World tour kick off

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^R5 on plane. Rocklexa has already made up the fight they had buuut Raura haven't. Laura's sitting next to Stormie and Ross is sitting next to Mark. They haven't talk for a week^
Stormie: Laura, will you two share a room in Argentina?
Laura: No. I don't wanna be a part of any fight anymore.
Stormie: Do you wanna sleep in my and Mark's room? He can sleep in Ross's.
Laura: ^smiles^ Aww, thanks.
Mark: Stormie, can you come here?
^Stormie goes to Mark and Ross^
Mark: I can't find my headphones so I thought you packed them somewhere here.
Ross: Mine are in Laura's backpack, I go get them.
^Ross raises up and goes to Laura^
Ross: ^sounds mad^ My headphones are in your backpack. Can you give them?
Laura: ^sounds mad^ Fine... ^search for Ross's headphones^ They're not here.
Ross: Where did you put them?
Laura: Oh wait! I took them out of my backpack before we left. They're on my night stand. Whoops! ^smiles annoyingly^
Ross: Really? Know that shirt that belongs to me and you have it as you sleep?
Laura: Yeah???
Ross: Give it back.
Laura: You know how much I love that shirt!
Ross: I also want my sweaters back.
Laura: I'll give those to you in the hotel.
^Ross goes back to his seat^

^in the hotel. Laura just gave Ross back his sweaters and shirt. She and Ross are fighting in Ross's room^
Ross: I'M SO TIRED OF FIGHTING! Can we just make up!?
Laura: Yeah, of course.-
Ross: Thank you.
Laura: - meaning lessly. I'm out of here.
^Laura goes to the door and opens it^
Ross: What's the point of us if we keep fighting? What's the point of this if we can't do anything anymore without having fight over it?
Laura: ^stares Ross with a sad face^ Maybe we should take a break...
Ross: How's food or walk gonna help us out of this?
Laura: ^takes a deep breath^ A break from us...
Ross: ^stares Laura and takes a deep breath^ wow...
Laura: I'm sorry...
^she takes off and closes the door. After a few minutes Mark comes into his and Ross's room and sees Ross lying on bed. Ross looks very sad^
Mark: I just saw Laura tearing up. Everything okay?
Ross: Yeah...
Mark: You look very sad...
Ross: Just thinking...
Mark: About what?
Ross: About me and Laura... It's not easy to say goodbye to someone special like her...
Mark: What do you mean?
Ross: We're on a break.
Mark: But you're Ross and Laura.
Ross: We were Ross and Laura... A great way to kick off tour once again.
Mark: Go talk to her.
Ross: I don't wanna start fighting again...
Mark: You're both misarble.
Ross: No thanks, dad...
Mark: Have you watched "Friends"?
Ross: Yeah, with Laura.
Mark: Have you went surfing lately?
Ross: The last time was when I taugh Laura.
Mark: Have you been in love lately?
Ross: Yeah, with Laur-a...
Mark: Go talk to her. She's in the lobby.
Ross: Thanks dad.

^Ross takes off. He goes into lift and goes to lobby. He sees Laura sitting on a couch reading some magazine. He goes sit next to her^
Ross: Hi...
Laura: Hey... Whatcha doing here?
Ross: I heard you were crying... It's boyfriend's job to make you feel better.
Laura: ^hugs Ross and he hugs her back^ I don't wanna ever lose you...
Ross: I don't wanna lose you either... You wanna- you wanna go to our room??
Laura: Yeah...
^They stop hugging and they walk into an elevator. They're holding hands. The elevotor lifts them up to their floor and Ross cares Laura like a bride. They go in front of their room and they start making out. He opens the door and he steps in^
Mark: Looks like you two made up! ^smiles^
Ross: ^doesn't stop making out^
Mark: I saw tongue there, so I'm gonna take my suitcase and go to your mom's room.
^Mark tooks off with his suitcase. He closes the door behind him. Raura fells onto their bed. Rossy takes his t-shirt off^

^after a few hours of making out. Laura fell asleep one hour ago and Ross's getting ready to R5's concert.
Ross: ^sings^ "My heart's lonely without you, my eyes only see you and me, stupid thinking about you, it's hard, hard, cause you make me feel good..."
^Laura wakes up^
Laura: ^sings^ "F.E.E.L.G.O.O.D yes I feel good kissing with you" ^smiles^
Ross: ^sings^ "F.E.E.L.G.O.O.D yes I get what you're saying"
^Laura smirks^

^after the concert and the dinner, in Raura's room. They're on the same bed watching TV^
Laura: By the way, it's okay you to flirt with other girls.
Ross: Aww... But you know what, I won't. You're the girl I'm only allowed to flirt with.
Laura: Chool!
^Riker and Bea walk in^
Riker: Yo guysssss!
Bea: Hey, do you guys wanna prank out "neighbors"?
Laura: Aha!
^Raura and Rea run outside of Raura's room. Ryvannah, Rydellington and Rocklexa are also in the hall^
Rydel: Okay, who wanna go to room 899 and ask for toilet paper? And if they give it, say "Um, sorry... I don't need toilet paper, but thank you." and then leave.
Ross: Meeee!
^every one cheers up for Ross. Ross walks in front of the door 899 and knocks the door. A skinny guy comes half naked answer the door^
Guy: Can I help you?
^Ross noticed girls on the bed also half naked^
Ross: Umm... ^tries not to make a gross face^ Can you- can you borrow me toilet paper? I-I-I used it all from my room...
Guy: ^does a gross face^ Okay....
^the guy goes to pick up the toilet paper and those girls comes to the door^
Girl 1: ^has a flirty face^ I couldn't notice hiw cute you are... Would you like to join us?
Ross: ^has a disordered face^ I've a girlfriend...
Girl 2: ^has a flirty face too^ Take her with you...
^the guy comes back with toilet paper^
Guy: Here...
Ross: Uh, I don't need toilet paper?
Guy: But you just- !?
Girl 1: Wait a minute, you're Ross! Oh my god.... ^freaks out^ ew, I can't believe I flirted with my little cousin!
^Ross's eyes get wide open^
Ross: Samantha...? ^almost bukes^ I really need to go!
^Ross closes the door fast and speed walks to others. He sits down to the floor^
Laura: Uh? What happened?
Ross: Samantha.... Flirting with me... Foursome... Fivesome.... Gross...
Rydel: Ross, talk clearly!
Ross: You go see!
^Rydel, Riker, Ry and Rocky go in front of the room 899 and Samantha opens the door^
Sam: ^has flirty smile on her face^ Oh mister polic-...
Rydel: ^notices Sam and the 2 other people^ OH MY EYEBALLS!!! ^runs out^
Sam: ^freaks out^ Riker!? Rocky!? RY!? WAS THAT DELLY!?
^They all have disordered smile on their faces^
Ry: It-it-it...
Sam: Oh god, I suddently noticed how naked I am! ^grabs a towel and covers her body with it^
^Ryland walks slowly away eyes wide open^
Riker: We- we-we... We-we really n-need to g-go...
Rocky: See you on July 4th....
^Riker slams the door closed and Riker and Rocky run to others^
Riker: Childhood ruined...
^Bea hugs Riker^
Bea: Ross told what happened there.
Riker: Bra... Undies.... Naked...
^Rocky sits down next to Ross^
Rocky: Can't meet her on July 4th at our family party......
^Alexa sits next to Rocky and side hugs him^
Lex: Babyyyy...
Ry: Our l-little c-cousin....
^Sav hugs Ry with sad face. Laura lifts Ross up and hugs him^
Rydel: ^hugs Ell^ my childhood best friend!
Ross: That's so gross!

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