R5 TV in Milan

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^R5 and their peep is walking at the downtown. They're filming R5 TV, but this one is not regural one. It's live so people can watch them without editing, haha! Riker's holding the camera^
Riker: Last time we filmed R5 TV, it was- it was 2 years ago. We're in Milan dudes and gals!
Rydel: ^talks to the camera^ Rydellington's real now! Wohoo! ^kisses Ell onto cheek^ Don't spam me now!
Rocky: ^holds hands with Lex^ Alexa and I are back together!
Ry: I've got a girlfriend... Girlfriends are pain in the cash!
^everyone laughs^
Ross: That's so trueee!
Laura: Thanks Rauce...
Ross: I was jokiiiing, babe. ^smiles^
Laura: In our relationship, you are the pain in my cash.
Ross: What!? ^smirks^
Laura: ^grinds^ I've bought you iPhone 6+, new headphones aaaand laptop!
Riker: I love those two! ^smiles as he films Bea^ I've gotten one too!
Bea: ^smirks^ Oh my god Rikeyy!
Rydel: Hey, let's go eat over there.
Stormie: It seems like a nice place. Sure.

^In the restaurant. They're still filming^
Ross: ^has his arm around Laura. They have the same menu^ What are you gonna get? What looks great?
Laura: You.
^Ross smirks and kisses Laura onto her cheek^
Rydel: I'm gonna edit that like "Raura rules xoxoxo" ^grinds^
Rocky: They're like all over each other aaaall the time, y'know?
Ell: ^high voice^ They're hooooooot!
^everyone laughs^
Riker: Sometimes too hot.
Rocky: They're one sexy couple!
Rydel: Guys, I would appriciate it a lot for not lettin' every joke on Raura... Like R5family ?
Riker: What do you mean? ^passes the camera to Mark^ Our fans will understand.
Laura: I think they know. ^grinds^ Like, y'know what they know.
Riker: It's true.
Rydel: Okay... Anyway, guys we would like to answer a few question's now, like everyone of us. We'll pick one for each, so tweet tweet tweet! ^smiles^
^They all, expect Mark, open their Twitters and there's already like hundreds of questions. Mark films them all^
Stormie: @/danyumomtadia asks: "What's the tour stop you're looking forward the most?" Uhh, I think it was Paris cause it was so romantic! Also Milan where we are right now and London. ^smiles^
Riker: I got one too.
@/RauraFuckPlease (^Raura smirks^) asks: "What do you and Bea and the other couples do at night?" By the way, I'm gonna answer two. ^laughs^ And my answer is, something. ^smirks^
Alright... Oh! @/R5riker asks: "When did you and Bea started to go out?"
Um, I think it was 4 months ago. Bea?
Bea: I think it was 4 months too. ^smiles^ It has been hella of rollercoaster.
Riker: Yass!
Laura: Okay, now I've one.
@/IshipRauraAndRea, love your username tho, asks: "If you could choose one day in your life to go back to, what it would it be?" -
^Ross whispers Laura The Day^
Laura: ^smirks^ I can't say that! Buuut, I think the day when I noticed I've feeling for Ross and he had for me. I know I can flirt much better! Or then the day when I met the Lynches.
Ross: Aww babyyy...
Rydel: Hell yeah! Laura, the cake tho...
^Laudel laughs^
Sav: I got a great one.
@/BeaRikerToRea asks: "How did Ryvannah started dating?" You guys ask a lot about dating, ^laughs^ but I've been friends with Rydel for like forever and Ryland and I had flirted like back and fort all the time so one day it just happened. Haha, he asked me out but I said he doesn't have to be such a gentleman just ask me to be his girlfriend and we kissed. It was magical!
Ry: Oh yeeeaaaah! My turn!
^Everyone smirks^
Ry: - asks: "Have you ever walked into Raura moment?" Toooons of times! Sometimes they're just about to and sometimes they're like on it.

