Rithany, Part 2

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^Bea just arrived to R5's tour bus. She is very happy and others are too. Expect, Riker who can't show his face to her. They are talking outside^
Bea: don't worry sweets, I'm okay. ^smiles^ Riker is cool.
Stormie: Just remember that you can stay here for those 3 days. ^smiles^ Riker is not a problem.
Bea:Aww, thank you.
Rydel: You are so cute, I just could eat you! ^smiles and hugs Bea for side^ You are so smiling personnnnn.
Bea: I'm glad we all can stay friends even mine and Riker's ways got a part.
Laura: Well, we have been friends last 17 years, so...
^Bea and Laura laugh^
Rydel: Let's have a girl's night!
Bea: Yeah!
Laura: Wohoo!
^girls smiles^
Bea: Stormie, you're invited too. ^smiles^ Aah, I wish we would have Lex, Lori and Sav here with us. They're so nice.
Rydel: This is why I love this chick so much! She loves everybody! ^smiles^
Stormie: Rydel, you gotta post this pic. ^takes her phone and takes a pic of Bea and Ryd smiling and hugging. ---- and writes a caption:
XOXOXO💗" and posts it to Insta^
Rydel: Hey, Laura come here too. Mommy?
^Laura comes for Rydel and Bea and Rydel outs her arm around them both. Stormie takes a pic of them. ---- and sends it to Rydel^
Rydel: ^takes a selfie with girls. Takes her arms around them^ ---- and writes a caption:
"3/6 of babe squad are here in D.C😍 We're looking forward to see you cuties this night!!!" and posts it to insta. ---- takes the photo what stormie sent her. --- and writes a caption:
"xoxo these gals💗they're the sweetest, funniest, loveliest, babest, sexiest, hottest, luckiest, nicest, kindest, cutest and most beautiful gals I've ever met!!! We miss you @/alexa_dowd ,
@/loricrow and @/sav_hudson who are also those adjectives above🌻" and posts it to Insta.^ Oh my... Riker commented.
Bea: What?
Rydel: "Beautiful girls😋😌😇" ^smiles^ awww!
Bea: ^smiles^ He's so sweet.
Laura: There was another one! "bea, ryd 'n' Lau: Da cutest gals alive😋"
Bea: I love that man! ^smiles^
Hopefully he comes out.
Ross: I need to go bathroom.
Laura: Bri-...
Ross: You come with me.
^Ross and Laura go inside to tour bus^
Ross: He loves her still.
Laura: Do you mean the movie we watched last night? Cuz yeah, Josh loves Chelsea still.
Ross: No, I meant, Riker loves Bea still.
Laura: No he doesn't.
Ross: Aha, why does he comments that and send me a message that says: "Oh god, she's so beautiful. Why did we broke uuuuppp"???
Laura: Oh my god... Oh my god... Ross!
Ross: We need to get them in a same room.
Laura: Today after concert we lock them into a closet and don't let them out before they've talked things clear.
Ross: Sure, but closets are our placessss...
Laura: ^gropes the bottons of Ross's shirt. They are very close of each other^ We can go to backstage... Or then we can go behind drums or then I can go inside your pants ^smirks^ or then we can do it now...
Ross: My dirty girl... ^smiles^ but I really want my kisses after our concert...
Laura: You'll get them...
^Raura kisses^
Ross:Why did we came here?
Laura: Uhh.... Rithany!
Ross: Schh!
Laura: I'm sorry...

^After R5's concert. They are walking away from the stage. Raura hugs and kisses^
Laura: You did amazinggg!!! ^smiles^ Nice vibes Ell!
Ell: ^smiles^ thanks bestie!
^Riker and Bea see each other^
Rydel, Rocky, Ell, Stormie, Mark and Ry: Gotta gooo!
^they go away^
Laura: Riker, come here with me.
^Laura graps Rik's arm and pulls him near a closet.^
Ross: So Bea, how are you?
Bea: I'm good. ^smiles^ My nana finally speaks some English.
Ross: ^smiles^ Good to know. So, you're a spanish?
Bea: Yes, but not full one.
Ross: Yeah, the compligated thing. How hard it's talking Spanish?
Bea: How hard it is talking English?
Ross: Well played.
Bea: Everything okay??
Ross: Absolutelly!

Laura: ^opens the door and pushes Riker in it.^ Yeah, my phone is somewhere there. Stay there!
Riker: Okay?
^Laura walks to Ross and Bea.^
Laura: Bea, I lost my sweater to that closet over there... and there is spiders so I can't go there. Can you get it for me?
Bea: Sure.
^Bea walks into the closet and Raura walks behind her. Bea goes into the closet and Laura locks the door^
Riker: Laura?
Bea: ^screams^ oh my godd!!!!
Riker: No, it's me.
Bea: Good... or no, I don't wanna see you.
Riker: Bea, let me talk to you.
Bea: No!
Riker: I still love you!
Bea: Why did you broke up with me then!?
Riker: Cuz I wasn't seen you for 3 weeks. I lost the whole picture of you.
Bea: Rik, I don't know...
Riker: Please? Please, let's try one more time.
Bea: I'm not actually even sure did we broke up...
Riker: It doesn't matter as long as I'm with you.

^after 40 minutes^
Ross: They've been silence for looong time.
Laura: Let go check is everything alright.
^Laura opens the door and sees Rithany making out. She closes the door^
Ross: What, what?
Laura: ^smiles^ Let's just say they finally made out.
Ross: ^smiles^ Aww...
Laura: Remember when we first made out?
Ross: Yeah, it was April 26th 2011 6:34 am in my old room.
Laura: ^hugs Ross^ Awwww! I love you!
Ross: ^hugs back^ and our first kiss was in your old home, in your room February 3rd 2011 5:57 pm.
Laura:I love you even more!
Ross: I love you too...

^in the morning. Raura and Rithany are only ones in the bus,others when to shopping. Ross and Laura are eating in the "kitchen" and suddently, Bea runs to them and takes Laura away^
Laura: Whhhaaaat? ^smiles^
Bea: We made out yesterday and in this morning.... ^screams^
Laura: ^has a big smile on her face^ You had "mhh-mhh" !?
Bea: Yessss!!!
^Girls scream^
Bea: Rik got so tired that he's sleeping nowwww. By the way, I'm sorry. We used a "plastic" of yours.
Laura:Ross and I haven't done it ever. How we c-... Oooooh! Rocky has put that there. ^laughs^ he always mess with us.
Bea: ^laughs^ Oh Rocky! I'm so glad we didn't broke up!
Laura: Me too!!!

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