New home, Part 1

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^R5 and Laura are in the living room^
Rydel: Isn't it hard to think that someday we'll not be like this. We all live in our own houses and just talk to each others on a phone.
Riker: ^smiles^ Yeah, that doesn't make any sense. Like, calling each of us that I'm ready in 5 hours so we can leave for the tour.
Rydel: Yeah. That's crazy. Like, can you even imagine it?
Laura: That sounds so weird.
Ell: But, y'know, if it is so hard to picture us living in our own houses, we could live together.
^everyone things for while^
Riker: Y'know Ell, that's not a bad idea at all... ^smiles^ That'd be so much easier, actually. We wouldn't be here with our mom ana dad.
Ross: A house cost pretty much.
Riker: I've almoust 40 000 dollars in a bank...
Rydel: ^smiles excitedly^ I've 40 500 dollars.
Rocky: Okay, sure. Let's tell how much money we have. ^laughs^ I've 40 300 dollars.
Ross: Do I've to...
Rydel: YES!
Ross: 90 900 dollars...
Everyone: WHOA!
Ell: I've 60 600 dollars.
Riker: Who tells to our mom and dad about our plans? This came kinda fast to us too.
Rocky: We all should tell.
Ell: I can tell all by my own to my parents.
^Rydel smiles and pets Ell's back^
Ross: How 'bout you, babe?
Rocky: Yeah, we'd love to live with you.
Laura: I've over 80 800 dollars.
Rydel: Omg, this is sooooo cool!

^in the afternoon. Stormie, Mark, R5 and Laura are at the dinning table^
Riker: So... We have great news.
Rydel: Don't freak out, we're not sure.
Ross: Okay, mom, dad, we are planning... We're planning moving out.
Rocky: ...To a bandhouse.
Mark: Wait what?
Stormie: Sweeties?
Rydel: We know this may come as a biiiiig surprise but... But... Actually, we all want it.
Ross: We thought that Laura could move with us too.
Riker: We all love that idea.
Mark: Guys, a house can cost over 800 000 dollars with a pool and a big yard.
Rydel: My friend May is realtor and I called her for interest and she said there's a house in LA what cost under 570 000 dollars with a pool and big yard. The house is pretty big too, but not too big.
Stormie: Do you have as much money as you need?
Rydel: Well we have 353 500 together with Laura's money in but we still need 216 500 dollars.
Stormie: Sweetheart, you all need 100 000 dollars to be left in a bank after you buy that house. You can't buy that house.
Ross: No those are in our credit cards.
Rocky: Dude, you have over 90 000 dollars on your card!!!???
Ross: temporarily...
Riker: So we have money for that house. We'd have over 400 000 dollars left after we buy that house.
Stormie: You wouldn't be poor...
Mark: Stormie, a word.
^Mark and Stormie go outside^
Stormie: Oh my gosh, they are really planning to move without us.
Mark: Honey, they need only 216 500 dollars to move. We should give those. They really want to move.
Stormie: They are my babies, Mark. I can't handle that they wouldn't be here. Or at least, if they are moving, we should buy the whole house.
Mark: Yeah... Are we letting them to move?
Stormie: It's hard but that's the right thing to do. I'm gonna miss them.
Mark: Me too...
^They go inside and they they sit to the table^
Mark: We are buying you that house...
Riker: ^says with excited voice^ What?
Rydel: Oh my gosh...
Stormie: Clock is only 1 pm. Let's go look at that bad boy. ^fakes a smiles^
Rydel: Sure, sure. I call May first.
^Rydel go to call May^
Stormie: Can believe you all are moving...
Rocky: I know, this came as a surprise to us, too.
Ross: don't worry mom, we will never forget you or this house. ^smiles^ We love you.
Stormie: Love you too...

^R5, Stormie, Mark, Laura and Ry went to see the house and they just offered money of the house^
May: I'm selling this house on next week's Friday so you guys are only ones who even offered something and the house is officially going off the lists on this week's Sunday. So, I can already say, I'm very happy for your new house.
^everyone smiles but Stormie fakes hers^
May: Actually, if you want I can take it off those right away. This house would be yours! ^smiles^
Rydel, Riker, Rocky and Ross: Deal!
May: Awesome!
^shakes hands with each of them^
Rydel: ^smiles^ Hi new home...
Riker: Can't believe you're buying this to us mom and dad... This came sooooo quickly. I'm seriously freaking out. Like, in the morning we just talked about this and now we have it! Aaah!
Mark: No problem, son.
Stormie: ^says with sad voice but smiles^ I'm glad you like this.
Ross: I gotta start packing!
May: So, this's THE house? Sure?
^everyone looks at each other^
Ross: ^smiles^ yeah, we're sure.
May: Great. So the people who has their money on this, follow me.
^Stormie, Mark and May go outside^
Rydel: ^takes a deep breath^ In 3 weeks we are living here. This all came too suddently.
Laura: I know!
Rydel: We need to start packing already! We have to go shopping! Couch, curtains, soups, pillows...
Rocky: Mommy said she will take care of those...
Riker: Just now I really realised how I'm gonna miss her.
Rydel: Same here...
Ross: She's so good hearted.

Two days after.
^They all are packing^
Ross: It's so hard to say good bye to this house. ^sits onto his bed^ I had my first kiss with you here, R5 released our first song here and after that it has been on fire... This is weird. ^smiles^ I never knew how much this old building means to me... Okay, okay. Now we will get a new room.
Laura: ^sits next to Ross^ Do you remember all those things what happend in this house?
Ross: The most happiest things...
^they hold each other's hands^
Laura: Here we are, packing to the new home... Never moving back into this house, again...
Ross: Yeah...
^they hug^
Laura: In about 2 and half weeks we all are hugging and crying... I love you Ross so much.
Ross: Love you too.
Laura: To be honest, I have never loved anybody so hard like you.
Ross: We both had awful 2-4 weeks relationsh-
Laura: No, not relationships. Going out thingy.
Ross: Sure. - back then. I'm glad we both were sad even tho we just started dating and little drunk,
^laura laughs^ we end up into the same bed...
Laura: I still remember that. ^smiles^ We were so young...
Ross: I know...
Laura: So many great memoriesss... ^cries little bit^ All the hugs, kisses, cooking, cries, laughs, make outs, showers, parties, even the fights...
Ross: Are you okay?
Laura: ^sniffs^ Yeah...
Ross: I can feel your tears on my back... ^hugs tighter^
Laura: Y'know, this house will be THE home to me. I've moved with my parents like 7 times and now the home where mom lives is wayyy to big and my dad's aparment's awful. I love this place.
Ross:I know...
Laura: We need to continue packing.

^In Rydel's room^
Rydel: Y'know. I can't do this!
Ell: What's the prob?
Rydel: Memories... Our very first kiss AND fight.... ^laughs lil bit^ I'm gonna miss this place so much as a home...
Ell: The home...
Rydel: ^smiles^ yeah...

^in Marmie's room^
Mark: Remember when Ross ran around his room and suddently he fainted right to the place where he had his first kiss with Laura.
Mark: Yeah.
Stormie: I'm gonna miss all those fights what Raura had. I'm gonna miss all my babies.
Mark: I'm gonna miss them too but they are only moving 62.1 miles away.
Stormie: That's too much! What was the street again?
Mark: 67th Hollywood street.
Stormie: why we bought that hoooouse!?
Mark: Cuz we want our children to be happy. ^smiles^
Stormie: Yeah...

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