Guys and girls

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^Laura and Alexa's flight leaves Paris in 5 hours and girls are in their hotel room. They're suitcases are already packed and ready to go.^
Laura: These 4 days flew by! ^smiles^
This was so amazing!
Lex: ^smiles^ I know... But you're going to Venice with Rydel in 5 days. Are you excited?
Laura: Absolutelly! ^smiles^ Come here! Let's take a selfie.
^Laura and Alexa take a selfie. ------------ and Laura writes a caption:
"Aaaah last day in Paris with my GoogliesBooglies😂☺️😘 I love
@/Alexa_Dowd so fricking much💗😻😱 she's so lovely vacation company that I'd do anything to take her with me to every single trippppp💗💗💗 glad she's coming to world tour☺️😘" and posts it to Insta^
Lex: I wanna post a selfie of us too. ^Laura and Lex take a selfie. ------------- and Alexa writes a caption:
"My freaking other half😈😍 I love Paris and I love Laura 🇫🇷💗 we're about to take a quick sushi lunch, yesss, before we head into plane and meet our Lynchesss (see what I did there😏)" and posts it to Insta^
Laura: Should we go?
Lex: Yeah!

^After 7 hours, o'clock is 7. Lynches are already waiting for Laura and Alexa at the airport in Detroit. They should be there in a minute^
Ross: ^smiles^ I can't wait to see Laura!
Rocky: I can't wait to see Alexa! ^smiles^ I can't believe she's joining us to the world tour!
Stormie: Oh my stars, these 2 months of US tour went by so fast! ^laughs^
Mark: By the way, we hired a cleaner to keep our houses clean for the next 5 months.
Rydel: Okay, but you told we're gonna come back sometimes?
Mark: Of course.
^Laura and Alexa run for them^
Ross: Laura!
Laura: Rooss!!
^Laura lets go her suitcases and Raura hugs. So does Rocklexa^
Ross: I missed ya.
Laura: Missed ya too.
^Raura stops hugging. Laura hugs Rydel, Riker, Mark, Stormie and Ry^
Rydel: 4 places to go 'til our trip!
Laura: Yay! ^smiles^ and noo...
Rocky: Let's get you two onto the tour bus.

^R5 and the others are driving to Chicago. It's their 3rd last place to go. They are all in the "living room"^
Ross: I told you French guys were sneaky!
Laura: Ross, would you let it go? Nothing happened! ^smirks^
Ross: But....
Rocky: I bet you all girls, even mom, that us guys know much more about flirting! ^smirks^
Bea: Oh c'mon!
Laura: You're kidding, right?
Rydel: No wayyy!
Lex: Rockyy!
Stormie: I'm not in.
Ross: I'm in!
Riker: Me too!
Ry: You bet your ass, I'm in!
Mark: I can make the questions.
Rocky: C'mon girls! It's fun!
Bea: Alright... What we get if we win?
Laura: Oooooh!!
Rocky: You girls get 20 dollars each.
Lex: No.
Ross: You get 25 dollars each and you can make up us guys today at your sleepover.
Rydel: Now we're playin'!
Lex: Absolutelly!
Riker: What we guys get!?
Laura: Uuuh... We all tie a scarf onto our eyes and we don't have no idea who are you gonna kiss. Rydel will not be in this, but her eyes are tied too.
Rocky: That's cool!
Ross: I'm in!
Ry: Wait... What if I kiss my brothers?
Laura: We do two line without peeking, girls and guys, so we don't know who's in front of us. Then we change the kisser.
Ry: Alright! ^smiles^
Ross: Hey, hey! I don't my girlfriend kiss my brothers.
Riker: Chill bro!

^later that night. They're all in the same room as earlier. Mark has questions about flirting^
Mark: Categories are love, not so fast and what if. If guys think girls are wrong, they've one shot to fix them. I've right answers in the cards. Girls go first!
Rydel: LOVE!
Mark: Alright. If a guy asks girl out after he has had a crush on her for last 3 months, is it still crush?
Lex: Yeah, like he doesn't know that girl that well yet to be in love with her.
Rydel: I agree with Lexa. No guy falls in love with a girl by just one crush.
Mark: All the girls agree?
^girls nod^
Mark: Guys?
Rocky: That's pure crap!
Stormie: Rocky!
Ross: He's right! A guy can fall in love with a girl even if he doesn't know her!
Laura: What makes you think that?
Ross: Y'know, it's just how it is. Like us.
Laura: I just had a crush on you.
Ross: Yeah, yeah- me too....
^Laura smirks^
Riker: They're right. It doesn't take 4 dates to fall in love with a girl.
Rydel: Dad?
Mark: I'm afraid.......... Guys are right!
Guys: ^smile^ YASS!
Girls: NO!
Mark: Guys need only 5 points to their goal and girls six. Guys, what category?
Ross: Not so fast.
Mark: Oh well... You're having a girlfriend and you two are having just fun, just fooling around I'd say, if a another guy tries to hit on her, is it okay you to get crazy jealous and mad?
Ry: Yes!
Ross: Yeah!
Riker: Absolutelly!
Mark: Why?
Rocky: Because a guy never fools around with a girl if he doesn't like her.
Ross: Agree.
Mark: All of you?
^guys nod^
Mark: Girls?
Bea: We totally disagree! ^looks shocked^ If a guy JUST fools around with a chick, they can't get jealous or mad because they're not in love.
Rydel: Yes.
Stormie: I agree.
Sav: Agree.
Mark: Girls' answer was correct! ^smiles^ Girls' turn.
Bea: We take "what if"!
Mark: Okayy... What if your brand new boyfriend gets you a 1 week anniversary present which cost over 50 bucks, is it okay?
Lex: That's so not cool! It seems he'd be too tacky.
Laura: Yeah, she's correct.
Mark: And they all agree, I guess...
Rydel: Yes.
Mark: Guys?
Riker: It's okay because... It just is.
Mark: I'm afraid it's true what Riker said.

^one hour later^
Mark: If guys answer wrong this time, girls win. If not... Guys, breath?
^Guys wink to girls^
Laura: Ew...
Mark: Alright, category?
Ry: Love!
Mark: If a girl sends you a message of how much she loves you, is it always just because she wants to tell it?
Ross: No, sometimes a girl sends you one cause she has broken something ^looks at Laura^ or then had rough sex or made out with another guy.
Laura: I freaking broke your headphones once!
Ross: I meant my phone... You broke my headphones!?
Laura: I bought you new ones!
Ross: Well yeah...
Mark: Girls?
Stormie: Only for love.
Rydel: Yep.
Bea: Yeah!
Mark: Guys are right!
Girls, except Stormie: NOOOOO!

^Guys and girls are standing in two different lines. They have scarfs on their eyes. They all wear the same parfume so no one can know who are they kissing. Rydel, Stormie or Mark aren't with them^
Rydel: Okay, start!
^For first: Riker and Laura kiss, Ross and Lex kiss, Rocky and Sav kiss and Ryland and Bea kiss. Then all the couples kiss their love ones^
Ross: I kissed Laura!
Rocky: I kissed Lex!
Riker: A couple round... Cooool!
Ry: Wait, now we know who are we gonna kiss!
Bea: Ew no!

^later that night. They're still in the same room^
Laura: I can't believe I've kissed you all...
Ross: It was nice!
Lex: I kissed Ross for first and I know it cause I accidently touched his abs.
Sav: Same...
^everyone laughs^

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