Milan Italy

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^R5 has arrived to their hotel. This time they all have same hotel room. It's huge^
Stormie: I like this. ^smiles^ This is actually much more better than 10 different hotel rooms.
Ross: I don't know do I like this...
Mark: Alright, rules. No kissing too late, no giggling, eyes on girls, no sex,-
Riker: Dad!?
Ross: What!?
Mark: I'm not intrested to see how you do it.
Ross: I freaking wanna do her!
Riker: But Dad!!
Ross: I'm gonna do her!
Riker: I'm gonna do Bea too!!
Mark: Not in this room.
Ross: Shit, dad! No sex? What's the fun?
Mark: Geez guys... Alright, no making out with the sound, eyes on Ross The Tongue, no nudity!, no boxers or bras on the floor.
Ross: I'm gonna dieeeeee!
Stormie: Sweetheart, we're only here for 3 days.
Ross: 3 days without sex!?!?
Rocky: Whoa! 3 days!?
Laura: Babe, calm your shit...
Ross: But babeee...
Mark: Whatever, no sex. Quoting is okay, making out-- okayyy, dirty talk--- dirty whispering.

^first night^
Riker: ^whispers^ god damn you're gorgeous...
Bea: ^whispers^ Ooooh, noo...
^Rea makes out^

^Rydellington's making out, so is Rocklexa^

Ross: Babe, I'm sorry we can't make out...
Laura: Shor, seriously... It's not that he told not to have freaking sex, it's a bad thing.
Ross: No, I mean it. Milan's not fun.
Laura: You lost your virginity like 7 days ago. What's the rush? Do you looooove it?
Ross: No... Everyone sleeps with someone, some people with different girls every night, but I've gotten a girl that won't take off before I wake up...--- ^Laura kisses Ross and it ends up making out^
Ross: Oh yeaaah...
^they continue making out^

^in the morning. Mark got everyone together^
Mark: I hate to be the person who stops your love, but no one makes out at night, sorry!
Ross: Dad!! No sex, no making out!?
Rydel: You're such a sex addict.
Riker:Hell yeah! I'm too!
Rydel: Gross...
Ross: Lose it up a little bit, dad. Seriously, I think I'm gonna kill myself.
Stormie: Markyyyy, let them love... ^smiles^
Mark: Alright, but Romeo will sleep with Ross and Laura or in the bathroom.
^Laura lifts Romeo up to her arms^
Laura: ^baby talks^ Romeooo! Ooh! Romeoo! Where are you my Romeo! ^grinds^
Stormie: Dave's gonna pick us up to his ferry in a minute. Get ready, sweets.
Bea: Who's Dave?
Laura: Dave Hamingtons or Dave Rivar?
Stormie: H.... I know he has done bad things...
Bea: Bad things?
Laura: Does drugs, smokes, drinks scotch every single day from 8 in the morning to 4 in the morning, has like 4 girlfriends aaaand has foursome with them.
Ross: Basically all of the things he has done.

^on Dave's ferry. His girls are on there too. Laura's watching the views while Ross is talking with Dave^
Dave: Rooooss, c'mon! "Laura would get mad..."!? Where's the fun 18 years old Ross Jersey Shor!? Take some whiskey and smoke this!
Ross: It's not weed? It's just cigarette?
Dave: That's the dude I've got to known!
^Dave gives Ross a cigarette and he fires it. He puts in his mouth and pulls puffs^
Ross: ^coughs^ Not that bad tho...
Dave: Hey son, sorry, it's weed...
Ross: WHAT!?
Dave: Hahaha! Got yaaa!!!
Ross: ^laughs and pulls a puff^ After I've smoken this, gimme another one.
Dave: Take some scotch between them and take Angela from there!
Ross: Angela means Laura, apperantly.
Dave: Haa dude!
^Lex comes to them^
Lex: Ross! A cigarette!?
Ross: Do not tell Laura.
Lex: Shut down it...
Ross: You taste one!
Lex: Dave?
^Dave gives Lex one and she pulls a puff^
Lex: Oh dear god...
^Laura comes to them and only sees Lex with the cigarette. Ross shuts his cigarette down and throws it over the board^
Laura: Alexa Michaela Dowd! A cigarette!? Don't you know what that does to your body!?!? Rocky won't kiss you, or atleast I wouldn't. Gross Lex!
Ross: Heyyy! ^smiles nervously^
Laura: Heyyy youu! ^smiles^ come there.
^Raura goes to other side of the board. Laura has her arms around Ross's neck and Ross has his hands on Laura's hips^
Laura: I'm glad you didn't smoke. That's so gross!
^Ross nods and breaths very lightly^
Laura: Did he try to give you one?
^Ross nods^
Laura: Okay, I haven't got my kiss...
^puts her lips up^
Ross: ^turns his head away from Laura^ Nooo...
Laura: Yaaasss...
Ross: Nah...
Laura: Lynch?
^Ross turns his head back to Laura^
Laura: I'll give you anything for breathing at me right now!
Ross: Noh...
^Laura smells the cigarette. They let each other go^
Laura: Ross Shor Lynch!? You've fucking smoked!!!
Ross: I pulled like 4 puffs...
Laura: Ross whyy?
Ross: Dave got me over talked and I tried. I'm sorry.
Laura: Ross, ew. You stink so bad I've to go... Gross...
^Laura takes off and Dave comes to Ross^
Ross: I shouldn't do this, but gimme a cigarette.
^Dave gives Ross a cigarette and Ross fires it up. She smokes it^
Ross: ^has the cigarette in his mouth^ We're gonna film our first R5 TV tomorrow after like 2 years. I wish she's not mad at me then.
Dave: You shouldn't smoke that, y'know.
Ross: Screw this, I'm smoking this.
^Laura comes back^
Laura: Ew Ross!
Ross: Hiii...
Laura: I was about to come and apologize to you but I don't think I've reason to.
Ross: ^threws the cigarette over the board^ I'm sorry...
Laura: I can't kiss you but I can hug you if I breath through my mouth.
^Ross and Laura hug^
Laura: ^kisses Ross chest^ I'm sorry too.
Ross: I'm more than you.--- Know what?
Laura: What?
^Ross threws Laura on his shoulder and runs around the boat. Laura giggles and screams^
Laura: ROOOSS!!
^Ross kisses Laura's ass^
Laura: Eew Roooss! ^laughs^ You're g-ross!
Ross: Rocky taught you that!
^stops and puts Laura down. They kiss passionately^
Laura: Even tho you stink, I can't stand not kissing those soft baby lips.
Ross: Baby lips? ^smirks^
Laura: ^smiles^ Yeeaah... They're almost as soft as Romeo is.
Ross: You're so cool! And I promise I won't smoke ever again.
Laura: Thank you. Come here!
^they hug^

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