Switzerland #2

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^They all in the lobby of their hotel. Lex is behind Rocky and Chelsea. Lex has coke in her hand^
Chels: ^holds Rocky's hand^ Babyyy, you're cute!
Rocky: Really? You too!
Chels: I've never been in love until you...
Rocky: Me neither....
^Laura looks Ross^
Lex: ^spills her coke on Chels's suitcase on porpuse^ Omg I'm so sorry!
Chels: Oh... God!
Lex: Sorryyy... ^holds a smile^
Chels: It's totally okay. ^smiles^ That could happen to everyone!
Lex: Yeeaaah...
Rocky: Let's go dry it, babe...
^Rocky and Chelsea take off. Girls go up to Lex^
Lex: I-I-I don't even know... I just got so mad when he said he has never been in love...
Sav: Oh god!
Lex: Girls, be honest... Do you think Chelsea is just great?
Girls: sdrefg... Welllllll...
Lex: Yeah.

^in Raura's hotel room. Laura's lying on their bed with Ross. They're just chatting^
Laura: I feel so weird we're gonna be parents...
Ross: Yeah.. ^smiles^ when we're gonna tell the others?
Laura: Tonight, I think... I mean, it's only fair.
Ross: I bet they won't congratsulate us...
Laura: They would if this wouldn't be an accident.
Ross: I keep thinking if we would still be fighting, all this wouldn't have happened.
Laura: In 9 months you'll have something you love more than anything in the whole world! This is a great thing, baby...
Ross: ^looks worried^ What if something happens? What if we won't get the baby? What if all the people I care will hate that baby.
Laura: Ross! Calm down. You saw what happened with Rocky and Alexa in lobby, right?
Ross: Hmm, yeah.
Laura: That could be us! But it won't be because, well...
Ross: I just wish everything will go fine...
Laura: It will, I pincky promise.  ^kisses Ross's cheek^ Ouch... Should you like shave or something?
Ross: ^smirks^ Yeah, but I just haven't had time.
Laura: Okay....
Ross: Come here, my princess... ^Ross rolls the left side of his body on Laura and kisses Laura's cheek twice^
Laura: I love you...
Ross: Love you too...
^Riker, Rocky, Lex and Chelsea come in Raura's room^
Rocky: So lovebirds! Waddup?
Chels: Whatca doing?
Laura: I really don't know...
Rocky: They're always like this...
Riker: Never ever come over for a night because these two ^points Raura^ do weird stuff!
Chels: Weird stuff like?....
Riker: Like romantic weird stuff.
Rocky: Romantic is a wrong word. Weird love stuff. Like, making out, s-....
Ross: Dude I think she got it!
Rocky: Eeeeee---...
Ross: Seriously...
Chels: Um I didn't got it, but Okay I won't. We'll just make out in my bed.
Ross: Oh Rocky! Well helloo!
Rocky: You're getting it back at me, aren't ya?
Ross: Aha!
Chels: There's nothing bad about making out! It's a natural thing. Netflix and chill is kinda bad...
Ross: I haven't even like tried Netflix and chill.
Rocky: What? Yes you have!
Ross: Like I haven't been like "Laur, netflix and chill??".
Rocky: Oooh!
Riker: I seriously shouldn't even get here! ^smirks^
Lex: I don't think Netflix and chill is bad. It's something we all do sometimes...
Chels: How so? You're single...
Lex: I used to date with your boyfriend. Like for over 2 years.
Chels: Rocky told me you went out for a couple of weeks and blamed that you have been friends for 6 months.
^Laura presses close to Ross and Ross hugs Laura tighter. Riker gets in their bed, next to Laura^
Lex: Rocky?? We've known each other from 2008!
Chels: What!?
Rocky: Uuuh....
Chels: Why did you lie to me!
Lex: Yeah!
Rocky: It's because I've such a long history with Alexa---...
