Finland #2

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^R5 and their people, Petra, Oona, Kaisla, Noora, Saara, Sofia, Iida and Annika are on R5's tour bus. Rydel's giving the girls a tour^
Rydel: So here's our kitchen where we eat and cook. Here's also our TV and thee famous Raura chair-...
Ross: What the heck is a Raura chair?
Rydel: The place where you two always watch TV.
Ross: Oh...
Rydel: What did you think!? ^smirks^ Anyways, ^they walk to the bunk area^ here's our bunks. Order, from left to right, right to left. Mom's bunk, Laura's bunk, Rydel's bunk, Rocky's aka Rocklexa bunk, then there's Sav's bunk and Alexa's bunk. This left wall, Ross's bunk aka Raura bunk, Ryland's aka Ryvannah bunk, Ellington's aka Rydellington bunk.
Ross: Don't look into my bunk, it's very messy.
Laura: Whatcha hiding Shor? ^goes up to Ross's bunk and pulls open the curtains^ Book, book, my t-shirt, hey!-
Ross: I-I sleep with it when you aren't in my bunk.
Laura: Awww! Cute! ^smiles^ Your boxer... Ew-
Ross: Heyyy!
^everyone smirks^
Laura: My cover, his cover, my pillow, his pillow, Riker's iPad-
Riker: Ross!? ^laughs and takes the iPad from Laura^
Laura: Then here's my another shirt. Ryd?
Rydel: It's cute, yeah!
^throws the shirt to Rydel and gets down^
Ross: That shirt was my favorite!
Laura: Now it's Rydel's.
Ross: Rude.
Laura: Don't act like a baby...
Ross: I'm gonna hang out with those girls... ^gets in the middle of the fans^ Hug meh!
Oona: If you say so!
^the girls hug Ross^
Laura: ^takes a picture if it^ Cuuuuute!
Rydel: Let's continue this tour... ^they go to the end of the bus^ Here's around so called Party Place. We hang out here. There's the bathroom and hot tub. We spend the most of our time here.
Iida: I love your tour bus!
Ell: ^acts dramatic^ Stop the tour! I've a confession!
Rydel: ^smirks^ What now?
^Ell goes onto his knee in front of Petra with a ring pop^
Ell: ^acts like he's proposing Petra^ I've only knew your for a few hours, but I think I love you! Petra, will you make me the happiest man and ring pop marry me?
Petra: Yasss!!
^Ell puts Petra the ring pop in her ring finger^
Annika: Hddgfjfsjvdhjgt! Petraaa!!!
^Ell gets up^
Riker: We all have confessions!
Rocky: Yes!
Riker: ^acts like he's proposing^ Kaisla! In my entire life, I haven't met no one like you. You mean the world to me. ^gets down on to his knee^ Will you candy marry me?
Kaisla: Gdfjuthkih! Yassssss!!
^Riker puts the ring pop into Kaisla's ring finger^

^Ross proposed to Annika and Kristin, Rocky proposes to Iida, Ryland proposes to Oona and Noora and Riker proposes to Saara and Sofia^

Laura: They are so lucky...
Sav: I know...
Lex: I'm engaged to Ross tho. He asked me to marry him two months ago with a candy ring.
Laura: Ryland and I are married. We made a deal 3 years ago.
^Sav laughs^
Riker: Oh yeah, the backstage passes!
^he opens his suitcase and gives each girls their own passes^
Annika: Thank you so much Rikerrr!!!
Oona: We're so thankfulllll!!!!
Stormie: Hey, the concert starts in 3 hours. Should you girl go get ready?
Rydel: I'll make up you! ^smiles^
Petra: This the best day of my life for sure!!!!!!!
Kristin: ^whispers to Kaisla^ I wish Ross would kiss me like Riker did to you...
^Ross hears it and kisses them all onto cheeks^
Girls: DSFESFADFEFFSFGDDSSADSDF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ross: ^kisses Kristen one more time^ It was your dream, baby, I made it come true.
Laura: Isn't he a great kisser!? Only if I could get one... ^smiles^
^Ross kisses Laura onto lips^
Laura: Oh my gosh, I thought you're gonna kiss me onto cheek. Very nice surprise! ^smiles^
Ross: ^smirks^ Such a weird girl...
Kristin: TWO KISSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
^he kisses the girls onto cheeks one more time^
Rydel: You make them lose their minds! ^laughs^
Riker: I wanna try!!!
^Riker kisses the girl onto cheek too^
Annika: WHAT THEE ----!!!!!!???
Rocky: If everyone is....
^Rocky kisses the girls onto cheeks^
Girls: ^scream as loud as they can^ OMG OMG OMG!!!
Ell: I WANNA TOO!!!!
^also Ellington kisses them onto cheeks. Girls scream very very very very loud!^
Rydel: ^smiles^ Shared your kisses? Great. Make a line so I can make up you in the easier way. Hahaha!
Bea: Why they get kisses like that? I've to basically be like "You are so gorgeouss..." to get a kiss.
Laura: It's better than getting love attacks...

