Florida, Part 1

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^R5, Laura, Ryry, Stormie and Mark just went into their own hotel rooms, in Miami. Ross and Laura has own room, Riker and Rocky has a own room, Rydellington has a own room, so does Stormie and Mark^

In Raura's room
^Laura's takes a selfie of her and Ross. ------ and writes caption: " Ross & I💗
I feel like Ally in here, hint hint!🐍🐢🐟🌺🌴☀️ Gonna have some sweet time with my boyfriend and my anotha fam😊 #RauraSelfie I'll post veeeeeery much tonight, tomorrow and on Friday😂 tehehe!" And she posts it on insta^
Ross: ^takes pic of Laura. ----- and writes caption: "@/lauramarano is unpacking her stuff. I haven't even touch my suitcase, yet... " and he posts it on insta.^ Babe, I know it's night soon and we all go to dinner but wanna cuddle?
Laura: Where did that come from. ^laughs^ Usually, you don't ask that.
Ross: I don't knooooow... ^laughs^ haha, I go change my clothes. ^takes one step^
Laura: Whoop! No. those are good.
Ross: K.

In the hotel's restaurant
^Sitting order is Laura, Rydel, Ross, Ell, Riker, Mark, Rocky and Stormie. Their foods just came^
Stormie: ^raises and talk little bit louder^ Can I get your attention?
^everyone in the restaurant looks Stormie^
Stormie: Thank you. ^smiles^ I'm Stormie Lynch and I'm here with my family. Laura, Rydel, Ross, Ell, Riker, Mark and Rocky, I love you. The reason why I raised and asked attention is cuz I wanna tell how glad I am for having you in my life. I'm mother to 5+ 2 and I love it. I'm wife to my incredible husband and I'm sooo lucky. My family is the number one to me.
^everyone claps in the restaurant^
Stormie: Thank you very much. ^sits^
Rydel: ^raises^ Okay guys, I'm Rydel Lynch. Haha, I just wanna thank my family for giving for me this trip. I mean, this is our vacation but I'm glad I can come with you. I also wanna thank my boyfriend Ellington Ratliff for ever mentioned this "Florida Family Vacation" thingy. ^laughs^ That was actually the very first time when I called him my boyfriend in some place where's other people than my family. ^smiles^ I wouldn't be here without these guys. I'd not be here without some person from my fam. Ross makes our fam better, so does Rocky and Riker, even Ell and Laura, Ryland, of course, but he's not here, but the heart of my family is my mother and father who ever decided to create us. Thank tou guys for being here for me. I couldn't live without you. Thanks.
^some girls cry at some tables and everyone claps. She sits down^
Ross: ^smiles^ You guys are really important to me, y'know.
^everyone smiles. A man and a girl come for their table^
Dom: Laura?
Laura: ^looks up^ Dad!?
^Laura raises and goes hug her dad^
Laura: What the heck are you doing in here? And Vanessaaa!
^hugs Vanessa quickly^
Laura: Where's mom?
Dom: Uhhh... Laura, don't you remember?
Vanessa: Laura?
Laura: Wha- ... Oh yeah. Sorry, but where's Chris and Tony?
Vanessa: They are here too but Chris's have to go check Tony have he waked already.
Laura: Oh my goodness. How's my favorite nephew?
Vanessa: Your one and only nephew is fine. ^laughs lil bit^ They are coming here soon.
Laura: Aww!
Dom: Anyways, hi!
Lynches and Ell: Hi!
Vanessa: Hi, you guys!
Stormie: Please, sit.
^Laura goes to her place and Dom and Vanessa sits down^
Vanessa: What's up? ^smiles^
Rydel: Nothing much, just having fun with mah family.
Laura: Yeah. What's up with you guys?
Vanessa: Well I'm here cuz I had modeling job in NY yesterday so we thought we could come here for few days.
Laura: Cool.
Rydel: Guysssss, say "cheese" ^takes selfie of all of them. ----- and writes caption: "Gotta love theze guyzzzz💗
I'm soooo C😎😎L , I kept a speach and I made some ladies cry. Rydel 1, ladies 0😂 What is Flooooorideee doing to me😂😂😂 #IKnowHowToWriteFloridaRightTho #ImSooooCool #RydelMaryLynchInFlorida
#IsaidItAloud 😂" and posts it to Insta^
Vanessa: Laura, we also brought Cavin with us. Like, he's dad's friend's son and he needed a place to say cuz his dad is out of the town.
Laura: You did what?
Rydel: ^whispers^ Oh brother.
Laura: Where he is?
Vanessa: He's riiiighttt...
^comes to the table^
Vanessa: ...here.
Cavin: Hi Laura!
Laura: Hi... What the heck are YOU doing here?
Cavin: I thought we are friends.
Laura: So you thought.
Cavin: Can I talk to you outside? I wanna know what's wrong between us.
Laura: I don't know...
Cavin: Just come...
^Laura and Cavin go outside.^
Vanessa: I should go to check my fam. ^goes away^
Dom: I-I... I go to... Somewhere.
^he goes away^
Ross: Ugh, him again.
Stormie: He's just talking to her.
Ross: The last time went sooo good. He's really good. He really made Laura thinking about them.
Rydel: God Ross! It's been 3 years ago!

