After nana's death

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^Laura is sitting in the living room, a blanket over her. She's crying as she looks through a photo album she got from here nana a few years ago. Ross sits next to her^
Ross: Baby, it's 2.30 in the morning... Should you be sleeping?
Laura: I can't sleep Ross... You were sleeping so deep that you didn't notice me leaving. I cried my hair and pillow wet...
^Ross side hugs her with both of his arms^
Ross: You need to sleep...
Laura: Ross, I love how caring you are but I don't wanna you to see me crying...
Ross: I've seen you crying... It's okay cause you always have a reason to... I'm not gonna leave you alone... ^lets Laura go^
Laura: Ross I'm scared...
Ross: Why?
Laura: I read from internet that if you love someone so badly it hurts, you may see that person even if she/he isn't in the same room...
Ross: But you're not crazy, baby girl. You're normal.
Laura: I'm serious. I even once thought you were in our room but you were actually staying home at your parents'. I got so scared that I went to sleep with Rydel and Ellington.
Ross: Babe...
^Laura cries even harder^
Laura: What if I start seeing her? I don't wanna lose my mind...!
^Ross hugs Laura again^
Ross: Babe, you'll not start seeing her... It hurts now but you'll get over it...
Laura: I don't think I'm gonna be at our party tomorrow... I don't wanna start crying.
^Ross kisses Laura's head^
Ross: If you start crying I'll take you to our bedroom and say people some excuse.
Laura: This is nightmare.... My life is straight from hell.
Ross: Bae, it's not... Well, maybe, but focus on the bright sides. Let's go sleeping, you really need some sleep.
Laura: I'm only getting up there if you give me your phone and I can listen to Sometime Last Night.
Ross: Why would 't you just go sleep?
Laura: I won't sleep.
Ross: I don't have any battery on my phone.
Laura: Riker and I always switch phones, I'm gonna get his.
Ross: No, you're not. You go to sleep.

^in their room. Laura fell asleep but Ross is still up. He's on his phone, on Laura's acc., on Twitter. He tweets: "Laura won't tweet for a couple of days, she has just lost a love one :( I keep care of her! - Ross"^

^in the morning. Everyone's watching Good Morning America except Laura who got up again at night and stayed up 'til 5 am. She's still sleeping^
Ross: She fell asleep in a second but she got up again. She had fell asleep on this couch so I cared her up.
Rydel: ..... Is your voice always that deep and I just haven't noticed??
Bea: I think it's only his morning voice.
Ross: Seriously... That's not healthy!
Riker: I think it's just some depression....
Ross: She's depressed!?
Riker: I meant like cause her nana, not how teena nowadays are.
Ross: You scared the hell out of me...
Lex: Aww you love her...
Ross: Of course I do.
Ell: She's gonna get over it, I swear.
Ross: She literally scream during ger dreams. Did any of you guys hear the scream?
Rocky: It was her!?!?
Riker: We all did!
Ross: Did you wake up to it?
Rydel: I think we all...
Ell: I shit my pants...
Ross:Yeah, imagine being next to her!
^Laura comes downstairs^
Ross: Babe?
Rydel: Awww sweetheart... ^does a puppy dog face^
^Laura sits next to Ross and falls asleep again^
Riker: Did she sleep walk??
Ross: Creepy...
Rocky: Didn't mom have to look for her cause she sleep walked back then?
Rydel: Oh yeaaah! That time when her--- grandma died....
Rocky: Should we wale her up?
Ross: No one wakes her up... She's very crancy and moody when she's tired.
Lex: You two know each other so well!
Ross: Yeah...
Laura: I'm trynna sleep...
Ross: Sorry baby.

^after awhile. Laura has woken up^
Laura: So I walked here and talked? I sleep walked and talked?
Ross: You scare me.
Laura: Guys, I'm sorry, but the party would be just tough for me so I'm not coming...
Rydel: Babe, really?
Ross: Please, come...
Laura: Sorry, but no. I'm just gonna go back to sleep and stay in my PJ's.
Riker: We hope you'll join us, tho.
Laura: Fingers crossed.
^gets up^
Ross: Can I get my morning kiss?
Laura: You wanna kiss a girl who got the most driest lips now?
Ross: Baby girl, it's you. I'd kiss you even if you had ebola.
Laura: Sweet.
^Raura kisses^
Laura: See you guys someday.
^Laura gets back to upstairs^
Lex: I hate to see her like that...
Ross: It just breaks me... I go there too, I know she wants company.
^Ross goes upstairs too^
Riker: Lets not throw the party... Itms just too rough...
Rocky: It would also be fair.
Lex: Let's go to Sweden a little bit sooner than we should.
Rydel: I agree...
Ell: We have our packs ready so we just have to get tickets. Easy.
Riker: Yeah! I go to cancel the party.

^ they haven't boarded their flight yet. Luckly they got the ticket tho^
Laura: ^has a sad face on^ why did you cancel the party?
Ross: It's not fun without you... It's not nice when someone's sad and people make her act happy.
Rydel: We wanted you to have fun.
Ell: We know how much you love Sweden so we're gonna go there a bit earlier.
Laura: Wow, thanks guys... You're awesome. ^smiles a little bit^
Ross: That's the smile I've been waiting for! ^smiles^
^Laura smiles even brighter^
Bea: Yaaaass she's smilinggg!
Laura: Why to be sad someone's gone if you can be happy for her life? ^smiles with her teeth^
^everyone cheers for Laura^
Ross: That's my girl!
Laura: I feel a lot better now!
Ross: I make you feel more better... ^spins Laura around and kisses her^
Laura: You did make me feel better!

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