^at R5's concert. At the backstage^
Stormie: What's your favorite song from Sometime Last Night!? Sorry I'm yelling but the music is so loud!
Petra: It's alright! I can't choose my favorite! All of them!
Oona: Every single one if them!
Kaisla: Doctor, Doctor and Repeating Days are goals but I can't choose!
Laura: Can none of you choose? Cause if not, we're twinning so bad!
^everyone laughs^
Noora: We can't choose!
Lex: How you know each other tho!?
Iida: We have a group chat on Whatsapp!
Petra: Except, Annika and I are neighbors and best friends! Like, all of us but we're like in-the-real-life!
Bea: She's always like that.!
^everyone laughs^

^at their meet and greet. A girl comes to take a picture with R5^
Rydel: Hi sweetheart, what's your name?
Rosanie: I'm Rosanie and I'm serioysly in live with all of you! I just wanna say how thankful I am!
Riker: Hey, you're Rosanie? Are you one of the Basliplantsquad?
Rosanie: Omg Yasss!!!
Riker: Hey girls! Your buddy is here!!
^Noora, Iida, Annika, Petra, Saara, Kaisla, Oona and Sofia come up to them^
Annika: Oh my goodness! So great to see you!
^The girls group hugs^
Rosanie: I looked for you! ^smiles^ Where were you?
Oona: Um... We got lost in the growd!
Rosanie: There was seats. ^smirks^ Seriously where were you?
Rydel: They were hanging with us. Would you like to join us after M&G??
^girls smile and Rossnie screams^
Rosanie: OF COURSE!!!!
Ross: Let's take your pucture so we can go hanging out.

^After their M&G, outside^
Rosanie: Oh my goodness! What then happened?
Petra: He proposed me with a ring pop!
Rosanie: And you all are engaged now?
Ry: I'm not... ^goes onto his knee in front of Rosanie^ Baby, my love, I think you are mist gorgeous girl in the world... I wanna live happily ever after with you... Will you marry me?
Rosanie: DFHRHUJCNUV yassss!!!
Ry: Anyone got a candy ring? No? ^rips a crash out of the dirt and puts it over Rosanie's ring finger^
Ry: There!
^Ry gets up^
Rosanie: OH MY GOODNESSS!!!!!
Riker: We'd kiss you too but our fans will take pictures of it so...
Rosanie: Okay, you don't have to! ^smiles^ I'm so happy already!
Mark: Hey kiddos! We have to take off to LA!
Rocky: Watch our TV show!
Rydel: Thank you for an amazing day! ^smiles^
^fans cry^
Ross: Oh babes, don't cry... Tweet me and tell me about this.
^every R5 releated member hugs every fangirl^
Laura: We love you all!
Rydel: Bye bye girlies! I love youuu!
Riker: Meet you again soon! ^smiles^
Girls: Bye...
Ross: Babies, don't cry. I promise we're gonna meet again!
Mark: Guys, we're gonna miss our flight....
^R5 and the others get into their tour bus. Girls wave them and they all wave back as they drive away^
Petra: Best day ever...
Oona: I know right...
Annika: This is my best memory....
Saara: I can't believe I've hold hands with them all...
Kaisla: They've kissed us...
Iida: I'm so happy but also so sad...
Sofia: We should take off before we really really start crying. Where do you stay for over night?
Noora: We all stay in the hotel near sea.
Sofia: Oh my god, me too!
^girls smiles^
Kristen: This was a perfect day....
Annika: Never forget it....
All of them: Baaliplants forever...!

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