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^It's 12 am. Everyone else are already ate their breakfast except Raura who hasn't even woke up yet... On Rydellington's balcony. Ryvannah's there too^
Rydel: I'm starting to think they're just making out and cuddling over there... ^smirks^ Y'know, y'know, last time they were!
Sav: But I heard Ross forgot his t-shirt to beach so they had to go and look for it. Stormie said it was 4 am when they got to sleep.
Ry: Rocky told me-...
Rydel: Rocky?
^everyone laughs^
Rydel: Maybe we just should go wake them up.
Ell: Yeah...
^they all leave Rydellington's room/house and they go to Raura's.^
Ry: ^opens the door^ It's open?
^they get in and see Raura sleeping. Ross has his arm around Laura and Laura's forehead is right in front of Ross's lips^
Rydel: I can't wake up them...
Sav: They're too adorable...

^later that day. Ross and Laura just got up and they're on a boat going to seim with sharks in cristal clear water^
Mark: Wow, I didn't you're that hungry! ^smirks^
Ross: ^says with his deep morning voice^ Huh??
Mark: I mean, there's food. You don't have to eat each other's necks to that point where there's red marks, y'know.
^Ross and Laura get a little awkward^
Mark: ^smiles^ Naaah, just teasing!
Ross: Yeah...
The guide: Alright, here are the sharks!
^everyone takes off their regural clothes. They've bathing suits under them. They are all on the egde where you can jump^
Laura: Is this really safe??
Bea: I'm scared...
Ross: I'll jump! ^jumps in the water^
Laura: Oh my god! Is it bad!?
Ross: I don't know where my bathing suit is....
^everyone laughs so hard^
Laura: Baby, it's over there!
The guide: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6!! You were Ross, right!? Get right back to the boat!! There's one shark more so it's not ours!
Ross: FUCK! Oh shit!!
Laura: Oh my god, fast Ross!!
Rydel: Get back!!
^Everyone yells at Ross and girls are technicly crying. Ross swims to the back of the boat^
Ross: Um... Could you please turn around??? Laura give a towel...
^everyone else except Laura turns around. She gives Ross a towel and he twirls it around his waist. Others turn around^
Lex: You alright!? You could've died!
Ross: I'm okay...
The guide: Let's go to Máhœl bay. Sharks never come there, except our.
Mark: Sure...
Ross: Um, I know it's not that important buuut my bathing suit is roght over there so could you get it for me??
^The guide takes a long stick and cets Ross's bathing suit with it. He gives it to Ross and Ross puts them on^
Laura: ^hugs Ross^ I'll not let go....
Ross: ^hugs back^ Nothing happened...
The guide: Must say, it was brave to jump in. No other hasn't done it without 30 minute pre-school for swimming.
^all of them laugh a bit^
Laura: I could have lost you....
Ross: ^smiles^ Baby girl, I'm fine... The shark was just coming at the boat, it wasn't close to me.
Laura: I know, but still...

^at the place where they can swim with the sharks. Guys (except Ross) are in the water already^
Laura: Okay, I'm not coming...
Rydel: That seems too scary!
Bea: No way I'm jumping!
Lex: No need to die on porpuse...
Ross: Laura, what are you saying?? You're over there in a sec. ^pushes Laura off the edge. She screams and guys laugh^
Laura: I'm seriously gonna kill you!!!
Lex: Maybe the sharks will kill you first...
Laura: ^"cries" and panics^ Oh my god!!! I'm gonna die-e-e-e!!
^Ross jumps in^
Laura: I'm seriously so close to open that---- ^A shark comes next to Laura and just presses again her^ I mean, this adorable fella's mouth and stick you in! ^smiles^ What's her name?
The guide: His name's nothing. We let the tourists name them. What do you wanna call him, he's new.
Laura: Even tho, I'm scared that he's not fully comfortable with- with this yet... I'm calling him Dyno.
Rydel: ^jumps in, so does the other girls^ THIS FEELS SO SCARY BUT ALSO SO AWESOME!!!
Lex: I'm not- I'm not scared of the sharks, I'm scared of that grab! ^jumps to Rocky's shoulders^
Mark: So you're taking us to jet skiing too?
The guide: Yes. After a one hour from this trip.
^All the couples look at each other^
Ross: Oh baby, I can do anything in 40 minutes... ^kisses Laura^
Riker: It seems like we got some free timeee!
Bea: Maybee...
Rocky: Shall we lock the door and have a bit fun??
Lex: ^grinds^ Sounds-.... EW THE GRAP!! ----- amazing...
Ell: You, me, a quick trip before jet skiing...
Stormie: ^hugs Ry and Sav^ Oh you two! My precious babiessss!
Mark: Guys! Behavior!
Ross: Sorry dad!!
Laura: Aww Dyno's still here... ^smiles^ You must like me! Yayyy!

^they went down the pool. Laura's lying on a donut shape swim toy and Bea's next to her with her own one^
Laura: I miss old times, to be honest... I miss when Ross and I were all over each other.
Bea: Aren't you still??
Laura: Before our 4th anniversary we made out every night, now we just sleep. I wish something, y'know, cute would happen.
^Ross climbs on the swim toy, but leaves his legs out. Laura hugs him (he's on top of her, I hope you got it!). Ross rests his head on Laura's chest^
Laura: Aww... ^smiles^
Bea: That's not cute... That's adorable!!
Ross: Baby I love you...
Laura: You murmuring is so adorable... But yeah Bea, there's this photobooth in the lobby. We should totally get out of here now and get some nice pics before jet skiing! ^smiles^
Bea: Yeah, totally! ^smiles^ I go tell the girls.
^Bea swims away^
Laura: Hey Rossy, you come too!
Ross: Uuuh, no thank you... I don't like them.
Laura: What!? Photobooths are life!!
Ross: Not for me! I HATE them!
Laura: Why??
Ross: When we were went out for just a couple of weeks, and we were in the photobooth, I remember taking so embarrasing pics just for us but your dad found them and suddently the whole set knew about it. It was so embarrasing that I've never ever walked into one of those again!
Laura: Honeyy! ^does a puppy dog face^ Y'know I'm sure no one remembers... Let's take adorable pics this time.
Ross: I'll do it for yo-... My bathing suit is falling off...
Laura: Yeah, I can feel that...
^Ross smirks. Laura taps Ross's back^
Laura: You're cute, Shor... ^presses her lips agains Ross's head^ and your hair's hot as wet...
^Ross lifts his head up. His and Laura's heads have only a few inches between them^
Ross: Really?
^they kiss^
Ross: Cause I think, you're incredibly cute...
Laura: You're hot, babe...
Ross: Nah...
Laura: Aha! ^smiles^
^Ross kisses Laura's neck and then, turns the swim toy around, so they're in the water^
Laura: ^jumps in Ross's arms^ MY FOOT TOUCHED SOMETHINGGG!!
Ross: It's just---... EW!!
^they get off the pool^
Laura: What? What was it?
Ross: Something that very sad girls use...
Laura: ^looks through the water^ Alright, ew!
Ross: You're cute!
Laura: You too!!

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