^in their hotel room. Mark films Ross^
Ross: We have one huge hotel room for all of us. We all sleep in the same room. It's not nice a-...
^Laura attacks Ross with a hug from his back. After it she jumps to picky-back-ride^
Ross: Oh shit! You scared me! ^smiles^
Laura: Then my mission was complished as well.
Ross: Will you get down now?
Laura: Nah.
^Ross falls on their bed on porpuse^
Laura: God Shor! You're on my leg!
^Ross gets off Laura's leg and somehow it turns out to be that Ross is on Laura^
Mark: Nothing to you guys anymore... But if you waaaant!
Ross: Dad, seriously. ^laughs^ Don't film.
Mark: But them Raura shippers!
Laura: You've lost weight Ross.
Ross: I know, hahaha.
Mark: Aren't they romantic? ^teases Ross^
Ross: Daaaaad!
Mark: You wish.
Ross: MOOOM! ^smirks^
^Laura tries to get away from being under Ross, but Ross doesn't let her^
Stormie: Not now sweetie!
Ross: But dad films me and Laura!
Stormie: So?
Ross: I'm on her, y'know, and that's live!
Stormie: Why are you on her then?
Ross: I wanna...
Mark: ^stops filming Raura^ Let's see where Romeo is...
Laura: This has been the longest moment under you that we haven't kissed.
^they kiss softly and they turn over to their sides. They cuddle^
Laura: Oh shit, I just remembered my dad will come to Rome with them...
^Ross hugs Laura tighter as he kisses her forehead^
Ross: I can take your stress away in Rome... ^moves Laura up like that they're face to face (doesn't stop hugging her). He has his nose together with Laura's and lips almost together with hers^
Ross: I won't let him hurt you anymore... ^kisses Laura gently^ not at all... ^kisses Laura gently twice^
Laura: Your breath is so fress...
^they both smirk^
Laura: You also have very white teeth.
Ross: You have too.
^they kiss^

Lex: ^whispers^ Aww, Rocky look at them... ^smiles^ They're so adorable.
Rocky: We're as adorable as they are.
Lex: Yes we are...
^Rocklexa kisses. Rocky has his hand on Lex's waist^ That's probably my favorite kiss from you.
Rocky: You think so too? Cool. ^looks at Lex^ What do you think, how did Ross fress his breath after that cigarette?
Lex: It was yesterday.
Rocky: He smokes, I think. I saw him smoking outside the restaurant.
Lex: Oh my god! That's awful!!
Laura: ^raises up^ What's awful?
Lex: Umm... Nothing! I just- I just...
Rocky: She left our condoms to the airport.
Lex: Okay, sure... Yess!
Laura: Oh okay. I got scared already. Go buy more.
Ross: You took our, right?
Laura: Of course.

^at night. Romeo is barking and it keeps everyone up.^
Ell: Ross, please, shut that dog up!
Rydel: Yeah!
Ross: I can't get up...
Laura: ^Moans^ You're just lazy. Romeo, shut up!!! ^she gets up^ Oh shit... Hey jackass, help me. He has shitted.
Ross: What the fuck...?  ^Gets up^
Where it is? ^walks and accidently steps onto the poop^ Alright! I'm sick of that dog!
Laura: You bought it...
^Ross goes to bathroom^
Laura: Don't walk, dumbass! Now the shit is everywhere!
Ross: I go wash my foot, idiot.
Laura: Such a dickhead...

^after awhile. They've cleaned the poop and Romeo went to sleep. Raura's still up^
Ross: ^whispers^ I hate that fucking dog...
Laura: ^whisper^ Why the fuck you bought it then?
Ross: Cause it made you happy.
Laura: Even tho it made you unhappy?
Ross: Actually, I just don't like hiw it barks.
Laura: Yeah... You've a big concert tomorrow, get some sleep.
Ross: Good night, babe.
Laura: Good night, Rauce.

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