At outside
^Laura and Cavin are talking at the edge of the pool^
Cavin: Tell me. Is it Ross or is it me?
Laura: I-...
Cavin: No, I talk now. I've waited 3 years the answer. Is it me or Ross? I know, you love him, but have you ever thought how different your life would be without him. You would be with me, probably.
Laura: N-...
Cavin: Sh-...
Laura: I talk now! We wouldn't be together cuz you treated me like a 5 years old boy a doll. I have great relationship with Ross and you'll not ruin it. W-...
^Laura slips and she hits her head to the groud which is really hard. Ross runs to there^
Ross: Laura!?
^Rydel and Stormie comes too^
Stormie: What happend!?
Ross: ^Goes on his knees and ours Laura's head on his thigh^ Bae!?
Laura: ^opens her eyes little bit^ My head is really hurting...
Ross: ^looks his hand^ mom... ^shows his hand to Stormie^
Rydel: It covered my blood! Oh my goodness. Laura, can you hear me?
^Riker, Rocky and Mark comes too^
Riker: Your hand, bro!
Laura: I... I think I... I... ^faints^

After 50 minutes
^in Raura's room. They all are in there, even Cavin. Stormie put a bandage around the head of Laura^
Laura: ^opens her eyes^ Wha- What happend? My head.... My head- my head is hurt-hurting...
Ell: Can you hear us?
Stormie: She hit her head pretty hard.
Ross: Do you want something?
Laura: Just- just one thin-thing. Who are you guys?
^everyone's face gets serious^
Ross:I'm-I'm your boyfriend.
Laura: No you're not. He is. ^points Cavin^
Stormie: Sweetie...
Laura: Mom?
Vanessa: Laura?
Laura: Who are you?
Dom: What's wrong? Tell who we are.
Laura: She's my mom. ^points Stormie^ they are my brothers ^points Rocky and Riker^ he's total stranger ^points Ross^ She's Rydel, my bestie. ^points Rydel^ he's my dad ^points Mark^ he's stranger ^points Dom^ So is she ^points Vanessa^ and Cavin is my boyfriend.
Ross: Uh...
Rydel: Don't worry.
Stormie: What do you remember?
Laura: I kissed with Cavin before I sliped...
Ross: ^his eyes get round^ You're so dead, man!!
Riker: Calm down.
Cavin: We didn't kiss. Laura, we're not together. You are with Ross.
Laura: Who's Laura? Who's Ross?
Ross: I'm Ross, your boyfriend.
Laura: I'm Laura??? ^thinks for long time^ I'm Laura and I date Ross Lynch. I act in A&A, my last name is Marano, not Lynch.
Ross: Yet!
Rydel: Not the best time.
Laura: Cavin is my ex boyfriend and I can't stand him... That's all I remember.
Mark: Laura, you remember those already and it's been 1 hour since you sliped. Ross, you stay here with her all night. We all need some rest.
Ross: Sure.
^Others go away from Raura's room and Ross sits to the bed where's Laura's lying^
Ross: Do you remember more?
Laura: I think you should tell something about you first. That might help me to get remember what I forgot.
Ross:Well, my nane is Ross and you almoust all the time call me Shor. We have dated for 3 years. MY mom is Stormie and MY dad is Mark. Riker and Rocky are my brothers and Rydel is my sister.
Laura: Are we siblings?
Ross: No, you have your own sister. Her name is Vanessa and she was that tall girl. Your mom is pregnant and she's waiting a boy. That man next to my dad was your dad.
Laura: ^thinks for long time, again^ I remember those things! Your mom is like mom to me and your dad is like dad to me. Your brothers are like bros to me and Rydel is like my another half. My mom is in Los Angeles where I live with you and your family, in your house. But wone thing really bothers me... I can't remember any good sides of our relationship...
Ross: What?
Laura: I only remember fights... Tell me about us.
Ross: Uhh... We do have bad days too but mostly our relationship is good and cute. We sleep together and we cuddle a lot. Ummm... We like to kiss a lot and we do some crazy stuff together sometimes.
Laura: I... I need sometime to think.
Ross: Yeah, sure. I go to hall if u need me.
Laura: Thanks.
^Ross goes into the hall, Riker comes^
Ross: Oh shit...
Riker: She just need time.
Ross: She said she doesn't remember our good times. Fuck...
Riker: She'll.

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