3 days in LA

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^R5 got back to LA. Stormie, Ry and Mark went to their own home, R5 and Laura went to theirs. They have to take off to thecset of their TV show in a minute. They waiting for Rocky to come down^
Laura: Riker, we will never ever talk about the shower accident. Ever!
Riker: No, no... It was awkward.
Bea: What happened, what happened!? ^smiles excitedly^
Ross: I wanna know too!
Lex: Same!
Riker: No.
Laura: Never.
Ross: Do it.
Riker: Laura can tell...
Laura: I won't!
Lex: We won't stop before you tell it.
Riker: Fine...
Laura: Alright... I was in the shower in Finland and Riker didn't notice I was there cause the glass over me was all steamy and I had the water off... He opened the door and you know how you usually take showers....
Bea: Oooohhh!
Ross: He saw you naked and you saw him! ^laughs^
Lex: Awesome!!
Ross: Wait a minute, Laura... You saw his thing! ^smiles^
Lex: Oh my god! ^grinds^
Laura: Bea has saw yours!
Lex: What!? ^still smiling^ I thought you were close, but not that close...
^Bea throws a pillow at Alexa^
Ross: I'm glad I've very nice body.
Bea: Yeah...
^Ross smiles at Bea^
Riker: Heyyy! I've nice body too!
Laura: I'm not complaining.
Ross: This is starting to seem like we're switching girls. ^puts his arm around Laura^
Laura: ^rests her head on Ross's chest^ You smell good... What do you wear??
Ross: Riker's shirt...
Laura: This is starting to look like couple switching...

^On the set. They're only doing the head shot before they film at their home^
Rydel: I'm the sister to the guys, except Ellington, and I'm also the only sister, but I'm glad they make me feel like I'm one of the guys. ^smiles^ It's also way much easier to live with them cause Laura lives it us too, and my other besties are always around!

Ross: Our family is pretty much crazy. Like, we may start wrestling any minute without a reason, basically everything is possible. ^smirks^

Riker: We have our own band house so we can practice when we want, even in the morning without waking anybody up, and make more music. It's also some kind of hang out place cause everyone hangs out there, haha!

Ell: I met Lynches at The Rage. We got into talking and somehow, I said I play drums. Riker told me to come over and have a jamming session.

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