Lex: Rocky! You've always called me "Lex" because "I like Lex better... Actually I love it." And it was when we were 14!
Rocky: well, it was when we were crushing on each other! What should I call you; Hun?
Lex: No! I understand you can't call me like sweetie but you still can call me Lex!
Chels: Please no...
Lex: Excuse me??
Chels: Um, yes. I don't think it's healthy to him to call you, his ex, with nicknames.
Lex: Oh really? You freakinf man stealer!
^Raura's dog Romeo starts barking^
Ross: Romeo!
Lex: No no, let him bark... Maybe he's just happy here's two other animals with him. I mean you Rocky and Chels, you're pigs.
Chels: OOOH!
Rocky: We're pigs!?
Lex: ^takes a soda out of Laura's back, shakes it, opens it and springs it on Chelsea^
Ross: Oh noo...
Riker: Shit!
Rocky: ^takes Ross's dirty underwear and throws them on Lex^ Don't act like a bitch, Lex!
Lex: EW! ^throws Ross's underwear to Laura^
Laura: Are these even dirty Rossy?
Ross: No....
Laura: Yeah, they smell clean. And colony...
Chels: Maybe we should get out of here. I don't think Laura, my bestie, wants us here to fight.
Lex: Laura's my best friend!!!!!!!
^they all look Laura^
Laura: Don't look at me... Ross...
^Ross presses his nose on Laura's cheek^
Lex: Let's get out of here... Let's never talk to each other again!
Chels: Works!
Rocky: S-sure...
Chels: Rocky agrees!
Lex: Y-yes h-he does...
^Rocklexa looks at each other but Then Chelsea pulls Rocky out of the room and Lex takes off too, pulling the door closed behind her^
Laura: Wellllll...
Ross: That wa-.... Wow...
Riker: Yep....
Laura: Um... What do you think of Chelsea??
Riker: I think this describes it; I talked with Dells awhile ago and she said, as you know, she loves everyone (!) but she's loosing it Chelsea.
Ross: Mmm!
Riker: You don't hate Bea, right?
Ross: Mmm, same!!!!
Riker: Great. ^smiles^
Laura: Yeah... We clearly can't say any of this to Rocky. I mean, he would just yell and bring up our relationships.
Ross: I don't want her to be around when my baby comes here!
^Laura's eyes get wide open, she looks shocked. Riker's face is shocked too^
Riker: Baby? Um, what baby? Is Laura pregnant? Are you pregnant!?
^silence follows Riker's questions. Laura sighs and let's Ross go. She stands up^
Riker: Oh my god.... No shit?
Ross: No shit?
Riker: How? When? Whyyy? What!?
Laura: Yeah, I'm pregnant...
Riker: WHAT!?
Ross: Shhh!
Riker: What...?
Laura: It was an accident! My pills didn't fill their work and well, this happened...
Riker: When!?
Ross: Yesterday... The night before we came here...
Riker: Oh my god.... Oh my go-.... YOU GONNA KEEP IT?
Laura: Riker, calm downnnnn!
Riker: OH MY GOD!
Ross: Shut up! Don't scream!!
Riker: Oh my god!! You're having a baby!?
Ross: Yes! We're keeping the baby!
Riker: Oh my!!
Laura: Riker please please please, don't tell a word to anyone alive!
Riker: WHY!?
Laura: Because we're gonna tell it tonight...
Riker: OH MY!!
Riker: Are-are you guys sure? Have you talked to mom???
Laura: We are sure.... ^walks next to Ross and Ross graps her by her waist^
Riker: You're gonna be parents... OH MY GOD!
Laura: Yeah, we are. ^smiles^ I'm actually pretty fine with this...
Ross: I was freaking out before yuo came in but then I saw Rocklexa and it made me realize what life really is about. ^smiles^
Riker: ^breathes out heavily and takes a minute^ Oookay... THIS IS HUGE GUYS!!!!
Laura: I know!
Ross: We're ready to this, I know it...
Laura: Come here, Rik!
^they group hug^
Ross: This is gonna be awesome!
Laura: Here we go again....

Raura storiesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora