Spain #2

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^in morning. Raura is still in bed. Ross's arm is around Laura.^
Laura: What I'm gonna wear for the concert?
Ross: Can your boyfriend decide?
Laura: Last time you picked my outfit I looked awful. Not that I hate.
Ross: Well!- okay...
^Ross rests his head onto Laura's shoulder. His lips are close to her neck^
^Laura takes her phone from night stand. She sees Rydel has texted him a few mins ago^
Rydel: "Breakfast in 20 minutes. Come down🍉🍊🍎🍍🍩🍑🍌🍇🌽🍓🍛☕️🍹🍲"
Laura: "K. Is Rea up?🌚🌝🌙☀️🌅"
Rydel: "Yay you're up!😆😉😍 and yeah, they're gonna pick you two with them👨‍👨‍👧‍👧💗"
Laura: "Oooookayy!😆💗 get ready! See you in the lob😂💗 #TooLazyToWriteLobby"
Rydel: "Love the hashtag"
Laura: ^puts her phone away^ Ross, Riker and Bea are here soon. Get up.
^Laura raises. After a few minutes Rea comes into their room^
Riker: What up dawg!
Bea: He has practiced that all morning.
^Laura laughs^
Riker: Ross get up.
Ross: Sure, but Bea... Can you turn around? I'm not wearing boxers...
^Bea turns around and Ross gets up^
^Ross jumps right into the bed^
Bea: I'm so sorry, I didn't notice. ^covers her eyes with her hands^
Ross: Yeah, no prob. I've a nice body.
Bea: You sure do.
^Ross smiles and gets up^
Riker: You're mine.
Ross: Laura, gimme my boxers.
Laura: ^throws Ross his boxers^ Here.
Riker: You two weren't... Like, y'know?
Ross: No, no. Here's so hot I had to sleep naked.
Riker: Great.
Ross: ^puts his boxers on^ Bea you can turn.
^Bea turns^
Riker: Ross? Have you got some??
Laura: ^Laura smiles^ How you do that?
Riker: ^smiles^ I'm the oldest. I know everything. And, good for you.
Ross: Yeah.
Laura: We weren't even drunk or anything tho. But yeah, Ross dress up!

^after breakfast. Laura and Ross are hanging in lobby^
Laura: When the others come?
Ross: I don't know. Text them.
^Laura takes her phone from her pocket and texts Riker^
Laura: "comin?"
Riker: "we r, but I dunno 'bout others"
Laura: "k, I text em."
Riker: "k. we r there soon"
^Laura goes to their group texring where all the couples^
Laura: "Roclex, Dellington? Comin?"
Rydel: "Ell n I r comin. We r waitin 4 a elevator"
Laura: "K. We r in da lob"
Rocky: "I thought u guyz were on business😳 lex just puts her shoes on and we r there."
Laura: "Rockay!"
Lex: "Im ready 'ow"
Rocky: "We r there in a min"
Stormie: "Dunno see us? We're lookin 4 u 2 Laurs?"

^Laura waves her hand. Mark and Stormie notice them and they come to them^
Mark: Ross, you look mad tired. Did you sleep at all?
Ross: Y'know time difference, right?
Mark: Yes?
Ross: I was on a phone with papa.
Stormie: He didn't remember we're here?
Ross: He also said what he said like 3-4 times.
Stormie: ^pulls Mark from sleeve^ I told your dad's not okay. Call your sister and tell her to take your dad to hospital.
Laura: It really sounds like alzheimer....
Mark: I call her in the evening.
Stormie: Speaking of alzheimer... Laura, how's your nana?
Laura: The casual. She only remembers mom. ^breaths out^ She's in a hospital right now and it doesn't look good. Like, she's 90 and got alzheimer. Mom called me before we left that it's only about 2 or 3 weeks. She's been in the hospital for 1 month.
^Stormie hugs Laura quickly^
Stormie: Sweetie, it's gonna be fine.
Laura: Yeah.
^Ross puts his arm around Laura^
Laura: Rauce, a word...
^Ross and Laura go outside^
Ross: What's the matter?
Laura: ^has tears in her eyes^ I already miss my nana...
^they hug^
Laura: ^cries^ my life is such a hell... My parents broke up, my dad's parents has died, my nana's dying, my dad's getting married with a slut...
Ross: Babe, it's gonna be fine...
Laura: Only good thing going on is that I have you and your family...
Ross: We're here for you...
^everyone comes out^
Rydel: What happened?
Bea: Everything okay?
Ross: We catch you up... We need to talk for a while.
Rydel: Okay. Laura, are you okay?
Laura: ^nods^ Yes.
^others take off^
Ross: It's not easy to you right now. Wanna know why boyfriends are exict?
Laura: Yeah??
Ross: To support their girlfriends. If you need me, I'll be there for you.
^they let go each other. Laura smiles^
Laura: Do YOU wanna know something? That was too sugar.
^they both laugh. Ross wipes Laura's tears away^
Ross: But hey, I made you smile!
Laura: You always make me smile.
^Ross and Laura take off to beach, holding hands and smiling. As they arrive to the beach, which is very close to their hotel, they sit on their beach chairs and kiss.^
Laura: Thanks Ross...
Ross: Yeah, no problem.
Laura: For everything. You're my sunshine.
Ross: You're mine.

^next morning. They're all on the group chat^
Riker "to you too"
Laura: "Happy 4th of July🇺🇸😱❤️💙"
Ross: "^🇺🇸"
Rocky: "to all you too"
Ell: "Thank you languages for making Rydel Mary Lynch English!!"
Rydel: "😂😂😂😂"
Mark: "😂😤"
Ross: "Daaaad??"
Bea: "We're gonna spend our 4th of July in a plane, wohoo.😳😁😂... So next stop is Portugal? How long we're there?"
Riker: "Only for 5 hours"
Rydel: "God... I love Portugal!😱💖 but no shit, 5 hours 😔"
Ross: "I like Portugal too!"
Ry: "Yeah same. What r u guys up to?"
Laura: "Ross Jersey Shor is figuring out what he's gonna wear for the flight ((which leaaaaves???)) and I'm lying on bed cause I feel sick"
Stormie: "Sending a virtual hug😘💖 get better sweetheart, mommy loves ya!💖💖💖💖"
Rydel: "I love how you accept Laur and Ellibear calling you mom😘☺️❤️"
Stormie: "of course!😱❤️"

^on the plane. This time Laura and Rydel are sitting together and Ell and Ross are sitting together^
Laura: Hey Dells...
Rydel: Yep?
Laura: ^whispers^ I think Ross is cheating on me...
Rydel: What? Really?
Laura: Yeah... He was texting with some girl.
Rydel: How you know?
Laura: He was in the men's room so I took his phone and pressed Whatsapp, he was chatting with Hilary, but as I was just about to read more, he came out.
Rydel: I don-... Maybe...- no. No! He's Ross.
Laura: Maybe you're right.... I get on it in Portugal.

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