Raura storiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora